吉備中央町での戦伝説に登場する戦争と城等 Battle field Etc. related to the Battles in kibityuuou-tyou

Aoki-Jinjya 青樹神社:青樹大明神と言い、竹部天神社の境外の末社です。竹部青樹264番地 北緯34度51分46秒東経133度49分25秒に建ちます。Please refer to 青樹神社 and 竹部-天神社 The gods who enshrined in Aoki-jinjya/shrine or Aoki-jinjya itself are called Aoki-dai-myoujin    Aaoki-jinjya which built on Takebe-Aoki642, is a subordinate shrine of Ten-jinjya 

Azae-jyou 呰部城:呰部には城山が3城あります。Three castles were in Azae    Bittyuu-Maruyama-jyou 備中丸山城下呰部 北緯34度58分47秒東経133度37分59秒  高釣部城:上呰部 北緯34度59分24秒 東経133度37分18秒     双内城:上呰部 北緯34度59分37秒東経 133度36分40秒 ttps://ameblo.jp/inaba-houki-castle/entry-12394643172.htm」https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/okayama/?c=maniwahttps://www.navitime.co.jp/category/0705006/33214045000

Aduti-jyou 安土城:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/安土城

Amatu-jinjya 天津神社:小森岑田1012番地 北緯34度55分13秒東経133度48分54秒 Please refer to 天津神社 久保田神社 and 百坂城

Amahakari-jnjya/shrine 天計神社・Ookati-guu/shrine大勝宮:豊岡下大勝2664番地 北緯34度55分31秒東経133度度46分30秒    Please refer to 天計神社 and 八幡宮の七人御崎

Arahirayama-jyou 備中荒平山城:岡山県総社市 北緯34度41分54秒東経 133度42分57秒 備中兵乱時の城主は 川西三郎左右衛門之秀です。川西氏は 三村家親とも 利方経山城中島大炊助元行と も親戚でしたが、突然毛利の一隊に 攻め掛られ、由佐左京進秀武を 頼って讃岐に逃れました。The lord of Arahirayama-jyou castle was Korehide Saburou-za-uemon Kawanisi    Arahirayama-jyou was attacked by Mouri armyhttps://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bicchu/arahirayama-jyo

Arita-jyou 有田城・Myouga-maru-jyou 茗荷丸城:広島県山県郡北広島町有田 北緯34度40分17秒東経132度31分46秒 有田城の城主は 有田氏です。銀山城武田元繁が 大内義興に反旗を翻すと 有田氏は武田氏に従いました。 足利義稙Asikaga-Yositaneを 将軍に付けるため 大内義興の命を受けた 毛利元就(初陣)によって 有田城は落とされました。永生13年(1516年)武田氏は  足利義晴 を将軍に擁立しようとしていた 尼子経久の助けを借りて  有田城奪還を試みましたが、戦勝に気良くし 深追いしたために 有田合戦に敗れ 武田元重(元繁)は 戦死し 有田氏は落ちぶれました。The lord of Arita-jyou/castle was Arita clan     When Motosige Takeda revolted against Yosioki Oouti,  Arita clan followed Takeda clan    Motonari Mouri captured Arita-jyou under order of Yosioki Oout    Motosige Takeda tried to regain Arita-jyou with support of Tunehisa Amago, but he was killed during Arita-gassen, and Arita clan  reduced to poverty after that   Arita-jyou was captured by Motonari Mouri https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/aki/arita-jyo

Andou-Yasiki 安藤屋敷:湯山 北緯34度51分8秒 東経133度44分22秒   Andou-yasiki was the residence of Tarou-Jirou Iga   Please refer for 吉備中央町の山城 小谷城

Iinoyama-jyou 飯ノ山城・飯山城:福沢と有漢の境 北緯34度56分23秒東経133度43分8秒  伊賀三郎五郎が城主でしたが、上加茂合戦のおりに 毛利輝元に奪われ 山県三郎兵衛が 城主となりました。The lord of Iinoyama-jyou/castle was Saburou-gorou Iga, but Terumoto Mouri captured the castle, Saburou-bei Yamagata became the lord during Kamigamo-gassen   Please referto 吉備中央町の山城 飯ノ山城 and 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

Iga no hen 伊賀の変:第2代鎌倉幕府の執権北条義時が死ぬと 伊賀光宗伊賀の方(光宗の妹・源義時の後妻・継室)が 伊賀の方の実子である 政村を執権に就かせ 娘婿である 一条実雅を 将軍職に就かせようと 画策した事件ですが、亡き 源頼朝の妻の北条政子に 悟られ 未然に防がれました伊賀氏の変 - Wikipedia Iga-no-hen/incident was political affairs of great moment that Mitumune Iga and Iga-no-kata who was the sister of Mitumune,  planed to make Masamura who was a son of Iga-no-kata, the next Sikken "regent" and made Sanemasa Itijyou who was husband of the daughter of Iga-no-kata, shougun "the general" when Yositoki Houjyou who was the regent of Kamakura shogunate, was dead, but this plan was detected by Masako Houjyou and was prevented before happens.

Ikuno-ginzan 生野銀山:朝来市生野町小野 北緯35度10分18秒東経134度秒   大同2年(807年)の開坑とされます。天文11年(1542年)、但馬国守護大名の山名祐豊が本格的に採掘し始めました。 It is said that Ikuno-Ginzan/silver mine was developed in 807   Yamana-Suketoyo began to mine in earnest. https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/生野銀山

Ikeda-jinjya 池田神社:総社市槇谷身延734番地 北緯34度44分597秒東経133度42分53秒

https://www.genbu.net/data/bicchuu/ikeda_title.htm  Please refer to 馬越城 

Isiyama-Hongan-ji 石山本願寺:摂津国東成郡生玉荘大坂 北緯34度41分4秒東経135度31分28秒    Nobunaga Oda fought a bloodstained fierce battle against Ikou-syuu “Jodo- Shinshu/new sect” of various places for 11 years “from1570 to1580” As the head temple was Hongan-ji/temple which was built on Isi-yama/mountain, a series of these battles against Ikou-syuu was called Isiyama-Honganji-sensou/war or Ikou-ikki “Jyoudo Shinsyuu Buddhist uprising” 


Itiba-koukaidou/public hall 市場公会堂:岡山市北区御津虎倉 北緯34度44分49秒東きょう133度42分56秒  Please refer to 馬越城

Itukusima no tatakai 厳島の戦い:天文24年10月1日(1555年10月16日)に 安芸国厳島毛利元就と 陶晴賢とが 戦った合戦https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/厳島の戦い」    宮尾城(廿日市市宮島町要害山、北緯34度18分2秒東経132度19分20秒)の陶方の裏切り者の 己斐直之 坪井元政を討つため 陶晴賢は 厳島に出撃し、厳島神社近くの塔の岡豊国神社の近く)を本陣に 宮尾城を包囲し 攻撃しました。毛利軍は 厳島の対岸に集結し 伊予の村上武吉村上通康村上水軍の援軍得て 嵐を味方に急襲すると 油断を付かれた唐軍は 争って逃げ出し、晴賢は逃げ場を失い 自刃しました。厳島神社は 血に染まりました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/厳島の戦い」     Itukusima-no-tatakai/war was the war between Motonari Mouri and Harukata Sue in 1555    Harukata  lost his escape route, and killed himself  by his sword

Iwami-gin-zan 石見銀山:大森銀山 佐摩銀山 島根県大田市大森 仁摩町 温泉津町 Sahimeyama-jinjya 佐毘売山神社(北緯35度5分57秒東経132度25分54秒)   岩見銀山は 日本最大の銀鉱山で、最盛期には 世界の銀生産の1/3近くを産出したので 世界遺産に登録されました。天文6年(1537年)に 尼子経久が 岩見銀山を奪うと、2年後に 大内義孝が 奪い返し、更に 2年後に尼子氏が奪い返しました。義孝が死に 毛利元就が台頭すると、元就と尼子晴久が 岩見銀山を取り合いました。晴久が死亡すると、尼子義久は「銀山不干渉」を申し出、最終的に 毛利元就の物となりました。毛利輝元が 豊臣秀吉に屈すると、石見銀山の銀は秀吉の物となり 朝鮮出兵の軍資金に流用しました。慶長年(1600年)関ケ原の戦い以降は 毛利輝元と徳川家康とで折半しました。現在は銀は枯渇しています。 Iwami silver mine was scrambled between Tunehisa Amago and Yositaka Oouti, and  thereafter Motonari Mouri and Haruhisa Amago It became Motonari Mouri's possessions eventualbly after 1600    he silver had been depleted now https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/石見銀山

Iwaya-jyou no tatakai 岩屋城の戦い:福岡県太宰府市浦城  北緯33度31分33秒東経133度31分13秒9  1586年(天正14年)九州制覇を目指す薩摩の島津義久の家老の島津忠長が、大友宗麟の家臣の高橋紹運が籠城する岩屋城を落としました。紹運は割腹し、城兵375人は全員 戦死あるいは自決しました。島津氏の被害も激しく、九州制覇の野望を断たれました。Tadanaga Simaz captured the Iwaya castle by storm The 763 soldiers including Jyouun Takahasi "Sourin Ootomo’s side" were besieged    The 376 soldiers was killed or killed themselves Shimazu clan's damage was also severe, and his ambition to conquer Kyushu was broken off https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/岩屋城の戦い

Ueno 上野:上野 北緯34度51分8秒東経133度46分55秒付近一帯    Ueno became a battlefield during Kamigamogassen    Many Mouri's soldier who run about trying to escape after the terrible beating , were killed in Ueno    Sennin-duka "memorial tower of the many victims " are standing on Hiraokat    Please referto 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

Usui-dani 臼井谷Usu-tani ウス谷:上加茂 北緯34度50分5秒東経133度47分23秒付近  Usui-dani/valley was a battle field during Kamigamo-gassen/battle in 1580     Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

Ukan 有漢:有漢 北緯34度53分44秒東経133度39分39秒秒付近一帯で、高梁市に属します。烏飼 宇甘の転訛とされます。烏飼部があったのでしょう。飯ノ山城 等が 建ちます。虎倉合戦では毛利方に占領されました Iinoyama-jyou/castle was on Ukan    Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦 and 飯ノ山城

Utinomaki-jyou 内ヶ巻城:小千谷市大字川井字城ノ外 北緯37度14分44秒東経138度50分20秒 新田義顕の一族の田中大炊介源義房の居城 田中義房は元弘の乱に参戦しました。 Minamoto-no-Yosihusa  Ooin-no-suke Tanaka was the lord of  Utinomaki-jyou/castle, entered Genkou-no-ran/war as follower of Yosikane Nitta who was 1st son of Yosisada Nitta https://www.city.ojiya.niigata.jp/soshiki/shogai/uchigamakijoato.html

Utui-yakata 上村宇津井館跡・Goukura-Yasiki 郷倉屋敷:地蔵ガ鼻の北東 北緯34度50分33秒東経133度40分40秒を地元の人は有能屋敷Urinou-yasikiと呼んでいます。上竹郷倉屋敷4385・4386番地

Settu-Eguti-jyou no tsatakai/war 摂津江口城の戦い:東淀川区旧江口村(大阪府大阪市東淀川区大桐4番地) 北緯34度44分60秒東経135度33分3秒で行われた天文18年(1549年)6月12日から6月24日に渡る三好長慶軍と同族の三好政長(宗三)との戦い。24日援軍の六角義賢軍が江口城に至る直前に東西から長慶と十河一存が江口城の政長を急襲し、政長 高畠長直 平井新左衛門 田井源介 波々伯部左衛門尉ら800人程を討取りました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/江口の戦い」 Eguti-jyou-no-tatakai/war is the battle between Nagayoshi Miyosi’s army and Masanaga Miyosih’s army “they belong the same family”, from June 12 to June 24, 1549   Just before the Yosikata Rokkaku’s army-reinforcement reached Eguti-jyou/castle, Nagayoshi Miyosi and Kazumasa Sogo swooped on Masanaga Miyosi in Eguti-jyou from east and west, and killed about 800 soldiers including Masanaga, Naganao Takabatake, Sin-zaemon Hirai, Gensuke Tanoi, Sa-emon-no-juou Houkabe etc.

Eda-jyou 江田城:豊岡下 北緯34度54分60秒東経133度46分40秒 常江田城の支城 Eda-jyou/castle was a branch castle of Tuneeda-jyou    Please refer to 江田城 and 常江田城 

Enmyouji-jyou 円明寺城:安芸高田市向原町長田 北緯34度29分18秒東経132度40分27秒

Enya-jyou 塩谷城・塩屋城:安芸高田市甲田町上小原 北緯3438分秒42秒東経


Ookoge-Koujin 大高下荒神:高谷大高下 北緯34度51分31秒東経133度45分55秒    Hagi-/slop became a battle field during Kamigamo-gassen/battle   Rokurou-uemon Kawara who was a betrayer from Iga side and shown the way in Iga's territory by leading,  took up a position for retreat after crushing defeat in Kamigamo-gassen battle    Then the horse of  Saburou-uemon Doi who was  wanting an achievement, ran away into the small shrine on Hagi-saka   Rokurou-uemon killed Saburou-uemon Doi  Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

Oosaka-jyou 大阪城:大阪城公園 北緯34度41分15秒東経135度31分33秒    Oosaka-jyou/castle was built by Hideyosi Toyotomi who unified the whole country in japan

Iyo-OOsu-jyou 伊予大洲城・大津城:愛媛県大洲市大洲 北緯33度30分34秒東経

132度32分28秒   The lord of Oosu-jyou/castle was Toyohusa Utunomiya, who had no son, Utunomiya family adopted Muneyasu Utunomiya as the son    Muneyasu was capitulated by Motonari Mouri durind later Eiroku era https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/大洲城

Ootani-jyou 大谷城:島根県益田市久々茂町 北緯34度40分33秒・東経131度52分38秒    Ootani-jyou/castle was built by Kanetaka Masuda   Masuda clan made Tokiaki Ootani enter in the castle as Jitou    Kanemitu Ootani became the lordhttps://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/iwami/ohtani-jyo

Oote-jyou 大手城:下加茂谷口橋の北西西 北緯34度51分7秒東経133度48分1秒 別に常江田城を大手城と呼ぶ事があります。 Oote-jyou/castle was a branch castle of Nabetani-jyou  The another name for Tuneeda-jyo is Oote-jyou    Please refer to 大手城 鍋谷城 anf 鍋山城

Ooharajyou 大原城:下竹荘黒土土生 北緯34度51分24秒東経133度43分47秒  Oohara-jyou/ csastle was built by Mitumasa Izumi-no-kami Iga   The most famous lord of the castle was Souemon Koubara     Please refer to 大原城 土生山城 伊賀久隆の戦い-上加茂合戦 and 小谷城

Oo-Terahata-jyou 大寺畑城:真庭市久世 北緯35度5分48秒東経133度44分14秒    Hyougo Maki and Kanbei Maki “his father” served Sadahisa Miura “the lord of Takada-jyou, and attacked & captured Makiyama-jyou when Hisataka Iga “the lord of Kokura-jyou was based in Makiyama-jyou in 1575    The castle was attacked and captured by Motoharu Kikawa ”Mouri clan” Tikatugu Ebara exited to Sasabuku-jyou after evacuation of Terabatake-jyou 


Oohira-yama/mountain 大平山:有漢と豊野の境 北緯34度53分56秒経133度42分分25秒   The soldiers of a part of Mouri force who was suffer a crushing defeat during Kamigamo-gassen/battle,  was hotly pursued by Iga's soldiers, and would go away to Yottuaze-jyou over Oohirayama/mountain, set fire to Tempuku-ji/temple and escaped by the light  Please refer to

 天福寺 and上加茂合戦 https://www.town.kibichuo.lg.jp/site/kanko/59.html

Oomisima-daimyoujin 大三島大明神・Ooyamadumi-jinjya 大山祇神社:愛媛県今治市大三島町宮浦 北緯34度14分52秒東経133度0分21秒  Please refer to 大和山城 日本総鎮守 予州 三島大明神(Mishima Myōjin) (chiyorozu.info)

Okayama-jyou 岡山城・U-jyou 烏城・Kin-U-jyou金烏城:岡山市北区北緯34度39分55秒・東経133度56分10秒   The most famous lord of Okayama-jyou castle was Naoie Ukita whose the most influential vassal was Hisataka Iga  Naoie killed Hisataka with toxin just before Naoie's death by Sirihasu-cancer https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/岡山城

Okehazama no tataka 桶狭間の戦い:永禄3年5月19日(1560年6月12日)に尾張国桶狭間で行われた戦いで、2万5千の駿河の今川義元今川氏真親子軍を織田信長の少数の軍勢で強襲し今川義元を討ち取り今川軍を退却させました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/桶狭間の戦い   Okehazama-no-tatakai/war was a war on Okehazama between Yosimoto Imagawa "25000 Suruga province soldiers, but about 5ooo soldiers practically" and Nobunaga Oda "about 5000 Owari province soldiers", Yosimoto was killed by Yosikatu Mouri who was Nobunaga's side

Harima-Ojio-jyou 播磨塩置城:姫路市夢前町宮置 北緯34度55分22秒東経134度40分52秒    The lords of Ojio-jyou/castle were Masanori Akamatu, Yosimura, Harumasa, Yosisuke and Norihusa https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/桶狭間の戦い

Kudokusan-Oomura-ji 功徳山大村寺:大村公会堂の約400m北方上竹谷口 5600番地 北緯34度50分5秒東経133度39分37秒に大村寺は建ちます。奈良時代は法相宗(ほっそうしゅう)でしたが、現在は天台宗延暦寺末が宗派で本尊は薬師如来です。The bonzes of Oomura-ji built Zin-yama-no-Kubiduka  Please refer to 地蔵鼻砦-陣山の首塚 大村寺 and https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/大村寺」 

Osi-bara-kuzure 忍原崩れ:島根県大田市川合町忍原 北緯35度7分44秒東経132度30分36秒付近  弘治2年(1556年)あるいは永禄元年(1558年)に毛利軍が尼子軍に大敗北を喫した戦いで新原崩れUsibara-kuzureの異称が有ります。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/忍原崩れ Odsi-hara-no-tatakai/war was a war between Motonari Mouri and Haruhisa Amago at Osi-bara in 1556     Motonari suffered a crushing defeat called Osi-hara-kuzue or Usibara-kuzure     Motoharu gained Iwami-silver mine and Yamabuki-jyou/castle by this victory


Houki-Otaka-jyou 伯耆尾高城:米子市尾高 北緯35度25分18秒東経133度24分39秒 Otaka-jyou castle was scrambled between Amago clan and Mouri clan during period extending from 1524 to 1580 Mouri clan get the castle eventually, and the castle was closed in 1601 

Otani-jyou 小谷城:三谷陰地 北緯34度54分36秒東経133度47分57秒と推測する小谷山の頂上  Otani-jyou was the branch castle of Komori-jyou     Please refer to 小谷城 小森城 and 三谷城

Mihara-Osutakaysma-jyou 三原雄高山城・Niitakayama-jyou 新高山城:広島県三原市本郷町 北緯34度25分13秒東経132度58分32秒 Takayama-jyou/castle of  Numata-Kobayakawa clan, was built on the shore of Numata-gawa/river, Takakage Kobayakawa who took over as the head of Numata-Kobayakawa family, built Nii-takayama-jyou on the the opposite shore    He built Mihara-jyou by reusing with building materials including the stone wall of Nii-Takayama-jyou, and moved to Mihara-jyou in 1596https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/新高山城

Odawara-jyou 小田原城・Komine-jyou小峰・小峰城・KOmine-jyou小峯城・Kobayakawa-jyou 小早川城:神奈川県小田原市城内6-1番地  北緯35度15分4秒東経139度9分12秒 Odawara-jyou/castle is famous that Souun Houjyou "go-houjyou clan" lived in   It was rebuilt to an impregnable fortress by Ujiyasu Houjyou "3rd head" , and  withstood the attacks by Kensin Uesugi and Singen Takeda    In 1590, Hideyosi Toyotomi attacked this castle "Houjyou-seibatu/subjugation ", Ujinao Houjyou "5th head" capitulated, and the territory and the castle became Ieyasu Tokugawa's possession 


Kagamiyama-jyou 鏡山城:東広島市西条町御園宇 北緯34度24分13秒東経132度43分38秒  Masahiro Oouti who was the lord of Kagamiyama-jyou/castle battled against Toyomoto Mouri, Nobukata Takeda and Hirohira Kobayakawa during Ounin-no-ran war in1467    Motonari Mouri "Tunehisa Amago's side" attacked the castle, Husanobu Kurata suicided    Yosioki Oouti got the castle back, but he built Tutiyama-jyou and moved to Tutiyama-jyou  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/鏡山城の戦い

Nariwa-Kakusyu-jyou 成羽鶴首城跡・後のNariwa-jyou 成羽城:岡山県高梁市成羽町下原 北緯34度46分33秒東経133度32分9秒    Kakusyu-jyou/castle was built by Hidekiyo Sirou Kawamura     The lord of the castle were Ietika Mimura (1533)Tikasige 親成 Mimura (Ietika and Mototika moved to Matuyama-jyou  Tikasige 親成 who was a brother of Ietika, in 1561 ), Tikasige 親重 and  the son ”Tikanori” (Tikasige 親重 was 2nd son of Tikasige 親成 Tikasige 親成 and Tikanori  left from Mototika Mimura  who was the lord of Matuyama-jyou, and joined to Mouri side  during Bittyuu-heiran/war in 1574), Tikasige Mimura (1575),  and Takakage Kobayakawa who was 3ed son of Motonari Mouri who captured Matuyama-jyouhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/鶴首城

Kazai-jinjya 加財神社:高富6647番地 北緯34度55分12秒東経133度48分54秒 please refer t9 吉備中央町の神社 稲荷神社 

Kasaoki-jyou-yama no tatakai 笠置山城の戦い:笠置山城 相楽郡笠置町笠 北緯34度45分17秒東経135度56分32秒 The Kasaokiyama-no tatakai/war was performed between Go-Daigo tennou/emperor and Kamakura-bakuhu/Shogunate in 1331   The castle was captured by  Shogunate side

Kasio-jyou 柏尾城:上田東柏尾 北緯34度53分59秒東経133度48分1秒    Please refer to 柏尾城 and 上加茂合戦

Aki-Kasirazaki-jyou 安芸頭崎城:東広島市高屋町貞重頭崎山 北緯34度28分46秒東経132度49分23秒   When Kagamiyama-jyou/castle was captured by Tunehusa Amago and Motonari Mouru armies, Hiroyasu Hiraga built Kasirazaki-jyou in 1523 and made Okisada who was a son of Hiroyasu, the lord of the castle   But Okisada took Amago side, and defied his father family   Yositaka Oouti ordered Motonari to attack Kasirazaki-jyou  in 1540    Takamune Hiraga who was Oouti side, succeed to Kasirazaki jou in1949, but he was dead during Kannabe-gassen/battle   After this, Takayasu Hiraga became the lord    when Yositaka Oouti was killed by Takahusa Sue in 1551, Motonati Mouri attacked Takayasu Hiraga and made Hirosuke Hiraga the lord    Kasirazaki-jyou was abandoned after Sekigahara-no-kassen/war in 1600 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/頭崎城

Katuo-yama-jyou 勝尾山城:岡山市北区御津勝尾峠 北緯34度47分23秒東経133度50分34秒  When Sinobuyama-gassen/battle, Terumoto Mouri was built Katuoyama-jyou/castle on Katuo-yama/mountain   Hiroie Kikkawa and Yo-zaburou Iga  stayed at the csastle as the supreme commander https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bizen/katsuoyama-jyo

Gassan-Toda-jyou  no tatakai 月山富田城の戦い:安来市広瀬町富田 北緯35度21分39秒東経133度11分7秒    The 1st Gassan-Toda-jyou-no-tatakai was performed from 1542 to 1543 at Gassan in Izumo province between Yositaka Oouti & Motonari Mouri and Haruhisa Amago for Iwami-silver-mine Oouti side were drove back and Motonai mouri took a terrible beating    The 2nd Gassan-Toda-jyou-no-tatakai was performed from 1565 to 1566 between Motonari Mouri and Yosihisa Amago  Yosihisa Amsago was confined in Aki province https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/月山富田城の戦い

Katuyama-jyou 勝山城:下土井山端1632-1番地の北の丘 北緯34度52分40秒東経133度15分40秒   Katuyama-jyou castle was a branch castle of Hunayama-jyou   The castle was built by Mouri army to help withdrawal to Aki province for Mouri army after Kamo-kuzure  Please refer to 勝山城  船山城 せいひろ城 and 上加茂合戦

Kanagawa-jyou 金川城:岡山市北区御津金川 北緯34度48分15秒東経133度55分53秒  Kanagawa-jyou/castle was built by Moritomo Matuda in 1221    Motonari Matuda moved from Toyama-jyou into Kanagawa-jyou durind Ounin-no-ran/war   Because Mototeru Matuda so strongly belied  Nitiren-yuu sect that he built Dourin-ji/temple in Dourin-maru/castle and would imposed Hisataka Iga who was a chief retainer of Kanagawa-jyou, to believe Nitiren-syuu, the relationship between master and vassal among the samurais became unstable with each other Naoie Ukita won Hisataka Iga over to his side, and made Hisataka attack Kanagawa-jyou on the inside and outside in 1568 Mototeru and Motokata " son of Mototeru and a son‐in‐law of Naoie", were killed during the battle After that, Haruie Ukita "a brother of Naoie" entered the castle as the castle keeper Ukita clan was confiscated their territories by Ieyasu Tokugawa, and Hideaki Kobayakawa entered into Kanagawa-jyou, but he abandoned the castle    Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 金川合戦

Kabayama-jyou 加葉山城:高梁市中井町津々 北緯34度55分34秒東経133度 36分16秒  Norimune Tutu was the lord of Kabayama-jyou/castle     When Tamesuke Syou made Ietika Mimura drive away during Sarukake-jyou-no-tatakai/battle , Norimune supported Tamesuke

Kamigamo 上加茂:上加茂 北緯34度50分49秒東経133度486分13秒付近一帯。かつてこの地域は京都の荘園であったため、派遣された役人が 故郷に流れる加茂川にちなみ この地に流れる川を 加茂川と呼んだとされます。この地に 鎮座する鴨神社が 地名の起りとの説もありますKamigamo became the main battle field of Kamigamo-gassen in 1580    It is said that「Because this area was a manor in Kyuoto, dispatched officials from Kyouto remembered the Kamo-gawa/river flowing through their hometowns and they called the river that flows here, Kamo-gawa」  There is also a theory that the place name of Kamo came from Kamo-jinjy/shrine which enshrined here     Please refer to 上加茂合戦

Kamigamo-gassen 上加茂合戦・Kamo-kuzure 加茂崩れ:天正8年(1580年)に 備前 美作を 戦場にした 毛利輝元宇喜田直家の間で起こった虎倉合戦の内の 最終の上加茂を 主戦場にした 粟屋与十郎(毛利方)伊賀久隆(宇喜多織田方)の間で 起こった 加茂崩れと称される合戦です。伊賀方が 大勝利しました。Kamigamo-gassen/battle is the battle between Motonobu Yojyuurou Awaya "Mouri side" and Hisataka Saemon-no-jyou Iga "Ukita side"  during Kokura-gassen/war which was fought between Terumoto Mouri and Naoie ukita on Bizen province and Mimasaka province     Because Mouri army suffered a crushing defeat    Kamigamo-gassen is called Kamo-kuzure    Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い and 上加茂合戦

 military commanders in Kamigamo-gassen 上加茂合戦と武将:毛利方 赤川次郎右衛門尉元之 足立十郎右衛門 粟屋孫三郎元国 粟屋孫二郎元光 粟屋与十郎元信 井上源右衛門元勝 井上七郎兵衛 宇多田藤右エ門(飛落小次郎)太田垣源右衛門 岡宗左衛門元良 桂源右衛門尉元盛(桂岌円) 河原六郎右衛門河原六郎左衛門尉直久と同一人物でしょうか) 吉川元春 熊谷玄蕃 児玉小次郎元忠(小玉小次郎) 児玉与七郎元房 小寺木工允右衛門就武 小早川隆景 斉藤左衛門尉 島田某 竹井直定 伝藤右衛門 中島世兵衛 名護屋与十郎元賀(清賀) 野尻蔵人 穂井田元清 三浦兵庫守惣四朗元忠(神田惣四朗元忠 三浦摂津守)  三戸元好 毛利輝元 山県三郎兵衛国吉    伊賀方 熱田源治 伊賀伊勢 伊賀修理 伊賀久隆 伊賀与次兵衛 遠藤喜三郎秀隆 遠藤又次郎秀清 片山弥左衛門籠置 勝田孫衛門 河田七郎 河田平内 川田又左衛門帯刀 河原源左衛門 河原越中 河原五郎 河原治郎 河原備中 葛原三之丞 神原右京 神原惣右衛門(神原右衛門) 新山兵庫 新山兵部 新山民部守 杉本四郎衛門 土居治郎右衛門貞村 仁熊勘兵衛 八幡一郎Hatiman-Tarou 

Kamejyuyama-jyou亀寿山城:福山市新市町大字新市 北緯34度33分37秒東経133度16分1秒    Kamejyuyama-jyou/castle was built by Masanobu Simotuke-no-kami Miya at Kamakura era    Miya clan lived in Kamejyuyama-jyou for generations    the castle supported Miyauti-sakurayama-jyou during Genkou-no-hen/war   Naonobu Miya supported Amago sarmy,  fought with Mouri clan, and the castle was fallen  and Naonobu died with the illness & motomori "a son of Naonobu" capitulated during Hirotani-gasssen/battle in 1548     After that, Miya clan followed Mouri clan 備後 亀寿山城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Kii-Kameyama-jyou 紀伊亀山城:和歌山県御坊市湯川町丸山 北緯33度54分39秒東経135度9分17秒    Kameyama-jyou was built by Mituharu yukawa in 1348   The castle had been succeeded for generations to 12th head of Yukawa clan    Hideyosi Toyotomi attacked Kameyamajyou, Naoharu Yukawa burned the castle and ran away   He made peace with Hideyosi later    After that, when Naoharu visited Hidenaga Toyotomi in Yamato-Kouriyama-jyou, Naoharu was assassinated by Hidenaga in 1586 https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/kii/kameyama-jyo

Kamoitiba-Hujisawa-jyou 加茂市場藤澤城・Tanuki-ga-jyou 狸ヶ城:加茂市場久方701番地の西の妙見山 北緯34度52分2秒東経133度45分6秒 Kamoitiba-Hujisawa-jyou/castle was a branch castle of Tado-Hujisawa-jyou probably  Please refer to 加茂市場藤沢城

Kamo-kuzure 加茂崩れ・Kamigamogassen 上加茂合戦:天正8年4月に 毛利軍は 虎倉城を目指し攻めて来ました。虎倉城の伊賀久隆は 全ての小城から 全ての兵や民を 虎倉に引かせ 待ち受けると、毛利軍は 霧で道を迷い 上加茂で 夜を明かしました。地の利を 生かし虎倉方が討ち掛かると、霧に迷わされた毛利軍は 大敗しました。この戦いの虎倉方の完全勝利を加茂崩れと言います。 「岡山県古代吉備文化財センター 岡山の中世城館跡www.pref.okayama.jp/kyoiku/kodai/joukan-hukPleease refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦 別の説では、毛利軍が上加茂に着いた時には、既に 朝方だったので、そのまま下加茂に 向かったとされます。In April 1580, the Morui's army tried to attack Kokura-jyou/castle   Hisataka Iga “the lord of Kokura-jyou” commanded all soldiers and all villagers to abandon the all branch castle and the all house, gather in Kokursa  with all something will can use weapons and foods and wait until the next command     Then, the Moui army lost their way in the dense fog and spend the night without sleep in Kamigamo    Because Kokura’s troops who know thoroughly the geography, they attached Mouri’s troops making use of geographical advantage, Mouri’s troops with poor visibility in the fog were defeated   Kokura-jyou's complete victory in this battle is called kamo-kuzure/collapse

Kamo-soujya 加茂総社:現在の総社では 在りません。高祖山Takazou-yamaに在った 素社Sojysa 素戔嗚神社の後身です。その場所は 確定できませんが、それと思われる目を引く平坦地は北緯34度51分14秒東経133度45分45秒です。「吉備中央町の神社 加茂総社」の項目を参照ください。 please refer to 加茂総社 and 上加茂合戦 

Kawanakajima no tatakai 川中島の戦い:戦国時代 甲斐国武田信玄(武田晴信)と 越後国上杉謙信(長尾景虎)とが 川中島(現在の長野市小島田1384-1番地を中心に 5回に渡り 対戦した戦いです。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/川中島の戦い Kawanakajima-no tatakai is the collective term for 5 battles fought on Kawanaka-jima between Singen Takeda “Kai province” and Kensin Uesugi “Etigo province”    This war are not settled

Kawaya-taniカハヤ谷:上加茂関谷Sekitani 北緯34度50分28秒東経133度48分9秒    Sekitani became a battle field of Kamigamo-gassen/battle Sekitani ”関谷” is calling Kanya by Chinese reading of kanji "漢字"    Please refer to 鼓田合戦 and 上加茂合戦

Kariyama-jyou 苅山城刈山城・狩山城:尾原 北緯34度55分8秒東経133度45分4秒    Kariyama-jyou castle was a branch castle of Niiyama-jyou    Please refer t苅山城 新山城 and 子宝漢音

Garagara-bassi 泊潟 "Hagata"の加羅加羅橋:泊潟公園は 白鹿山の遥か南の 松江駅の近くの 松江市灘町宍道湖の東端 北緯35度27分42秒東経133度3分12秒に加羅加羅橋が架かります。 

Karakawa-Kuzure 辛川崩 れ:天正8年 (1580年)3月13日に 毛利氏小早川隆景軍は 約1万5千の兵で 岡山城の西の辛川口に 侵攻しましたが、宇喜多直家配下 の 戸川軍に 背後から襲撃され敗走 し呆気なく惨敗しました。後に 備中国の竹ノ荘へと 進みました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/伊賀久隆   Because Ukita Naoie canceled one-sidedly the alliance with Terumoto Mouri and took Nobunaga Oda’s side, Mouri clan determined to destroy Ukita clan   The 15000 soldiers of Takakage Kobayakawa's army  “Terumoto Mouri side” who invaded into Karakawa-guti where is west of Okayama-jyou, was suffered a crushing defeat by with surprise attack from behind by Tatuyasu Togawa “Ukita clan7S side” This battle was called Karakawa-kuzure /collapse     After that, Takakage went to Take-no-shou “Terumoto Mour’s camp"

Kantou-Tandai 関東探題:https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/探題」 

Bingo-Kannabe-jyou 備後国神辺城:広島県福山市神辺町北緯34度32分17秒東経 133度23分4秒 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/神辺城

Kannou-ji 神呪寺:西宮市甲山町 北緯34度46分23秒東経135度19分47秒https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/神呪寺

Sinano-Kannomine-jypu 信濃神之峰城・神乃峯:野県飯田市上久堅神ノ峯 北緯35度27分34秒東経137度52分17秒 https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/shinano/kannomine-jyo

Kanmuriyama-jyou 冠山城:岡山県岡山市下足守 北緯34度43分10秒東経133度48分20秒    Kanmuriyama-jyou/castle When became the stage for the beginning of the water torture of Takamatu-jyou by Hideyosi HasibTadaie Ukita who was Nobunaga Oda’s side, attacked Kanmuriyama-jyou, Kanmuriyama-jyou was fallen and Sigezane Hayasi who was the defense general of Kanmuriyama-jyou, killed himself  https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bicchu/kanmuriyama-jyo」「https://www.city.okayama.jp/museum/joukan/11.html

kisaiti-jyou 私都城・市場城:鳥取県八頭郡八頭町市場 北緯35度24分51秒 Sadamasa Jirou Mouri revolted against Toyotoki Yamana in Harima province-Syugo in1479, but Masatoyo Yamana of Tanba province-Syugo quashed the revolt    Sadamoto led Masazane Yamana and raised an army again in 1488, but Kisaiti-jyou/castle was surrounded and felt down by Toyotoki Yamana,  Sadamasa Mouri killed himself by the sword during this Mouri-Jirou-no-ran/rebellion    Masazane escaped to Yabe-yakata and killed himself by the sword    It is said that Toyomoto Mouri supported Aki-Mouri clan, was besieged in Tuneie Kikkawa’s Tottotri-jyou against Hideyosi Hasiba in 1581, because Tuneie Kikkawa killed himself by the sword Toyomoto ran away to Tanba province 因幡 私部城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Mino-Kitakata-jyou  美濃北方城:岐阜県本巣郡北方町 北緯35度26分13秒東経136度41分30秒   https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/北方城

Kita-no-Tenman-guu 北野天満宮:上京区馬喰町 北緯35度1分52秒東経135度秒    https://www.kitanotenmangu.or.jp/

Kido-no-jyou-zan 木戸の城山:下土井小藪南621番地の西 北緯34度52分58秒東経133度45分45秒   Kido-no-jyou-zan/castle mountain is the another name of Hunayama-jyou/castle   The lord of Hunsayama-jyou was Doi clan    All soldiers and all peoples ran away without battle against Mouri army to Kokura at Kamigamo-gassen/battle in 1580   Mouri army who suffered crushing defeat during Kamigamo-gassen, used Hunayamajyou and Katuyama-jyou as the base for retreat to Aki province    Please refer to 船山城 and 上加茂合戦

Ki-no-jyou 鬼の城:吉備高原の南端  岡山県総社市奥坂  北緯34度43分36秒東経東経133度45分46秒に復元されておりますが、中大兄王子が 白村江の戦いHakusukie-no-tatakaiで敗れ、7世紀頃に唐新羅の逆襲に備え 築いた 朝鮮式山城です。位置は 同じである可能性がありますが、温羅の居城とは異なります。Ki-no-jyou/castle was built by Naka-no-ooe-no-ouji/prince during 7 century  for counterattacks by Tou "Tang" and Siragi "Sillaafter the defeat of Hakusukie-no-tatakai war  "Battle of Baekgang" This castle is not Ki-no-jyuo which Onra who is the motif of the general of Oni “orge” in Momotarou “peach boy” story, lived in

Ki-no-mi-jyou 鬼実城・鬼身城:総社市山田 北緯34度41分13秒東経133度40分7秒 城主は 今川泰範 上田氏,宍戸氏です。 Ki-no-mi-jyou/castle was built be Yasunori Imagawa in 1385     Mouri clan surrounded the castle which was guarded by Sanetika Mimura, and Sanetika killed himself with his sword on the stipulation to spare castle soldier's lives Mouri clan made Takaie Sisido the lord of castle and made Mimasaka-no-kami Sasabe castle keeper    The castle was abandoned after Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war    備中 鬼身城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Kinoyama-jinjya 木野山神社:高梁市津川町今津(旧津川村今津)の標高401mの木野山の頂上 北緯34度49分32秒東経133度37分3秒 伝染病防疫 牛馬守護のご利益が主なご利益です。高谷:北緯34度51分49秒東経133度46分42秒付近・木野山台ヶ峰他 The main divine returns are epidemic prevention and protection of the cattle and horse https://www.okayama-jinjacho.or.jp/search/18557/」「https://ameblo.jp/narivans/entry-12370919551.html

Kimurayama-jyou 喜村山城・鬼邑山城:喜村山城築城主は 土肥実平とされ、主な城主は 上野信孝 上野高直 三宅徳久です。総社市八代の木村山 北緯34度39分49秒東経133度41分48秒   Kimurayama-jyou was built by Sanehira Dohi    Famous the lords of the castle were Nobutaka Ueno, Takanao Ueno and Norihisa Miyake   Takanori Hizen-no-kami Ueno moved from Kimurayama-jou/castle to Tuneyama-jyou in Bizen, Tokusisa Sama-no-jyou Miyake became the lord of Kimurayama-jyou Takanori was destroyed Mouri's armye who Takakage Kobayakawa commanded, after that, the castle was not used 鬼邑山城 - Wikipedia

Kyoukou-ji no tatakai 教興寺の戦い:大阪府八尾市教興寺 北緯34度37分8秒東経135度38分11秒  Kyoukou-ji-no-Tatakai/battle was the war between Nagayosi Miyake and Takamasa Hatakeyama on Yao in 1562   Hatakeyama's army lost the battle, and Yosikata Rokkaku ran away to Oumihttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/教興寺の戦い

Kiyotune-jyou 清経城:上加茂清経 清経山 北緯34度51分1秒東経133度47分56秒付近   Mouri army used Kiyotune-jyou/castle as their headquarter   Hyougo Sinzan etc. who had been lurked in Hatiman-yama/mountain from last night, made a surprise attack on Kiyotune-yama when Mouri's soldiers made an all‐out attack against the camps of  Doi etc. over Kamo-gawa/river and Kiyotune-jou became inadequate guard, and recaptured the castle during Kamigamo-gassen in 1580   During this time, Yojyuurou Awaya who was the commander‐in‐chief of Mouri army was killed first of all  Please refer to 清経山城 蕃神山城 and 上加茂合戦

Kinkei-zan 岩手県西磐井郡の平泉金鶏山:岩手県西磐井郡平泉町 北緯38度59分36秒東経141度06分33秒 奥州藤原秀衡平等院をまねて建てた 無量光院の築山で、雄雌番の金の鶏を埋めたとされます。各地の金鶏伝説の宝の在処を「朝日さす夕日かがやく其の下に金千盃漆千盃」等の歌で 示しています。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/金鶏山

Ginzan-jyou 銀山城・Satou-Kanayama-jyou 佐東銀山城:広島市安佐南区祇園町武田山 北緯34度27分22秒東経132度26分54秒  Nobumune Takeda was given Aki-syugo-siki “Military Governor of Aki province” as the rewards in proportion to his services during Syoukyuu-no-ran/war and built Ginzan-jyou/castle in 1221 In the Civil War, Motosige Takeda belonged Yosioki Oouti, but he invaded into north area of Aki province to expand his sphere of influence when Oouti clan went to kyouto Motosige Takeda was killed by Motonari Mouri under command of Oouti clan during 2nd Arita-jyou-no-kassen/sattle Mitukazu Takeda who was a son of Motosige, joined the army of Tunehisa Amago and opposed against Oouti clan, but he was killed Motonari Mouri in 1541 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/佐東銀山城

Ginzan-Yamabuki-jyou 銀山山吹城:島根県大田市大森町 北緯35度6分15秒東経132度25分51秒   Iwami siler mine was discovered in 1309, then Hiroyuki Oouti built Yamabuki-jyou/castle to protect the silver mine After that, Nagataka Ogasawara (1350), Yosioki Oouti(1533), Tunehisa Amago (1537), Yosioki Oouti (1539), Tunehisa Amago+Nagataka Ogasawara (1541), Motonari Mouri (1556 Naganobu Sasuga), Haruhisa Amago (1558 Tunemiytu Honjyou) and Motoharu Kikkawa(1562 Itirou-zaemon Moriwaki)  scrambled for the silver mine    After seki-ga-hara-no-tatakai/war in 1600,   Iwami silver mine fell into Tokugawa shogunate's hands, and Nagayasu Ookubo entered Yamabuki-jyou and repaired Yamabuki-jyou to Hukiya “an industrial plant for purifying a crude silver”     He moved to Oomori-daikan-syo "magistrate's office", and Yamabuki-jyou was abandoned https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/山吹城

Kimmeizan-jyou 金明山城:東広島市志和町志和堀 北緯34度31分15秒東経132度40分50秒    Masasada Amano followed Yosisada Nitta during Nan-Boku-tyou period “the period of North and South Dynasties” Masasada made the son of Yosiaki Nitta his son-in-law and named Akimasa Amano    When South Dynasty was declining, Amano clan lived in Kinmeizan-jyou/castle and changed their position to North Dynasty    Because  Motouji Amano who was the lord of Kinmeizan-jyou had no son, Motouji adopted Motoyuki Amano “Mototura later” who a son of Hirouji amano “the lord of Yoneysama-jyou" Mototura suffered a surprise attack by Motonari Mouri, Kinmeizan-jyou was captured, but Mototura took back the castle shortly thereafter    Takasige who was a son of Mototura, took Yositaka Oouti’s side and was given the territory in Tikuzen province by Yositaka When Yositaka was killed by Harukata Sue, he left Oouti clan and joined Motonari Mouri’s side    https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/aki/kinmeisan-jyo/

Jitujyou-ji 実城寺.Kinrinnou-ji 金輪王寺:後醍醐天皇が皇居吉野朝宮としました。奈良県吉野郡吉野町吉野山 北緯34度22分4秒東経135度51分27秒 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/金輪王寺

Kudou-uji 工藤氏:工藤墓が北緯34度50分34秒東経133度39分48秒に有り、工藤姓の者は吉備中央町に多く住んでいます。上加茂合戦備中兵乱に工藤次郎兵衛が 登場します。

Kunitsake-jyou 国竹城:国竹城は 福山市芦田町大字上有地 北緯34度31分27秒東経133度15分56秒 Kiyomoto Miya “2nd head of Miya clan” quarreled with Motonobu Miya who was the elder

brother, and took the side of Tunehisa Amago , built Kunitake-jyou/castle and took the side of Motonari Mouri     Takanobu Miya who was the lord of Kamejyuyama-jyou castle built Ootani-jyou, gave his name Takanobu Arudi, he lived in Kunitake-jyou later Motomori Wakasa-no-kami Arudi who was 3rd head of Arudi clan and belonged to Yositaka Oouti built Sagata-jyou and live in it    Takanobu Arudi entered Kunikake-jyou probably and took the side of Motonari Mouri

Kuniyosi-jyou 国吉城・手の庄城:高梁市川上町七地  北緯 秒東経 秒 元弘年間(1331年~1334年)以前に安藤元理が国吉城築城したとされ、城主は安藤氏 三村氏 口羽氏 糟屋武則 糟屋安長です。 Kuniyosi-jyou castle was built by Motosato Andou, this area was given to him by Houjyou clan    Motosato suicided by the sword together with Nakatoki Houjyou who was a Rokuhara-Tandai “military commissioner“ Because Mototika Mimura rebelled against Terumoto Mouri, Mouri clan attacked Mototika    In this time, the defense general of Kuniyosi-jyou was Masatika Mimura, his castle was fallen at the end of the fierce fight by Takakage Kobayakawa “Mouri side”  After this Bittyu-heiran/war, Haruyosi Kutiba who was a vassal of Mouri clan became the lord of Kuniyosi-jyou    After Sekigahara-no-tsatakai/war in 1660, Takenori Kasuya and Yasunaga Kasuya lived in the castle  The area became Tokugawa- shogunal demesne, and Kuniyosi-jyou was abandoned   備中 国吉城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Kumsda-dera no tatsakai 久米田寺の戦い:岸和田市池尻町 北緯34度27分34秒東経135度24分42秒 永禄5年(1562年)3月5日、和泉国八木郷の久米田寺周辺に 布陣する 三好実休Miyosi-Jikkyuu畠山高政の合戦で 攻め入った畠山軍が 勝利し 三好実休は戦死しました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/久米田の戦い」  Kumeda-no-tatsakai/battle  was a war between Jikkyuu Miyosi who arranged his troops near Kumeda-dera/temple, and Takamasa Hatakeyama    Hatakeyama' sarmy took victory and Jikkyuu was killed during the war

Kurakake-jyou 倉掛城:美作倉掛城鞍掛城は美作市田殿楢原中 北緯35度2分15秒東経134度10分47秒に ある立派な切岸で守る 南北朝期時代の城です。 Takauji Asikaga commanded Mituyosi Syougen-Sakon-Kouduki to guard Kurakake-jyou/castle in 1355 Sadahisa Sayou and Sakyuu Arimoto who were Akamatu's side ”South Dynasty”, were besieged by Tokiuji Yamana "Muromati-shougunate's side", the castle was fallen in 1361 during period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties

Kurakakeyama-jyou 鞍掛山城:周防国玖珂郡(現在の山口県岩国市玖珂町鞍掛大内氏の家臣杉氏の居城です。   直ぐ北野近隣に 椙杜氏蓮華山城、南側には 小方氏の瀬田城があります。Sugi clan who was vassals of Oouti clan, lived in Kurakakeyama-jou/castle   There was Rengeyama-jyou to the northern portion of of the castle which Sugimori clan lived in, and was Seta-jyou to the southern portion of the castle    Harukata Sue was killed in Itukusima-no-tatakai/war in 1555, and Motonari Mouri started Boytuou-keiryaku “invasion into Suou and Nagato province” Takayasu Sugi who was the lord of Kurakakeyama-jyou was surrender to Mouri clan, but because Takayasu Sugimori reported to Motonari that Takayasu Sugi was in secret communication with Yoisnaga Oouti, Mouri clan attacked Kurakakeyama-jyou, and Takayasu and Sousan “the father of Takayasu 貞泰sadayasu” resisted  against Mouri's army  efficientlly    There, Mouri's army marched from Renge-jyou and attempted a surprise attack from behind of the castle Kurakake-jyou’s sojdiers who were taken by surprise, were confused and collapsed    Motoyasu Ogata who was the lord of Seta-jyou killed Takayasu, and Kurakakeyama-jyou was fallen   After that the castle was abandoned 鞍掛山城 - Wikipedia

Kurusima-jyou 来島城・Butuden-jyou 仏殿城:今治市波止浜来島 北緯34度7分5秒東経132度58分10秒    Yosihusa Murakami who was 3rd son of Yosiaki Murakami “head of Murakami clan”, established a branch family and built Kurusima-jyou in 1419  Kurusima-Murakami clan expanded his sphere of influence taking advantage of Kouno family’s internal trouble    Because Mitiyasu Murakami was in Mitinao Kouno's favor and Mitinao named Mituyasu as his successor, retainers of the Kouno clan protested vehemently, the armies of opposition brought about 1st Kurusima-gassen    Mitihusa Murakami left Kouno clan and took the side of Nobunaga Oda by the plan of Hideyosi Hasiba in 1582   Kouno clan and Terumoto Mouri attacked Kurusima-Mimura, Mitihusa escaped to Hideyosi's camp    Mitiyuki Tokui who was the lord of Kasima-jyou and a brother of Mitihusa, drove away the enemy    Because Hasiba clan and Mouri clan made their peace, Mitihusa's  territory was returned  He worked as the vanguard of troops under the command of Takakade Kobayakawa during Sikoku-subjugation by Hideyosi in 1585    Mitihusa’s teritory was added, and  removed to Kasima-jyou and abandoned Kurusima-jyou https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/来島城

Kouzan-jyou 幸山城・Takayama-jyou 高山城・Kouzan-jyou 甲山城:総社市清音三因 北緯34度39分5秒東経133度45分21秒    Kouzan-jyou/castle was built by Sukehusa Shou during Enkei era Sukehusa followed Nakatoki Houjyou during Genkou-no-ran/war, was killed in Oumi province in 1334 Kouzan-jyou was succeeded by Sukemasa Syou, but afterward Isikawa clan had been succeeded generation after generation    Kouzan-jyou belongd to Mototika Mimura who allied with Motonari Mouri “the supreme ruler of Bittyuu province” during the Civil Wars Period Hisatomo Isikawa arranged marriage between Mimura clan and became to play a part of Mimura clan    Hisatomo Isikawa who was the lord of kouzan-jyou, was dead from a wound during Myouzenji-gassen/war which was the battle between Mototika Mimura and Naoie Ukita in 1567    When Hisanori Isikawa who was a son of Hisatomo and the lord of Kouzan-jyou, joined in an expedition by Motonari Mouri to Kyuusyuu, Amago clan captured Kouzan-jyou, after that Hisatomo took back Kouzan-jyou with support of Mouri clan    Mototika Mimura  was on bad terms with Terumoto mouri during Bittyuu-heiran in 1574, Hisanori entered in Matuyama-jyou as a reinforcement But Mototika cut open his abdomen with his sword, Hisanori killed himself with his sword After that, Muneharu Simizu entered in Kouzan-jyou, but removed to Bittyuu-Takamatu-jyoi soonhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/幸山城

Ooume-yama Kouzen-ji 大梅山興禅寺:丹波市春日町黒井2263番地 北緯35度10分28秒東経135度6分4秒   明智光秀丹波制圧後の家臣斎藤利三の居住館の跡 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/興禅寺_(丹波市)

Gouda-jyou 郷田城:大木672番地の南東 北緯34度54分43秒東経133度46分53秒    Gouda-jyou castle was a branch castle of Tuneeda-jyou      Please refer to 郷田城

Harima-Kouduki-jyou 播磨上月城:兵庫県佐用郡佐用町 北緯34度58分32秒東経134度19分26秒  Koduki-jyou/castle was build by Kagemori Kouduki who was a member of Akamatu clan in 1336 Kagenori KoudukiKageie Kouduki who supported Mitusuke Akamatu were hunted down and killed by army of Muromati-Shogunate    After that, during Kakitu-no-ran/war,   Masamoto Akamatu entered in the castle from Ojio-jyou in1557    Masanori Akamatu who was a son of Masamoto and was called Nisi-Harima-dono “the lord and the hero of western Harima province”, was attacked and the castle was fallen by Hideyosi Hasiba who was a vassal of Nobunaga Oda After that, Kagesada Kouduki who belonged to Naoie Ukita entered in the castle, but the castle was fallen by Hideyosi’s attacking and Tikatugu Ebara’s rebellion who was Kagesada's subordinates, and the Amago’s remnants including Katuhisa Amago entrred in Kouduki-jyou  The castle was fallen by Mouriarmy, and Katuhisa Amago killed himself in 1578   Kouduki-jyou was abandoneg later    Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上月城合戦

Kouduki-jyoi no Tatakai 上月城の戦い・尼子勝久討伐戦:天正5年(1577)10月に 羽柴秀吉は 織田信長の命により 播磨国姫路城に入り 備前国 美作国 播磨国の境の宇喜多直家勢力下の上月城を攻め、羽柴勢は 上月城を陥落させました。城守赤松政範は 12月3日に 自害し、赤松氏は滅びました。「https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/上月城の戦い」  Hasiba Hideyosi attacked which was guard Masanori Akamatu who was under influence of Naoie Ukita, in order of Nobunaga Oda  and captured the castle in 1577    Masanori Akamatu killed himself and Akamatu clan was destroyed during Kouduki-jyou-no-tatakai

Kouro-zaka no tatakai 降露坂の戦い:永禄2年(1559年)に 安芸国毛利氏が 石見銀山を守る山吹城近くの降露坂(降路坂島根県大田市大森町)で戦い、尼子氏に大敗した戦いですです。「https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/降露坂の戦い」  Motonari Mouri, Motoharu Kikkawa and Takakage Kobayakawa attacked Nukuyu-jyou/castle “Nagakatu Ogasawara who was Amago clan’s side” to gain Iwami-silver mine   Nagakatu Ogasawara requested help through Tokitaka Tako who was a Amago’s vassal, and Haruhisa Amago clan also sent reinforcement, but surrendered  to Mouri’s armies in 1559, and Nagakatu Ogasawara took Mouri clan’s side on this occasion, Mouri started to capture the castles which belonged to Amago clan, near Iwami-silver mine  The troops to capture Iwami-ginzan ”silver mine” including Nagakata Ogsasawara as a spearhead, encamped on Sen-no-yama/moumtain where was the front of Yamabuki-jyo/castle , Tunemitu Honjyou who was guarding Yamabuki-jyou withstood violently Then, Yosisige Ootomo started to attack    Because Moji-jyou which was the Mouri clan’s base in Buzen province, Motonari determined to retreat from Iwami    When Mouri army start to retreat torward Onsentu throght Kouro-zaka slop, Tunemitu Honjyou, Haruhisa Amago pursued at one push, so Mouri armies while going down the slope, were crushed and were forced to retreat    Haruhisa Amago obtained Iwami silver mine

Kokura-gassen 虎倉合戦:宇喜田直家が 毛利輝元との同盟を 破棄し 織田信長方に付くと、毛利輝元は 宇喜多直家を討つ事を決心しました。その目的を達する為に 宇喜田領の3割近くを有する伊賀久隆が 障碍となるので、まず 虎倉城を落とそうと、宇喜多直家や伊賀久隆の影響の及ぶ美作を 吉川元春に、備前南部地区を 穂井田元清に占領させ、宇喜田直家を 岡山城に封じ込めようと 小早川隆景を 岡山城に向かわせました。隆景は 辛川口で 大敗北辛川崩れし、輝元の待つ竹の庄に向かい、南部を抑えた 穂井田元清が 岡山城の動きを封じました。大軍で押し寄せる毛利軍に 小城の兵が 敵う筈もなく 犠牲者が出ると、伊賀久隆は 抵抗する事なく 兵も民も虎倉に集結する事を 命じました。毛利輝元 吉川元春と小早川隆景は、藤沢城から福山城に向かい 福山城に留まりました。毛利軍は 元福山城城主であった河原六郎右衛門を道案内に、粟屋与十郎を総大将にして  福山城から下加茂に向かいましたが、深い霧に道を失い 上加茂に出てしまい、やむなくここで 伊賀久隆と決戦し、大敗北(加茂崩れ)しました。この一連の戦いを虎倉合戦と 呼び、加茂崩れした戦いを 上加茂合戦と呼びます。 Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦 and 歴史伝説 上加茂合戦

Kokura-jyou 小倉城: 福岡県北九州市小倉北区 北緯33度53分4秒秒東経130度52分27秒です。備前小倉城の場合  小が付いているのでは 弱々しいとされ、虎倉城と改名されました。

Because 小倉城Kokura-jyou ”小=small 倉=storehouse 城=castle”  gives weak impression, Kokura-jyou was changed the name to 虎倉城 ” 虎=tiger"  gives strong impression

Kokura-jyou 虎倉城:岡山市北区御津虎倉 北緯34度50分14秒東経133度49分58秒。15世紀後半(中世)で、金川と高梁を結ぶ 主要交通路(現在の県道高梁御津線)を見渡せる 歓喜山(城山)山頂に 金川城(玉松城)の出城として 服部伊勢守(伊賀伊勢守と同一人物でしょう)が 築いたとされます。16世紀前半には 鎌倉幕府の長田荘の地頭として 伊賀氏が来ると 以後伊賀氏の居城となり  勝隆 久隆 与三郎家久と3代に 渡り城主となりました。伊賀久隆の頃16世紀後半には 備前国北西部から備中国東部を支配しました。久隆が 不審死すると、宇喜田直家と袂を分かち 子の与三郎は 虎倉城を捨て 小早川隆景を頼って 吉川虎倉山に 移りまし、その後、虎倉城に宇喜多の家老長船越中守が 居城しました。天正16年(1588年)長船一族の争いで城は焼亡しました。www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bizen/kokura-jyo/」「https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/伊賀久隆 連郭式山城で西出丸 本丸 二の丸 出丸 二の丸 三の丸がありました。Kokura-jyou/castle was built as a branch castle of Kanagawa-jyou by Iseno-kami Hattori in the latter part of the 15th century on Kanki-zan/mountain where can look over the important traffic route between Kanagawa and Takahasi     Iga clan came to Osada-no-syou as Ditou “an agent in charge of a lord's manor” of Kamakura Shogunate in the former part of the 16th century, Kokura-jyou becomes the castle for Iga clan later, the three generatinos “ Katutaka Hisataka Yozaburou(Iehisa)” became the lord of the castle    When Hisataka was the lord of Kokura-jyou, Iga clan possessed the realm from northwestern Bizen province to eastern Bittyuu province    When Hisataka was dead with undetermined manner of death, Yozaburou who was a son of Hisataka, break off relations with Naoie Ukita, abandoned the castle, and moved to Yosikawa-Kokura-yama/mountain depending on Takakage Kobayakawa    After that, Etyuu-no-kami Osahune who was a a chief retainer of Ukita clan, entered the castle, but the castle was set fire on because of internal conflict of Osahune’s family in 1588  https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bizen/kokura-jyo/

Kokura-yama 虎倉山:吉川千木 北緯34度50分15秒東経133度45分10秒

Inaba-Kosikiyama-jyou 因幡甑山城:山中鹿之助が城主です。鳥取市国府町町屋 北緯35度秒東経134度16分45秒  Kosikiyama-jyou/castle was built during Kenmu era    Yukitaka Yamanaka who failed in 1st revival of Amago family in1572, was captured by Motonari Mouri, was confined in Otaka-jyou, but he succeeded to escape    He constructed the Amago-revive-army and attacked Inaba province, captured Kiriyama-jyou    Amago's army who settled at the castle, made victories and expanded their territory to the west    Yukitaka Sikanosuke Yamanaka moved from Kiriyama-jyou to Kosikiyama-jyou which was close by Tottori-castle, during Eiroku era while supporting Toyokazu Yamana    Takanobu Takeda who was the lord of Tottori-castle and was the effective ruler of Inaba province, determined to destroy Amago's army, and marched to Kosikiyama-jyou in 1573    Amago's army kept their castle and Takanobu army attacked by force from west side where the castle's guard was thinner comparatively    When Takanobu's army climbed up to dry moat, were suffered a concerted attack with bows, guns and large stones, was routed in the battle and left from the battlefield    But Sama-no-jyou Akisato who was asked by Yukitaka before the battle to cut off the Takanobu’s retreat route, was waiting impatiently for Takanobu's army    Takanobu's army was attacked from both side by Sama-no-jyou's troop and Yukimori's troop who took the offensive from the castle Takanobu ran away to Tottori-castle while strewing the corpses on ground    The war is called Tottorri-no-Tanomo-kuzure 因幡 甑山城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Otani-jyou 小谷城:湯山下ヶ原 北緯34度51分7秒東経133度44分19秒   Please refer to 小谷城

Komatubara-yakata 小松原館:御坊市湯川町小松原湯川神社 北緯33度54分23秒東経135度9分47秒 Komatubara-kan was built as the mansion at time of peace in 1549 by    Naomitu Yukawa who was the 11th lord of Kameyama-jyou/castle which was too cold during winter for him to live in    When Hideyosi Hasiba invaded into Kii province, Naoharu Yukawa who was a son of Naomitu and did not support Hideyosi, was attached by Hideyosi, and Naoharu ran away from Kameyama-jyou after setting fire with his own hands    After that, Kazuuji Nakamura and Yositaka Kuki were asked to repair the castle by Hideyosi    https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/kii/komatsubara-yakata/

Harima-Komayama-jyou 播磨駒山城:赤穂郡上郡町井上 北緯34度52分50秒東経134度20分55秒    Komayama-jyou/castle was built by Norisuke Akamatu as a western branch castle of Sirahata-jyou    It is estimated that when Yosisada Nitta attacked Sirahata-jyou in 1336 Komayama-jyou played an important role of defence line    Yosinaga Amuro lived in Komayama-jyou during the Age of Civil Wars Because Singorou Amuro who was a too young son of Yosinaga succeeded the castle, Ettyuu-no-kami Osahune who was a vassal of Naoie UkitaIt, supported him    It is said that because Oda clan, Yosida clan,  Utumi clan and Katazima clan attacked the castle in 1577,  but could not capture, they stole into the castle over the mountains and set fire to the castle and made the castle fall following the advice by Jibe Takami who had  good military science https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/harima/komayama-jyo/

Komori-koziro 小森古城:小森 北緯34度55分16秒東経133度48分23秒 Please refer to 小森古城

Komor-Konpira-jinjya/shrine 小森金毘羅神社:小森神原 北緯34度55分28秒東経133度48分44秒 Please refer to 金比羅神社 小森金比羅神社

KOmori-jyou 小森城:小森 北緯34度54分59秒東経133度47分57秒    Please refer to 小森城

KOya-jyou 小屋城:上竹中津井 北緯34度49分25秒東経133度39分32秒東経133度39分28秒に小屋城と思われる城跡があります。 Please refor to 離小屋城

Ukan-Gongen-yama/mountain 権現山:有漢町有漢 北緯34度53分34秒東経133度40分56秒 http://takahasikanko.or.jp/modules/spot/index.php?content_id=48

Toyono-Gongen-yama 豊野権現山:豊野 北緯34度53分19秒東経133度42分3秒     Pleas refer to 妖怪伝説 人間喰いたい 

Saida-jyou 佐井田城・斉田城:岡山県真庭市下中津井 北緯34度56分18秒東経 133度37分0秒    Saida-jyou/castle was built by Hidenaga Ueki priory of 1517    Tadaie Ukita who was a brother of Naoie, attacked Saida-jyou in 1568 during Myouzenji-gassen/war, Hidenaga Ueki surrendered to the enemy and took Ukita clan’s side    Motokiyo Mouri attacked Saida-jyou in next year, but could not capture    After that, Ueki clan had been retained the territory while constantly changing masters in the order of Ukita clan, Mouri clan, Amago clan and Mouri clan    Hidesuke Ueki who was a son of Hidenaga, came back to Saida-jyou in1580    The castle was abandoned after Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1600    http://saigokunoyamajiro.blogspot.com/2014/12/blog-post_26.html」 

Sagata-jyou 相方城:福山市新市町相方 北緯34度32分52秒東経133度16分3秒   Sagara-jyou/castle was built by Motomori Wakasa-no-kami Aruji during Tensyou era   When Motonobu Miya and Kiyomoto Iwami-no-kami -Miya(有地清元) who was the younger brother of Motonobu, got on to bad terms, Kiyomoto ran away Kamejyuyama-jyou and built Kunitake-jyou & changed his surname to Arudi  When Motonari Mouri, Nobunao Kumagaya, Takasige Amano and Mitukage Kagawa attacked Miya-no-siro “the main enclosure of Ootani-jou :Tonooku-jyou which Arudi  "Ariji" clan lived in" , Motomori Arudi gave up in1534 and built Sagara-jyou with stone wall    Arudi clan forced relocation to Izumo province by Mouri clan in 1591    When Terumoto Mouri forced relocation to Suou Boutyou “Suou province and Nagato province”,  Sagata-jyou was abandoned by Ieyasu Tokugawa after Sekigahara-no-tatakai war https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/相方城

Sakurao-jyou 桜尾城:広島県廿日市市桜尾本町桂公園 北緯34度21分27秒東経132度20分32秒     Tikazane Hujiwara becam the new Kannusi “Shinto priest” of Itukusima-jinja/shrine and built Sakurao-jyou in about 1235 Nobukata Takeda invaded into the territory of Itukusima-jinja and surrounded Sakurao-jyou in 1441, but Hujiwara clan drove back the enemy and Hujiwara clan was subordinated to Norihiro Oouti Okihuji Tomoda entered to Sakurao-jyou during the age of provincial wars    Okihuji left from Yositaka Oouti’s side and took Tunehisa Amago’s side in 1541, but Yositaka Oouti attacked Sakurao-jyou, and Okihuji killed himself    After that, Takazane Sugi who was a vassal of Oouti clan, became the lord of Sakurao-jyou and he changed his name to Kagenori Saeki    After Taineiji-no-hen/war, Nobukata Era etc. became the castle keepers of Sakurao-jyou, Terumoto Mouri who rebelled against Yositaka Oouti clan,  Harukata Sue invaded in1554 and Sakurao-jyoy became under influence of Mouri clan, Motozumi Katura became the lord    When Motozumi was dead, Motokiyo Hoida who was 4th son of Motonari, became the lord    After Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war, Masanori Hukusima abandoned Sakurao-jyou美作 篠向城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Sasahuki-jyou 篠吹城・篠葺城・Sasabuki-jyou篠向城・笹向城真庭市三崎 北緯35度3分51秒東経133度46分27秒    Sasahuki-jyou/castle was under influence of Naoie Ukita in 1578    When Naoie left from Terumoto mouri's side and took the side of Nobunaga oda, Mouri clan attacked the castle and was captured    Because Hideyosi Hasiba who was Oda side, made peace with Terumoto Mouri in 1582,  Sasahuki-jyou was returned to under influence of Naoie Ukita, Tikatugu Ebara became the lord    Tikatugu who followed  Hideie Ukita, was dead by illness in Puusan-han Korea during the dispatch of troops to Korea by Hideyoshi https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/mimasaka/sasabuki-jyo/

Sayotani-jyou 佐与谷城:西の太谷山の頂上 北緯34度48分54秒東経133度39分5秒   Please refer to 佐与谷城

Sarukake-jyou 猿掛城:倉敷市真備町から小田郡矢掛町の間 北緯34度36分36秒東経133度38分14秒     Tamesuke Syou “the lord of Sarukake-jyou/castle" attacked and destroyed Yoriuji Ueno “the lord of Matuyama-jyou, obtained the new territory on half of Bittyuu province in 1533 And he moved into Matuyama-jyou and Sanetika Hoida entered in Sarukake-jyou Shou clan who was the lord of Sarukake-jyou, formed a friendship with Haruhisa Amago   He was attacked by Ietika Mimura “the lord of Kakusyu-jyou who formed friendship with Motonari Mouri in 1553    Tamesuke Syou and Ietika Mimura became reconciled to each other under the stipulation that Sanetika Hoida "or Tamesuke Syou" adopted Motosuke Syou who was the 1st son of Ietika Mimura, Motosuke became the lord of Sarukake-jyou in 1553    Naoie Ukite who was invading in Bittyyu province, obtained Sarukake-jyou because Takasuke Syou “a son of Tamesuke” became in cooperation with Ukita clan in1568    Motonari Mouri who felt uneasy about that, sent Motokiya “the 4th son of Motonari” to attack and captured Sarukake-jyou And in this year, Mototika Mimura ”a son of Ietika” pushed down Takasuke Syou with supports of Mouri clan, became the lord of Matuyama-jyou and the supreme ruler of Bittyuu province    Because Ukita Naoie took Nobunaga Oda’s side, Bittyuu-heiran “the war between Terumoto Mouri and Mototika Mimura” started in 1574, and Sarukake-jyou became a frontline base Matuyama-jyou was fallen, Bityuu-heiran came to an end, and Mototika Mimura killed himself by his sword    Motokiyo Mouri became the castle keeper of Sarukake-jyou with his wish & the achievement and renamed Motokiyo Hoida  after the place name of Hoida-gou/country    The castle was the headquarters when the time of Terumoto Mouri, during the inundation tactics of Takamatu-jyou by Hideyosi Hasiba in 1582    Motokiyo Hoida built Nakayama-jyou on Tyausu-yama/mountain where was he western part of Sarukake-jyou, moved into Nakayama-jyou in 1583     Takaie Sisido who was a chief vassal of Motokiyo, became the castle keeper of Sarukake-jyou    After Sekigahara-no-kassen/war, the castle abandoned by Ieyasu Tokugawa because Terumoto Mouri was the chief general of Western army "anti Ieysas", and territory of Mouri clan was reduced to two provinces “Suou province Nagato province”「https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/猿掛城

Sigeoka-jinjya 重岡神社:尾原刈山 北緯34度55分8秒東経133度45分4秒   Please refer to 重岡神社 新山城 and 苅山城

Sizu-ga-Take no tatakai 賤ヶ岳の戦い:滋賀県長浜市木之本 北緯35度30分22秒東経136度11分35秒  Sizu-ga-take no-Tatakai was a war between Hideyosi Hasiba and Katuie Sibata on near Sizu-ga-take/mountain in Oumi province    This war was a intense battle that split the Oda’s power of in two, after the battle, Hideyoshi who was the victor of this battle, consolidated his legitimacy to succeed to the authority and the system that had been built up by Nobunaga Oda

Jizou-siro 地蔵城・Siroyama 城山:上田東 北緯34度54分23秒東経133度48分17秒  Please refer to 地蔵城 and 上加茂合戦

Jizuu-ga-hana 地蔵ヶ鼻:上竹 北緯34度50分30秒東経133度40分31秒    Please refer to 地蔵ヶ鼻砦 and かつえ坂

Sinobuyama-jyou 忍山城:岡山県岡山市北区上高田 北緯34度47分18秒東経133度50分7秒     It is said that Sinobuyama-jyou was built Iga-no-kami Iga    Because Motoharu Kikkawa captured some number of castles in Mimasaka province 1581, Naoie Ukita send Sinano-no-kami Ukita and Gousuke Oka into Sinobuyama-jyou to aim to capture Mouri army's castles for paying off the grudge    Whereas, Terumoto Mouri, Motoharu Kikkawa and Takakage Kobayakawa penetrated deep into enemy territory by large army   Tunekoto Kikkawa started to attack, but they were reported that Ukita side’s sent reinforcements and they acted as if shrank back    The castle side sallied out of the castle because they saw the act of Tunekoto troop Because Tunekoto’s troof countered, the castle’s side gave up and ran away into the castle and the castle was fallen by Tunekoto Duration this battle, Hisaie Iga who was a son of Hisataka Iga “who was killed by Naoie with toxin”, took up a position in Katuo-jyou to attack from behind of Naoie who must get there for reinforcements, but Naoie not appeared there because he was ill “Sirihasu” in bed    Iehisa attacked Kanagawa-jyou which was kept by Haruie Ukita who was a brother of Naoie, killed the many enemieshttps://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bicchu/shinobuyama-jyo/

Simizu-jyou 八田部領清水城:岡山県総社市井手備中高松城の前身です。http://www2.harimaya.com/sengoku/html/bz_namba.html

Simizu-jyou 清水城:福沢 北緯34度55分33秒東経133度43分53秒   Please refer to 清水城 and 野々平城

syari-ji 舎利寺:大阪市生野区 北緯34度38分58秒東経135度32分11秒 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/舎利寺

Syari-ki no tatakai舎利寺の戦い:天文16年(1547年)7月21日の舎利寺周辺で、細川晴元方の三好長慶 等軍 対 細川氏綱遊佐長教 等軍の戦いです。天文17年(1548年)4月27日に六角定頼の仲立ちで 講和し、勝者三好長慶は 遊佐長教の娘と政略結婚しました。


Jyuuriki-jyou 十力城:高谷1038番地の北 北緯34度51分49秒東経133度46分42秒   Please refer to 十力城 福山城 and 東山城 

Syuku-mura 宿村:吉備中央町に宿の付く地名は有りません。岡山藩に宿村がありました。https://townweb.e-okayamacity.jp/mino-rengou/minorekisi/syukuson/syukuson.html

Syouken-jyou 畑ヶ鳴Hata-go-naru伊賀家の小圏城:吉川伊賀家は 伊賀家久の子の 伊賀三郎左衛門が 祖で、畑ヶ鳴伊賀家は その2代下った四郎左衛門清久の子、三郎五郎が祖です。上田東畑ヶ鳴2436番地の北緯34度53分25秒秒東経133度50分58秒     The Yoshikawa Iga family was founded by Saburo-zaemon Iga who was the son of Iehisa Iga   The founder of Hata-go-naru Iga family was Saburou-zaemon Iga who is the son of Kiyohisa Zaemon Iga who is the grandson of Saburou-zaemon Igs 

Jyoukouji-jyou 常光寺城・大木城豊岡上別曽669番地の西の大鶴山Daokaku-san(亀山・蓬莱山) 北緯34度54分16秒東経133度45分41秒   Yoriuji Iga who was the Jitou of Osada-no-syou was sent by Muromati syougunate, built Jyoukouji-jyou/castle on Toyooka-kami    Please refer to 常光寺城 大木城 and 伊賀久隆の戦い-常光寺合戦

Higasimuk-iyama Syouren-ji 東向山松蓮寺:高梁市上谷町4102番地 北緯34度47分20秒東経133度37分12秒   備中松山城主三村元親が 備中兵乱に敗れ、自害した寺です。Mototika Mimura "the lord of Bittyuu-Matuyama-jyou" killed himself  in Syouren-ji temple in 1573 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/松連寺

Siraga-jyou 白鹿城:松江市法吉町 北緯35度29分58秒東経133度3分14秒  Yositaka Oouti and Motonari Mouri were looking on as an enemy each other in middle area of Japan during from 1500 to1550     Takahusa sue “a vassal of Oouti clan” killed his lord “Yositaka Oouti” during Taineiji-no-hen/battle    With this as a turning point, Motonari Mouri “the lord of Aki province” made figure    He destroyed Harukata Sue "Takahusa Sue"  during the battle of Itsukushima in1555” , defeated Yosinaga Oouti in Bou-tyou-keiryaku “conquest of Suo and Nagato provinces”  in 1557, force Tamesuke syou ”Amago clan’s side” surrender Sarukake-jyou/castle in 1559 "sarukake-gassen" by joining hands with Ietika Mimura, assumed Iwami silver mine in 1562 and controlled Iwami province    Because  after Haruhisa Amago died suddenly, the Amago’s power declined rapidly, Motonari invaded Izumo province to destroy Yosihisa Amago in1562    Motonari planned to capture Gassan-Toda-jyou    Takamoto Mouri “1st son of Terumoto” set up a position on Arawai-jyou  where was a cape jutting out  into the Sinji-ko/lake and the important position for cutting off the foods and water supply to the Siraga-jyou which was built on an important traffic position from Shimane peninsula to Gassan-Todajyou    But Takamoto was dead during the putting the plan into operation in 1563    Terumoto mouri marched against Siraga-jyou at the head of a large army to wage a battle to avenge Takamoto's death    Amago's army and Mouri army repeated superiority or inferiority battles    Yosihisa Amago send Tomohisa Amago  as reinforcements to Siraga-jyou to rescue the soldiers in the castle who were surrounded by Mouri's army and were suffering from a shortage of food    But Tomohisa’s troop was ran away to the castle “Siraga-jyou-no-Humoto-gassen” in 1563    And Amago army in the castle gave up and opened the castle, Masayasu Matuda “the lord of Sirsaga-jyou” escaped to Iki province, Hisakiyo Usio send to Gassan-Tomita-jyou, Saidou Humon killed himself in the castle

Izumo-Sinyama-jyou 出雲新山城・真山城:松江市法吉町 北緯35度30分32秒東経133度3分17秒   Sinyama-jyou/castle was built by Taira-no-Tadanoti who was a paternal half-brothers of Taira-no-Kiyomori, during later Heian period    When Mouri clan attacked Siraga-jyou, Motoharu Kikkawa repaired and set up a position in 1563    After Siraga-jyou was fallen, Mouri clan abandoned Siraga-jyou and moved to Sinzan-jyou    Motonobu Taga became the lord    Katuhisa Amago, Sika-no-suke Yamanaka and so on went from Kyouto “raising an army” via Iki province to Simane-hantou/peninsula and captured Mayama-jyou   But Amago's army lost the battle, and went away from Mayama-jyou in 1571    After that, Mouri clan kept the castle until the castle abandoned after Sekigahara-no-tatakai in 1660 

Sueisi-jyou 末石城:高田市八千代町上 北緯34度35分13秒東経132度35分12秒 井上越前の居城という The lord of Sueisi-jyou was Etizen-Inoue 安芸 末石城-城郭放浪記 (pei.jp)

Suetugi-jyou 末次城・Setugi-jyou 脊継城・Yukinobe-jyou 行延城石川県鳳珠郡能登町字行延字不動寺 北緯37度20分1秒東経137度12分31秒  http://nanao.sakura.ne.jp/noto_castle/suetsugu_jyo.html

Suetugu-jyou Matue-jyou 松江城・Tidotri-jyou千鳥城・Suretugi-jyou 末次城:島根県松江市殿町 北緯35度28分30秒東経133度3分3秒   Tunahisa Amago captured Suetugu-jyou  in 1478   Tadatoyo Suetugu “a son of Takayosi followed Tunehisa Amago    Tadasada Suetugu “a grandchild of Tadatoyo” battled against Motonari Mouri in Yosida-Kouriyama-no-tatakai/war, Tadahusa Suetugu served Haruhisa and Yosihisa Amago and battled Motonari Mouri in defense of Iwami-silver mine, Sadataka “ a son of Tadahusa” served Katuhisa Amago, but he was dead in 1570   Suetugu-jyou/castle was captured by Motonari Mouri in 1571   Yosiharu Horio built Matuye-jyou on ruins of Suetugu-jyou in 1607 https://masakishibata.wordpress.com/2017/12/17/matsue/


Sueyosi -jyou 末吉城:鳥取県西伯郡大山町末吉 北緯35度29分9秒東経133度26分36秒 The lord of Sueyosi-jyou/castle was Sika-no-suke Nakayama who was a surviving retainer of Haruhisa Amago, raised 1st Amago-saikou-gun ”the army for the restoration of the Amago clan” in arms with Katuhisa Amago “a grandson of Kunihisa Amago who was the Amago clan's head in Izumo province    The army extend the influence to Houki province    The Amago-saikou-gun was counterattacked by Mouri clan in1570, suffered a crushing defeat during Nunobe-gassen in 1571    Sika-no-suke Nakayama who had been kept Sueyosi-jou with the support of Daisen-ji-Kyougoin, was captured by Mouri army and was confined in Odaka-jyou, but he escaped from the castle through the  https://www.hb.pei.jprivyp/shiro/houki/sueyoshi-jyo/

Sugano-jyou 菅野城跡:吉川南正行北緯34度49分16秒東経133度45分184秒    Please refer to 菅野城 

Sugiyama-jyou 杉山城:浅口市鴨方町大字小坂東 北緯34度33分41秒1秒東経133度34度34分    Amago restoration army failed to capture Gassan-Toda-jyou/castle in 1570, but Katuhisa Amago and Naoie Ukita joined hands together and dominated Bittyuu province  Sikibu Amago etc. and Naoie Ukita invaded into Asakuti and pressed Mititada Hosokawa to give up, but Mititada who was staying in Sugiyama-jou castle refused their pressre and counterattacked the enemy      Sugiyama-jyou’s side killed Kagano-kani-Tuzu and Mago-zaemon Hukui, but were defeated in vainhttp://saigokunoyamajiro.blogspot.com/2013/06/blog-post_17.html

Suzuo-jyou 鈴尾城・HUkuhara-jyou 福原城:広島県安芸高田市福原 北緯34度38分5秒東経132度39分54秒     Suzuo-jyou/castle was built by Hiroyo Hukuhara in 1381   Sadahiro Nagai adopted Hiroyo “5th son of Motoharu Mouri" from Motoharu Mouri    After Hiroyo Nagai took over as the head of the Hukuhara family, was given Hukuhara-mura/village from the father and built Suzuo-jyou and lived in the castle    The elder sister of Sadatosi Hukuhara who was the 9th head of Hukuhara family, married Hiromoto Mouri, she birthed Okimoto Mouri and Motonari Mour    After Sekigahara-no-tatakai war Suzuo-jyou was abandoned

Susumanuma-jyou 須々万沼城:山口県周南市須々万本郷 北緯34度7分29秒東経131度51分56秒    During Boutyou-Keiryaku by Motonari Mouri started from1555, Okimori Yamazaki, Katanobu Era etc. stayed in Susumanuma-jyou/castle, and fought Mouri's army who advanced on the castle Mouri army rushed in the castle in 1557 and killed1500 of men and women of all ages-ordinary peoples with swords, Okimori Yamazaki “the defense general” and Takatugu “son of Okimori” killed themselves and Kakanobu Era “the lord of Susumanuma-jyou” went out & surrendered    The castle was abandoned after the battle https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/須々万沼城

Sumine-jinjya  須美祢神社:島根県雲南市加茂町立原 北緯35度19分35秒東経132度55分57秒    https://genbu.net/data/izumo/sumine_title.htm

Seki-ga-hsara 関ケ原:岐阜県不破郡関ケ原町 北緯35度21分44秒東経136度28分9秒 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/関ヶ原

関ヶ原の戦い:慶長5年9月15日(1600年10月21日)に 関ヶ原を 主戦場とした戦です。徳川家康石田三成の戦いで、小早川秀秋の裏切りが 有って徳川側が勝利しました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/関ヶ原の戦い」    Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war is a battle between two major powers ” Western armies led by Mitunari Isida who was Toyotomi clan’s side and Eastern armies led by Ieyasu Tokugawa” that divided all daimyous “lord of country” of Japan at Seki-ga-hara as the major battlefield in 15th September 1600    The war started from eight o'clock in the morning in fog    Western armies were superior to Eastern armies in the beginning, but the Eastern armies won the war which continued for as long as 6 hours, by the treacherous behavior of Hideaki Kobayakawa whose the number of soldiers were 15000    The victims ran into 6000 or 8000

Iyo-Setayama-jyou 伊予国桑村世田山城:西条市三芳世田山 北緯33度58分53秒東経133度2分29秒    Ujiaki Oodati stayed in Setayama-jyou/castle during period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties Go-Murakami-tennou/emperor “the side of the Southern Court” sent Yosisuke Wakiya “a younger brother of Yosisada Nitta to Iyo province to take his sphere of influence on Chugoku region in 1342    But Yosisuke Wakiya died of illness in Kokubun-ji /temple   Yoriharu Hosokawa  “the side of northern court” invaded together with the armies of Awa and Sanuki province, attacked violently for 40days Kasamatuyama-jyou and Setayama-jyou which were last strongholds of Southern Court, and captured the castles    Ujiaki Oodati was killed in the battle    Yoriharu Hosokawa “the side of Northern Court” invaded and attacked Setayama-jyou which Mititomo Kouno stayed in   Because a certain mr. Saitou communicated secretly with Hosokawa clan and guided the soldiers into the castle   After that, the battles often was repeated

Soujya/shrine 惣社・Kamo-Soujya 加茂総社:加茂市場惣社1567番地 北緯34度51分51秒東経133度45分30秒   Please refer to 加茂総社 and 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

Daisen-ji 大山寺:大神山神社(本社:鳥取県米子市尾高1025番地 北緯35度25分0秒東経133度24分22秒 奥宮:鳥取県西伯郡大山町大山 北緯35度23分19秒・東経133度32分19秒)と 天台宗 別格本山の角磐山大山寺(鳥取県西伯郡大山町大山9番地 北緯35度23分28秒東経133度32分6秒)

Daisen-Dizu 大山地蔵:角磐山大山寺は 西伯郡大山町伯耆大山の中腹に建つ 天台宗 別格本山の寺で 本尊は地蔵菩薩です。奈良時代の山岳信仰の霊場で、養老2年(718年)に 金蓮上人が 地蔵菩薩を祀りました。「大山寺 (鳥取県大山町) - Wikipedia  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/大山寺_(鳥取県)

Daibatake-jyou大畑城・下湯山城・湯山城:湯山 北緯34度51分22秒東経133度44分59秒  Please refer to 大畑城 and 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

Takao-jyou 高尾城:安来市伯太町下十年畑 北緯37度17分21秒東経133度14分44秒    高尾城は 尼子十旗の一つで 足立右馬允の居城と伝えられます。The lord of Takao-jyou castle was  Uma-no-jyou Adati    Toumoto Uma-no-jyou Adati followed Yositomo Minamoto during Heiji-no-ran/war and appointed Uma-no-jyou3rd. officer of 右馬寮 (Ume-ryou: a public office related arms and military horses) After that, he followed Yosihira Minamoto, fought together with Sanemori Saitou, Naozane Kumagaya and Ietada Kaneko doughtily    When after Yoritomo Minamoto “had been exiled to Izu-Oosima island by Kiyomori Taira raised an army in 1180, enter Musasi-no-kuni from Bousou-hantou/peninsula, he picked up Toumoto Adati 

Taka-jyou 鷹城:東広島市河内町戸野 北緯34度30分55秒東経132度47分39秒 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/浦上宗景」 The lord of Taka-jyou was OOni clan

Takase-jyou 高瀬城:出雲市斐川町神庭 北緯35度21分47秒東経132度51分49秒   Okihisa Enya “the 3rd son of Tunehisa Amago opposed violently against his father in 1532,  Okihisa asked Oouti clan to support, but Yosioki Oouti who aimed to decrease the power of both Amago clan's groups, supported negatively   Tunehisa who was be inferior in strength    Tunahiro 綱広 Yonebara who was the lord of Takase-jyou/castle, tried to save Okihisa, but Okihisa killed himself in 1534    Tunahiro 綱寛 Yonebara "a son of 綱広" joined to the remnants of Amago clan stayed in Takase-jyou in 1569    Amago army were routed, Takase-jyou was isolated, Tunahiro fought in the castle town against Terumoto Mouri & Motoharu Tobigasu-jyou, Matajyuurou Oka

Hirata-jyou etc. violently in 1570, Terumoto Mouri captured the castle, and Motoharu Mouri entered into the castle, but the castle was abandoned

TMimasaka-akada-jyou 高田城・勝山城・Oohusayama-jyou 大総山城・Oohutura-jyou大都夫良山城・Taysamsa-jyou夥山城:真庭市 北緯35度5分23秒東経133度41分35秒    Sadatura Miura built Takada-jyou/castle probably    Sadahisa Miura “a grandson of Sadatura” was attacked by Hisanobu Uyam “under Haruhisa Amago, but drove back in 1544    When Sadahisa was dead, Sadakatu miura became the head of Miura family, Hisanobu Uyama attacked and captured the castle in1548    Sadakatu Mimura regained the castle while Haruhisa Amago was attacking by Motonsari Mouri in 1559     Ietika Mimura “the lord of Bityyuu-Matuyama-jyou became a retainer of Motonari Mouri, attackef Takada-jyou and Sadakatu Mimura killed himself with his sword in 1565     Enyuuin “who was the wife of Sadahisa and became the wife of Naoie Ukita later” escaped Bizen province together with Toujyu-maru    When Naoie ukita assassinated Ietika Mimura, Mimura Sadamori “the youngest brother of Sadakatu” regained Takada-jyou in 1566 but Mouri clan captured again and Sadamori Miura was killed in the battle     Sadahiro Miura repeated to attack Takada-jyou under assistance by Naoie Ukita in beginning, after Ukita clan backed out with resignation, and regained Takadaj-you 3 times under assistance of Yukimori Yamanaka “surviving retainer of Amago clan” in 1570   Sadahiro Mimura made peace with Mouri clan, and Takada-jyou became Terumoto Mouri’s possession through the intermediation by Naoie Ukita in 1575 

Bittyuu-Takamatu-jyou 備中高松城:岡山市北区高松 北緯34度41分35秒東経133度49分19秒 Hideyosi Hasiba started the capture of Chugoku region “the war of Bityuu-Takamatu-jyou castle which surrounded with swamp and was impregnable” in 1582   Hideyoshi “avassal of Nobunaga oda invaded Biityuu province and flooded Bittyuu-Takamatsu-jyou  Muneharu Simizu Mouri ’s side” had been endured difficult situations steadfast of the water torture against Takamatu-jyou  that was executing in order to the Takataka Kuroda’s proposal in 21th July of the same year  Because Nobunaga Oda was killed by his vassal ”Mitsuhide Aketi” in Honno-ji/temple, Kyoto (the Honno-ji-no-hen/incident)  Hideyosi made peace with Terumoto mouri by mediation of Ekei Ankokuji with a hidden the incident, and Muneharu Simizu killed himself by cutting open his abdomen in exchange for the soldier’s lives in the castle    Hideyosi made a forced march to Kinki to encounter against Mituhide Aketi “Tyuugoku-Oogaesi:the large scale return from middle area of Honsyuu”  Takamatu-jyou becam Naoie Ukita’s possession and Masanari Hanabusa became the lord of the castle,  After Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1600, Motohide Hanabusa “old retainer of Naoie Ukita ” became the lord of the castle, and after Motohide’s death the castle was abolished by the Ikkoku Ichijo rei "Lawof One Castle per Province"

Kawati-Takaya-jyou 河内高屋城・Hatakeyama-jyou 畠山城:大阪府羽曳野市34度32分5632分56秒東経135度36分35秒 Takaya-jyou/castle was built by Motokuni Hatakeyama in1394 or by Yosonari Hatakeyama in 1479    Munehusa Yasumi drove out Takamasa Hatakeyama from the castle in 1558   Nagayosi Miyosi captured Takaya-jyou, drove out Minehusa, and made Takamasa return to the lord of the castle in 1559    Nagayosi Miyosi sent Nagamitu Yukawa into Mikawa province as assistant    But Takamasa Hatakeyama treated NaomituYukawa as if he was not there and made Munefusa Takami come back again    Nagayosi Miyosi captured Takaya-jyou again in1560, expelled Takamasa and Munehusa, and made Jikkyuu Miyosi “a brother of Nagayosi” the lord of the castle    Takamasa Hatakeyama captured the castle again in 1561, when Takamasa lost Kyoukouji-no-tatakai/battleYositugu Miyosi “a nephew of nagayosi” became the lord in 1562  Yositugu quarreled with Miyosi-3nin-syuu “Nagayasu Miyoso, Soui Miyosi  and tomomiti Iwanari and left the castle    Hisahide Matunaga won Miyosi-3nin-syuu during Toudaij-Daibutuden-no-tatakai  in 1567 Yasunaga Miyosi entered in the castle by catching off guard in 1568    When Nobunaga  Oda captured Akutagawayama-jyou, Yasunaga ran away to Awa province    When Yositeru was killed during Eiroku-no-hen/incident, Takamasa transfered the headship of the family to Akitaka Hatakeyama “a brother of Takamas” to make every effort to made Yoshiaki seii taishogun the Generalissimo for the Subjugation of Barbarians”, Takaaki returned to the lord of Takaya-jyou with support of Yosiaki and Nobunaga    When Yosiaki Asikaga was banished from Kyouto by Nobunaga Oda, Akitaka Hatakeyama turned to Nobunaga Oda’s side in1573    Then Nobunori Yusa “a chief vassal of Yosiaki” captured Takaya-jyou,  and Takayasu killed himself    Nobunori Yusa and Yasunagsa Miyosi Yasunaga Miyosi surrendered the castle and Nobunori Yusa became a vassal of Nobunaga Oda  Please refeu for 高谷城の戦い

Takaya-jyou-no-tatakai 一次高屋城の戦い:The anti-Nobunaga network deteriorated almost completely by 1574  through the exile of Yosiaki Asikaga during Makisimajyou-no-tatakai/war in Jury 1573, suicide of Yosikage Asakura during Itujyoudani-no-tatakai, Death of Nagamasa Asai during Kotajijyou-no-tatakai in August, suicide of Yositugu Miyosi during Wakae-jyou-no-tatakai, in September, the peace with Isiyama-Hongan-ji/temple in November, the escape of Yosiaki Asikaga from Sakai to Koukoku-ji in December and the surrender of Tamonyama-jyou and Hori-jyou which Hisahide Matunaga was the lord and so on     Yosiaki Asikaga-shougun sent Gonaisyo “documents of shogunate order” to Katuyori Takeda, Kensin Uesugi and Ujimasa Houjyou that I will come back to Kyouto togerther with Ieyasu Tokugawa and Kennyo Honganji     Hujinaga Issiki “a chief vassal of Yosiaki” visited Isiyama-Hongan-ji and Takaya-jyou frequently In April 1974, Katumasa Ikeda, Ikou Sogou, Magoiti Suzuki, remnants of a defeated army of Wakae-jyou, and soldiers of Ikeda-jyou attacked Hori-jyou which was defending by Akimoto Hosokawa who was Nobunaga Oda’s side and captured the castles near Hori-jyou    Isiyama-Hongan-ji rose in revolt too    Nobunori Yusa called Yasunaga Miyosi to Takaya-jyou and barricaded themselves together with a part of Yamato province’s soldiers following the action    Nobunaga Oda in kyouto who was reported their revolts, sent the punitive army composed of Katuie Sibata, Jyunkei Tutui, Mituhide Aketi, Hujitaka Hosokawa and Murasige Araki,  attacked Isiyama-Hongan-ji and Takaya-jyou from Simo-Yao, Sumiyosi and Tennouji    Oda Nobunaga’s troops withdraw while leaving Murasige Araki and Ukon Takayama as troops for preventing   Nobumori Sakuma, Hujitaka Hosokawa, Mituhide Aketi, Naomasa Ban and Nagayosi Mori entered in Wakae-jyou, battled the allied armies of Yasunaga Miyosi and Kennyo Honganji intensely, conquered Iimoriyama-jyou and Kayahuri-jyou, and the castle town of Takaya-jyou was set fire

 Takaya-jyou-no-tatakai 二次高屋城の戦い:But Oda armies withdrew from Kawati temporarily,  Nobunaga Oda sent  Hujitaka Hosokawa a letter in March 15th 1575  that 「As I order you to attack Oosaka Isiyama-Hongan-ji/temple” in next autumn and will lend soldiers of Hunai and Kuwana “Tanba province”, let each troops do their best    I forbid attacking the bases, setting fire, seizure , violence and cutting trees & bamboos in Sumiyosi-gouri Settu province    If you break the prohibition, I will punish you     The riot-army of Hongan-ji built Oowa-toride/ort    Murasige Araki attacked the fort but lost the battle    Then he lured the riot army out to Jyuusou-no-watasi/ferry with the favorite trick and attached to them, captured Oowada-toride and Tenman-toride Nobunaga Oda enter in Wakae-jyou April 6th via Yahata from Kyouto, set up camp on Koma-ga-tani-yama/mountain, and started to attack Takaya-jyou/ csastle    In the response, Yasunaga Miyosi took the field from Hudou-zaka-guti of Takaya-jyou and battled violently each other    Nobunaga Oda’s army burned away a field near Takaya-jyou and cut down young wheat    Oda army added reinforcements, swelled with new arrivals to a large army of a hundred thousand, pressed on Hongan-ji and cut down the crops too around Hongan-ji and marched toward Sinbori-jyou in April 16th   Sinbori-jyou was built between Hongan-ji and Takaya-jyou, had been supported the both bases of Ikkou sogou and Naganobu Kouzai    Nobunaga surrounded Niihori-jou which Ikkou Sogou and Naganobu Kouzai were staying , filled the moats with grasses, set a fire with fire arrow in night, attacked bravely the enemy's position from Oote-mon “main gate” and Karamete-mon “back gate” Ikkou Sogou was killed in the battle, Naganobu Kouzai was captured and was cut the head    Yasunaga Miyosi capitulated through Yuukan Matui    Takayajyou-no-tatakai was finished with this

Takayama-jyou 高山城:広島県三原市本郷町 北緯34度25分10秒東経132度59分2秒   Touhira Doi “a son of Sanehira gave his family name Kobayakawa after the geographical name    He was given Numata-no-syou in recognition of his achievement during Syoukyuu-no-ran/war Takayama-jyou/castle was built by Sigehira Kobayakawa “a grandson of Touhira” in 1206    Because Okikage Kobayakawa  “the head of Takehara-Kobayakawa family  died young,  the family adopted Tokujyu-maru “3rd son of Motonari Mour:Takakage Mouri later” in 1541, and Takakage became the head in 1544     Because Sigehira Kobayakawa “the head of Mumata-Kobayakawa family was too younger. delicacy of health and blindness, made retire, Takakage Kobayakawa took over as the head of Numata-Kobayakawa family too    Both Kobayakawa families were unified as result in 1550    Takakage built Nii-takayama-jyou on the opposite shore, moved to it, and abandoned Takayama-jyou    https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/高山城_(安芸国)

Nii-Takayama-jyou 新高山城:三原市本郷町 北緯34度25分13秒東経132度58分32秒    Please refer toTakayama-jyou "the upper item"    Takakaga Kobayakawa how was the 3rd son of Motonari Mouri, Takakage bacam the head of Kobayakawa family, moved from Kimura-jyou castle to Takayama-jyou, and built Nii-Takayama-jyou as the headquarters in a short time in 1552    When Takakage Kobayakawa was relocated to Nasima-jyou in Tikuzen province by Hideyosi Toyotomi in 1587, retired and transffered the headship of the family to Hideaki Kobayakawa who was an adopted son, and renovated Mihara-jyou on a large scale and he went into retirement there in 1596    The stones  were transported to Miharajyou from the stone wall of Nii-Takayama-jyou, same as when the Niitakayama-jyou was built with the stones transported from Takayama-jyou https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/新高山城

Taki-no-jyou 滝之城:北区御津芳谷滝城山 北緯34度46分34秒東経133度58分0秒    Katutaka Saemon Iga " the father of Hisataka Iga"  who belonged Matuda clan Kanagawa-jyou/castle” was the lord of Taki-no-jyou    Takakatu moved to Kokura-jyou later    Gorou-bei  Souka “a vassal of Ukita clan stayed in the castle

Take-no-syou 竹之荘・竹荘第21代 雄略天皇が 倭武尊命の功績を 後世に残すために 各地に その功績を守る集団(名代Nasiro)を設けました。その居住区を武部Takerubeと呼びました。多気郷〔(旧)竹荘村 豊野村 下竹荘村「黒土 田土 湯山」 吉川村 菅谷村竹部「竹部 上野]」 御津郡建部町「建部」等〕建部に転訛しました。平安時代の吉川里は 石清水八幡宮に寄進され 石清水八幡宮の荘園になり、 かつ田次里 物部里等も荘園となり、これら一帯を 多気郷と呼びました。www.kibi.ne.jp/~taka-cha/history.htm」   Yuuryaku tennnou/Emperror who was 12th emperor, established the groups every place in Japan who wished to hand down by tradition of achievement by Yamato-Takeru-no-Mikoto to new generations    Their residential area was called Takeru-be "武尊部"    Takeru-be was corrupted Takebe“ 建部 竹部 etc. " Because The area became Syouen “manor 荘園” of Iwasimizu-Hatiman-guu/shrie, the area was called Taki-no-syou or Take-no-Syou “ 多気の荘 or竹荘" Takebe in Okayama city and "竹部“ Takebe in Kibityuuou-tyou are Takeru-be in ancient times  Please refer t 上加茂合戦

Tatu-no-kuti-jyou 備前国上道郡龍ノ口城:岡山市中区祇園 北緯34度42分37秒東経133度58分18秒     Matuda clan the lord of kanagawa-jyou castle” built Tatu-no-kuti-jyou as the tactical military base     It is said that Mototune Saijyo “the lord of the castle and a important vassal of Mototeru Matuda was killed by Gousuke Oka “ the male paramour of Naoie Ukita”    Because it is a war chronicle ,everything mentioned in it can be not believed as a historical fact    Actually, Mototune Saijyo was killed by Yahei Kajitani “a vassal of Mouri clan”  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/穝所職経」「http://iyokan.itigo.jp/jyozan/jyozan032-1.html

Tatuno-juou 龍野城:兵庫県たつの市龍野町上霞城 北緯34度52分8秒東経134度32分41秒    Tatuno-jyou Keirouzan-jyou”/castle was built Murahide Akamatu in 1499 on Tatuno    After this, the lord of the castle was succeeded by Masahide, Hirosada and Hirohide    The Akamatu clan's castle surrender to Hideyosi Toyotomi     After Hideyosi gained Harima province and based in Himeji-jyou , he made Masakatu Hatisuka the lord

Okuhi-Date-Danjyou-yakata 奥樋伊達弾正館跡・Okuhi-jyou奥樋城:の奥樋 北緯34度48分26秒東経133度42分14秒秒  Please refer to 樋奥樋城 

たなか・田中:吉備中央町には田中の地名(北緯34度51分13秒・東経133度40分32秒付近)、田中屋敷跡があり田中の姓の者が多く住んでいます。枡形山城 矢倉山畦城 羽田城等の城主に田中藤九郎の名が残ります。太平記に田中藤九郎盛兼 田中弥九郎盛泰兄弟が登場します。田中藤九郎の供養碑は下市の北緯34度51分46秒東経133度41分28秒の近くに有ります。 Please refer 野路山城,矢倉城,刎田城 and 太平記

Tanaka-yasiki 田中氏の屋敷跡・田中屋敷・Takei-yasiki 竹井屋敷:北緯34度51分11秒東経133度40分20秒近くで、岡崎家の裏手 Please refer to 田中屋敷

Tanabe-jyou 新山宮坂(みやざこ)の田辺家の田辺城:大金持ちの田辺九郎が構えたと思われます。北緯34度55分8秒東経133度44分28秒 Pleace refer to 吉備中央町の伝説 金鳥伝説 宮阪七人御崎

Tamonu-kuzure・鳥取の田の実崩れ:天正元年8月1日(1573年8月28日)山中幸盛 等の尼子再興軍と毛利方武田高信軍との 因幡国邑美郡鳥取郷で 行われた戦いです。尼子再興軍は 甑山城へ籠城すると 高信軍は 隙を見せる計略に掛かり力 攻めすると 矢鉄砲大石で 一斉攻撃を受け 総崩れとなり 撤退しようとしますが、敗走を待ち受けしていた 秋里左馬充と幸盛の兵に挟撃され 甚大な被害を出して 鳥取城へと敗走しました。「鳥取のたのも崩れ -Wikipedia  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/鳥取のたのも崩れ    Tanomo-Kuzure is the battle between the Amago’s restoration army including Yukimori Yamanaka and Takanobu Takeda “Mouri side” at Tottori-gou/village Oumi-gun/country in Harima province in 1573 Because Amago’s army barricade themselves in Kosikiyama-jyou/castle and pretended that they were unguard, Takanobu’s army fell into Amago's trap that they let their guard down on purpose, attacked the castle with all strength without a caution about a trick, Takanobu’s army were received the concerted attack with bows, guns and stones , were routed , and tried to withdraw from the battlefield, but were attacked on both sides Yukitaka “chased from the castle ” and  Sama-no-jyou Akisato  “was waiting the enemy on a rout”, and suffered serious damage and ran away to Tottori-jyo

Tamamo-guu/shrine 玉藻宮:下土井玉藻宮には 玉雲石玉藻石玉藻前霊神)を 祀ります。高田勝山玉藻宮の地に 天から石が 二個落ちてきました。毒気を吹き出し 害成す者に 祟るとされますので、下土井に 不幸が続いて困った時、高田城の家老土井次郎左衛門は 鎮守の森土井神社に この石を分石し 祀った処、難儀が収まったと言われます。「藤陽伝 伊賀氏一族と虎倉城記 伊賀氏関係諸家  kibi2011.blog81.fc2.com/blog-category-5.html」  Please refer to 土井神社 and上加茂合戦

Harima-Tyouzuiyama-jyou 播磨国宍粟郡長水山城・Hirose-jyou 広瀬城:宍粟市山崎町野長水山 北緯35度2分39秒東経134度31分42秒  Tyouzuiyama-jyou/castle built by Norisuke Akamatu “Harima province-Syugo-siki” during Bunna era(1352-1356) , He made Moroyori Hirose “a vassal of Norisuke”  guard the castle   After Kakiru-no-ran/battle in 1441,the lord of Tyouzui-jyou changed to Uno-clan “加順 Uno or Kuniyori Uno” from Hirose clan    The rule was continued for 5 generations of Uno clan, they extended Tyouzuiyama-jyou being based in Tyouzui-jyou    Sukekiyo Uno took Terumoto Mouri’s side and fought with Hideyosi Hasiba who invaded the Tyuugoku region, but the castle was captured by Hideyosi    Sukekiyo tried to run away toward Mimasaka ,but he was killed by Masakatu Hatisuka

Izumo-Tyuuyama-jyou 出雲忠山城:松江市美保関町千酌Tikumi 北緯34度29分18秒東経132度40分27秒   When Motonari Mouri went to Kyuusyuu to battle with Sourin Ootomo,  The army for restoration of Amago clan whose leader was Katuhisa Amago, made a landing from Iki, captured Tyuuyama-jyou/castle and repaired    Amago's army changed the base to Sinyama-jyo while retaining Tyuuyama-jyou    https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/izumo/chuyama-jyo/

Tudu-jyou 津々城:高梁市中井町津々 北緯34度54分4秒東経133度35分51秒

Tudumi-jinjya/shrine 鼓神社:岡山空港近く 岡山市上高田3628番地 北緯34度46分34秒 ご利益は域守護 五穀豊穣 商売繁盛 健康長寿 武運長久等です。人皇第10代の崇神天皇Sujin-tennou四道将軍大吉備津彦命Oo-Kibitu-hiko-no-mikoto、その部下の遣霊彦命Tometama-hiko-no-mikotoと、足守吉川の豪族楽楽森彦命Sasa-morihiko-no-mikoto、楽楽森彦命の娘であり吉備津彦命の妻である高田媛命Takada-hime-no-mikotoを祀ります。主神は遣霊彦命あるいは日本武尊Yamato-Takeru-no-mikotoの子の武鼓王命Take-Kaiko-no-mikoto 或いは 高田媛命であるとの諸説があります。遣霊彦命は吉備津彦命の脇將で鬼ノ城の戦いで敵将温羅を討ち取った功積に報いられ大井庄のうちの五ケ所を頂いた留霊臣命(とめたまおみのみこと)の事で、桃太郎伝説の雉に当たる人物であり、鳥飼部(とりかいべ)の長です。楽楽森彦命は吉川の猿飼部Sarukai-beの長で、製鉄技術を持ち軍師的役割を果たしました。砂鉄や鉄鉱石を求め山野を巡る内に犬飼部Inukai-be犬飼健命Inukai-Takeru-no-mikotoや留霊臣命と親しくなり、温羅討伐に誘ったのでしょう。部とは同業の職業集団あるいは地域の集団の事です。部の集落群を部落と呼びます。  The divin favors of Tudumi-jinjya/shrine  are regional protection, five grains rich harvest, business prosperity, healthy & longevity of life, continued luck in the fortunes of war, etc.    Oo-kibitu-hiko-no-mikoto “Sidou-syougun of the10th Emperor-Sujin-tennou 2nd Kibitu-hiko-no-mikoto, Isaserihiko-no-mikoto" ,Tometama-hiko-no-mikoto ”a Kibitu-hiko-no-mikoto’s subordinate” , Sasara-mori-hiko-no-mikoto “a powerful family of Yosikawa Asimori” ,Takada-hime-no-mikoto “a daughter of Sasara-mori-hiko-no-mikoto & the wife of2nd  Kibitu-hiko-no--mikoto” are enshrined.in Tudumi-jinjya  There are various theories that the Main god enshrined is Tometama-hiko-no-mikoto, or Take-kaiko-no-mikoto “a son of Yamato-takeru-no-mikoto” or Takada-hime-no-mikoto   Tometama-hiko-no-mikoto is Tometama-omi-no-mikoto who killed Onra “the army general of enemy ” during the battle on ki-no-jyou/castle and the head of Torikai-be “professional group of keeping poultry for the imperial court” and is the motif of Japanese pheasant in story of the peach boy    Sasara-mori-hiko-no-mikoto was head of Sarukai-be “monkey-kaibe”,, was a technical expert of steel making and took on a role of naval commander and is the motif of monkey in story of the peach boy    https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/皷神社」「https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/桃太郎

Tudumida-jyou 鼓田城・本陣山城:岡山県北区御津虎倉奥宿と北区上高田の境 北緯34度47分35秒東経133度49分37秒     Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 鼓田合戦

Tuneeda-jyou 常江田城:豊岡下 北緯34度54分60秒東経133度46分55秒近く Please refer to 常江田城

 Bizen-Tuneyama-jyou常山城:岡山市南区迫川玉野宇藤木用吉木目にまたがる境 北緯34度31分30秒東経133度53分12秒  Tuneyama-jyou/castle was built by Ueno clan who was connected with MImuyra clan by marriage during Bunmei era    The last head of Ueno clan was Takanori Hizen- no-kami Ueno who lived in Tuneyama-jyou and was captured by Terumoto Mouri in 1575 Bittyuu-heiran war    Takanori suicided in the castle, but his wife Turu-hime rushed the enemy's camp together with her about 30 maidsinthe castle    Because Turu hime asked Munekatu Nomi to engage in single combat but Munekatu refused her offer, Teru-hime retuned into the castle and suicided    During Hieyosi Toyotomi-period the area became Hideie Ukita’s territory, Hideyasu Togawa became the lord of the castle    Dring Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1600, as Hideie Ukita belonged to the west squad, he underwent Kaieki sanction "sudden dismissal and deprivation of position, privileges and properties", Hideaki Kobayakawa became the lord of the area, and Sanetosi Iki who was a vassal of Hideaki, became the lord of the castle     After Hideaki was dead by illness and underwent Kaieki, the area became Tadatugu Ikeda’s territory , and Tadatugu abandoned the castle

Ukan-JTuneyama-you有漢常山城:有漢町有漢4882-1番地の漢常山公園 北緯34度54分44秒東経133度40分31秒で、肥田五兵衛Hida-goheiが 在城しました     Ukan-Tuneyama-jyou/castle was built by Sigenobu Sabrou Akiba who was appointed to Ditou “the lord of a manor” of Ukan country in view of the distinguished services during Syoukyuu-no-ran/war in 1221    Sigenobu built his residence, Dai-ga-hana--jyou and Oomatuyama-jyou on the opposite side of Ukan-Tuneyama-jyou, and moved to Oomatuyama-jyou the ancestors of Bittyuu-Matuyama-jyou” later    Iezumi Genba-no-jyou Niiyama lived in the castle during Tensyou era

Bittyuu-Tuneyama-jyou 備中賀陽郡経山城:岡山県総社市黒尾経山 北緯34度43分2秒東経133度45分13秒      It is said that Tuneyama-jyou/castle was built by Yoshitaka Ouchi during Tenmon era (1532-1555)    In 1543, Harumasa Akamatsu sent Munekage Uragami and Naoie Ukita to attack Tuneyama-jyou, but at this time, because Yoshiharu Ashikaga commanded to subdue Ujituna Hosokawa and Nagayosi Miyoshi, they took leave the base on Tune-yama/mountan  in 1571    When the Amago revitalization army rushed to Bittyuu, Motoyuki Ooi-no-suke Nakajima defended well it with small sarmy, and asked Takakage Kobayakawa  who was under the Kyushu expedition, to send a reinforcements for rearguard    When Motoyuki Nakajima sneaked into the Amago’s camp, set fire and attacked at night, the Katuhisa Amago's side lost many soldiers and retreated to Saida-jyou in 1582     Hideyoshi Hadsiba invaded Bityuu province and surrounded Takamatu-jyou and Motoyuki Nakajima who was the vice captain, was besieged in Takamatu-jyou    Because Takamatu-jyo suffered water torture, Takamatu-jyou was eventually opened and Muneharu Shimizu ”the lord of the castle” killed himself with his sword    The Tuneyama-jyou was abandoned 

Terahata-jyou 寺畑城:真庭市久世 北緯35度5分48秒東経133度44分14秒 Please refer to 大寺畑城 Oo-terabatake-jyou of upper item

Tenjinyama-jyou 備前天神山城:和気郡和気町田土 北緯34度50分58秒東経134度7分34秒  Muramune Uragami “the father of Munekage  became more powerful than Yosimura Akamatu "his lord', and became daimyo in the Warring States Period    Masamune Uragami and Munekage Urakami “his younger brother”, were violently opposed to ally with each other     Masamune formed an alliance with Haruhisa Amago "who invaded in Bizen province", Munekage form an alliance with Motonari Mouri “the lord of Aki province” , the surrounding countries took Masamune’s side or Munekage’s side and two groups fought for the supremacy of Bizen province    At that time, Munekage built Tenjinyama-jyou/castle as his new base which Munekage had been a residence Munekage won the victory in various places with the help of Motonari Mouri, drove out the power of Masamune for long time  and took control of Bizen province     Munekage employed Naoie Ukita “a grandson of Yosiie Ukita who was a Uragami's retainer formerly  and became a rounin/ samurai without the master” as a follower    Naoie "who was  the competent" cut a prominent figures in Mimura clan  and became a right hand person of Munekage, and ruled the Bizen and Mimasaka provinces   Munekage gradually became stronger with his help    Masamune “Munekage’s brother” and Kiyomune “son of Masamune” were attacked and were killed by Masahide Akamatu in the war at Murotu-jyou at the day of the wedding of Kiyomune “his second son” in 1564   The family estate was succeeded by Narimune Uragami "Masamune's 3rd son”, but Narimune was assassinated by a vassal of Munekage after three years "1567",  and the Uragami's head family in Murotsu was destroyed, and Munekage confiscated the territory of Murotu in 1567 and strengthened his power     Munekage was associated with Nobunaga Oda who had grown its power to the Tyuugoku region, and Nobunaga granted Munekage to control of Bizen, Harima, and Mimasaka provinces in 1573    However, Naoie who gradually expanded his power in Muragami clan, opposed this and connected Terumoto Mori in Aki province    Naoie finally rebelled against Muragami clan in1574    Naoie backed up Hisamatu-maru “who was a son of Narimune Uragami who was the 3rd son of Masamune, and was protected by Naoie in Okayam-jyou and attacked Munekage in Tenjinyama-jyou Tenjinyama-jyou-no-tatakai/battle ” with forced interpretation that we will restate Uragami's head family  Because there are  Muragami family's persons who was secretly connected with Naoiein, Munekage surrendered the castle and ran away to Harima province at last    It was said that Naoie burned down the castle, and Tenjinyama-jyou was abandoned   It is said that because the tiles excavated from the ruins of main castle in recent years are very similar to those maid in Himeji in 1580,  Ukita Naoie might use the castle while even after the fall

天神山城の戦い:天正2年(1574年)4月から天正3年(1575年)9月の備前国美作国での 浦上宗景三浦貞広宇喜多直家の戦いです。備中兵乱が 終わると浦上三浦間の連絡が 断たれたので 浦上氏は挽回を図りますが 敗戦し、天神山に篭もる以外の手段を失い、それも 終に宇喜多氏に落とされ 宗景は所領を奪われ、美作の三浦貞広も 宇喜多直家に高田城を渡し 投降しました。宇喜多直家は 備前のほぼ 全域 美作東部 播磨西部等所領を拡げました。 Tenjinyama-no-tatakai/battle is a battle of Munekage UrakamiSadahiro Miura vs Naoie Ukita in Bizen and Mimasaka provinces from April 1574 to September 1575    After the end of the Bittyuu-heiran war “Military rebellion in Bicchu”, the communication between Miura clan and Muragami clan was cut off, then Uragami clan tried to recover of the power and the communication, but he did not succeeded it, and had lost all tactics except confining themselves to the castle during the siege    And Tenjinyama-jyou was fallen and Munekage was taken his territory by Naoie Ukita    Sadahiro Miura gave Takada-jyou to Naoie Ukita and surrendered to Naoie    Please refer to 天神山城 "upper term"

Tennou-zan 天王山:湯山清水(Seisui 北緯34度51分2秒東経133度43分26秒 古代遺跡を残します。There is an ancient religious ruins on the peak of Tennou-zan/mountain Please refer to 龍角山清水寺

Tenpuku-ji・豊壽山天福寺:大平山(697m)の山腹の豊野カセ谷3412番地 北緯34度53分50秒東経133度42分45秒 Please refer to 豊壽山天福寺

 Doi 土居:吉備中央町に下土井の地名があり、土井姓の者が多く住んでいます。土井神社(下土井1746番地・北緯34度52分41秒東経133度45分52秒)があります。虎倉合戦 (上加茂合戦) には土井惣馬 土井三郎右衛門 土井治郎衛門が登場します。Doi mean earthwork around a castle or residence or village for defense “a local clan’s mansion comes out of the earthwork”    There is Shimo-doi as land name in Kibityuuou-tyou/town  Many people of doi-family name live and there is Doi-jinjya/shrine in Simo-doi    Souma Doi, Saburou-uemon Doi, Jirou-emon Doi show up in 「story of Kamigam-ogassen/battle during Kokura-gassen 」    Iga-Sadatuna who was 3rd  son of Hyougo-no-kami Iga, was adopted into a family of Tomoyuki Wakasa-no-kami Utunomiya who was the custody of the Asikaga-Shogunate, called himself Simohusa-no-kami Utynomiya and lived in Hunayama-jyou/castle Uemon Jirou Utunomiya who was a son of Sadatuna, named himself Doi as family name after Simo-Doi "land name", returned to Ise-no-kami Iga's subordinates and was assigned a position as chief retainer of Kokura-Iga family     Please refer to 船山城 上加茂合戦 土井神社  腰痛地蔵 勝山城  and 玉藻石藻  

Hatijyou-Tou-ji 八条東寺:八幡山東寺教王護国寺は 真言宗の根本道場で、本尊は 薬師如来です。京都市南区九条町1番地 北緯34度58分51秒に建ちます。 Tou-ji/temple belong  in the Tou-ji -Shingon sect in Minami-ku, jyou-mati Kyoto-si/city   Tou-ji is Konpon-Doujyou “the hall for  studying of fundamental  Buddhism (Buddhism of the Buddha and his direct disciples Primitive Buddhism) of the Shingon sect and is the head temple of the Tou-ji Shingon sect    Also Tou-ji is known as kyuou-Gokoku-ji    The principal image is the Yakushi-nyorai “Bhaisajyaguru”  Tou-ji was built at  the Heian-sento ”the transfer of the capital to Heian-kyou in 794"  as Kan-ji “the national temple” by Saga-tennou/emperor who entrusted Koubou-daisi Kuukai 'saint Koubou' who went back to japan after studying a new Buddhism and esoteric Buddhism in Tou ’Tang’. to build Tou-j

Kyouto-Enitisan-Touhuku-ji 慧日山東福寺:東山区本町十五丁目 北緯34度58分37秒東経135度46分27秒     Touhuku-ji/temple belong in  the Rinzai sect (Tofuku-ji is Daihon-zan ”main temple”)   The fourth-ranked Zen temple of Kyoto go-zan “Five great temples of Rinzai sect in kyouto” flourished throughout the middle ages and the early modern period

Tokuyama-jyou 徳山城:静岡県榛原郡川根本町無双連山 北緯35度3分30秒 東経138度8分52秒 「yossy.main.jp/post-16249-16249.html

Tokuyama-jyou 徳山城 :山口県周南市徳山5854-41番地 周南市文化会館 北緯34度3分40秒東経 131度48分48秒   The lord of Tokuyama-jyou in Yamaguti was Mouri clan "the 1st lord was Naritaka Mouri" https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/徳山城

Inaba-Tottori-jyou 因幡鳥取城・Hisamayu-jyou 久松城・Hisamatuyama-jyou 久松山城:鳥取市東町 北緯35度30分36秒東経134度14分28秒   Nobumiti Yamana “Governor of Inaba province who had been holding Tenjinyama-jyou/castle as his base” built a castle on Hisamatu-yama mountain as a branch castle of Tenjinyama-jyou in 1545    The castle was the origin of Tottori-jyou    Yamana clan was proud of the great power, but possessed only Inaba and Tajima provinces at the end of the Warring States Period    Toyokuni Yamana became a member of Tuneie Kikkawa family  who belonged in  the Mouri clan who rose to the great power over Tyuugoku region in japan in 1573   Yosiaki Asikaga "the last  Syougun of Muromati-syougunate", escaped safely to Aki province depending on Terumoto Mourii after being chased by Nobunaga Oda    Nobunaga Oda commanded Hideyoshi Hasiba "later Hideyoshi Toyotomi" as general to attack against Tyuugoku region in 1576    Yamana Toyokuni fell to Hideyoshi during the attacking Tottor-jyou, but Mouri clan made Kikkawa Tuneie the lord of Tottori-jyou, because the vassals expelled Toyokuni Yamansa fromTottori-jyouI  in 1580    Hideyoshi surrounded Tottori-jyou in Inaba province, with 20000 soldiers "large army" in 1581 and attacked with siege tactics in order to the advice of Kanbei Kuroda "the strategist"    For this reason, soldiers in Tottori-jyou were on the hell of starvation and Tuneie Kikkawa finally opened the castle and Killed himself with his sword in Tottori-jyou     After Sekigahara-no-tatakai “the war at Sekigahara” in 1600,  when Nagayosi Ikeda became the lord of Tottori-jyou with 60000 goku    The center of the castle was moved to the foot of Hisamatu-yama/mountain, and was renovated spending for 4 years  Mitumasa Ikeda became the lord of Tottori-jyou with 325000 goku from Himeji in 1617 and developed the castle town    Mitunaka Ikeda, “the lord of Okayama-jyou", and Mitumasa Ikeda were interchanged and Mitunaka became the lord of Tottori-jyouin 1632, and at 12th head of Ikeda clan, and Meiji era started

Toba-jyou 鳥羽城・Mzato-yama 的山:黒土辻屋敷1545番地の東 約900mの孤立した山 北緯34度51分17秒東経133度42分14秒付近が「鳥羽城跡」です   Please refer to 鳥羽城

Toda-jyou 富田城・広瀬富田城:月山富田城の北方 安来市 広瀬町富田 北緯35度22分1秒東経133度10分51秒の近く https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/道の駅広瀬・富田城

Bizen-Toda-jyou 備前富田城:備前に富田松山城は ありますが 富田城を見つけられませんでした。 It is said that Toda-jyou/castle was built by Sigeoki Toyama during the Ninna era (885-889)    Mototaka Matuda “who lived in Bizen Kanagawa-jyou was given Ihuku-gou/village Mino-gun-countory Bizen-province as the reward for his achievement that he took Masanori Akamatu's side and won Motitoyo Yamana during Ounin-no-ran/war in 1467    Mototaka captured Toda -jyou from Nagayori Toyama, renovated the castle and lived in  Motonari Matuda “a son of Mototaka”  moved to Kanagawa-jyou and made Tikahide Matuda “a younger brother of Motonari” the lord of Toda-jyou    After death of Tikahide, Tosa-no-kami Yokoi “a chief vassal of Matuda clan” became the lord    When Mototeru Matuda “the lord of Bizen-Kanagawa-jyou” and Motokata “a son of Mototeru” were killed and Toda-jyou was captured by Naoie Ukita in 1570, Tadaie Ukita “a half-younger brother of Naoie”  became the lord of Toda-jyou    After Tadaie retired, Sakyou-no-suke Ukita “ason of Tadaie” succeeded Toda-jyo, but caught up in the Ukita family-trouble and ran away    After the extinction of Ukita clan “Hideie Ukita son of Naoie” during post-treatment of the Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war, Hideaki Kobayakawa enterd in Toyama-jyou and Toyama-jyou was abandoned in the next year 

Toda-Tyausuyama-jyou 富田茶臼山城備前市西片上 北緯34度44分29秒東経134度10分47秒   

Toda-Matuyamsa-jyou 富田松山城:岡山県備前市東片上 北緯34度44分24秒東経134度11分30秒 富田茶臼山城と 富田松山城は 片上湾を挟み 東西に隣接しています。Toda-Tyausuyama-jyou and Toda-Matuyama-jyou were built on the each side “the east and the west” of the bay to sandwich Katayama-wan/bay

Toba-dono 鳥羽殿:白河天皇が 創建した御所で、鳥羽上皇の代で ほぼ完成しました。京都市南区上鳥羽、伏見区下鳥羽・竹田・中島の付近で 朱雀大路の延長線上に 渡る広さです。Toba-dono was built by Shirakawa-tennou/Emperor, and was almost completed in the generation of Toba-jyoukou/retired emperor     Go-Sirakawa-tennnou was confined by Taira-no-Kiyomori in1179 during Jisyou-sannen-no-seihen ”the political change in Jisou 3rd year" Many buildings of Toba-dono were destroyed by fire during the North and South Dynasties Period

Nagasini-Sitarahara-no-kessen 長篠設楽原の決戦・Nagasino-no-tatsakai 長篠の戦い・Nsagasino-no-kassen 長篠の合戦・Nagasino-gsassen 長篠合戦天正3年5月21日(1575年)愛知県三河国新城市長篠城 北緯34度55分22秒東経137度33分36秒を織田信長徳川家康連合軍と 武田勝頼軍とで取り合った戦いで、武田軍は 大敗しました。 Takeda's army was defeated in Nagasino-no-tatakai/battle between Nobunaga Oda,-IeyasuTokugawa allied armies and Katuyori Takeda army who scramble for Nagasino-jyou/castle in 1575 

Bizen-Nakajima-jyou備前-竹田中島城:岡山市北区中島竹田中島橋東詰 北緯34度41分6秒東経133度56分37秒    Nakajima-jyou/castle was built by Nakajima clan, who took over the land from the Muromachi period to the Warring States Period Nakajima clan belonged to Matuda clan ”the lord of Kanagawa-jyou and Nakajima-jyou played a role as a branch castle of Tatunokuti-jyou    During Myouzenji-gassen/war that was a war between Naoie Ukita and Mototiha Mimura, Nakajima-jyou became a battlefield ,the castle was fallen and Ooi-no-suke Nakajima was killed in the battle in 1567

Mimasaka-Nakajima-jyou -美作-中島城・Arimoto-jyou 有元城勝田郡奈義町中島 北緯35度6分2秒東経134度10分0秒  It is said that Nakajima-jyou/castle was built by Zaemon-no-jyou Nakajima After that, Nakajima clan was attacked by Sukehiro Arimoto and the castle was fallen    Nakajima-jyou was fallen by Izumi-no-kami Hukumoto “a military commander of Amago clan: Tunehisa & Masahisa” in 1532

Inaba-Nakajima-jyou 因幡-中島城:鳥取県岩美郡岩美町 北緯35度35分34秒東経134度21分47秒 http://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/inaba/

Nasiwa-jyou 梨羽城:広島県三原市本郷町上北方 北緯34度24分54秒東経132度56分53秒 The time of the construction of Nasiwa-jyou castle is uncertain    Tokiharu Kobayakawa “3rd son of Haruhira who was 9th head of Numata-Kobayakawa family was given Nasiwa-gou/village--Numata-gun/country, and he gave his family name as Nariwa After the Sekigahara--no-tatakai/war, Mouri clan was moved to Boutyou “suou and Nagato province” by Ieysasu Tokugawa, Nakajima clan left this land and moved to Hagi together with Mouri clan and Nasiwa-jyou was abandoned 

Nasima-jyou 名島城:福岡市東区名島 北緯33度38分45秒東経130度25分23秒   Nasima-jyou/castle was built as a branch castle of Tatibanayama-jyou by Akitosi Tatibana ”the head of Tatibana clan”   Hideyoshi Toyotomi who defeated Shimadu clan in 1587 and subjugated Kyuusyuu, gave Tikuzen province and neighboring countries to Takakage Kobayakawa, who was a important vassal of Terumoto Mori    Takakage Kobayakawa renovated on large scale Nasima-jyou, and lived in Nasima-jyou later    Takakage Kobayakawa  transferred the headship of the family to Hideaki Kobayakawa who was adopted son, and left Nasima-jyou and returned to Mihara-jyou    Hideaki entered Najima-jyou as the new head of the Kobayakawa family and became the lord of the castle   As a result of the battle of Sekigahara-no-tatakaiin 1600, Hideaki Kobayakawa forced relocation to Okayama by the Edo shogunate, and Nagamasa Kuroda entered in Tikuzen province from Nakatu Buzen Province    Nagamasa decided to build a new castle in Hukusaki nearby, because Nasima-jyou do not have enough space for the reconstruction of the castle town

Nabetani-jyou 鍋谷城:上加茂薬師262番地の北の山 北緯34度52分1秒東経133度47分40秒    Please refer to 鍋谷城 鍋山城 and 常光寺合戦

Nabeyama-jyou 鍋山城:下加茂 北緯34度51分54秒東経133度47分56秒    Please refer t 鍋谷城 and 鍋山城

Nariwa-jinya 成羽陣屋:高梁市成羽町下原成羽小学校 北緯34度46分51秒東経133度32分10秒   The construction of  Nariwa-jinya/castle was started by Katutaka Mizutani in 1639, but he tenppued “forced relocation by Edo shogunate to Bittyuuu-Matuyama-jyou/castle in1642 Toyoharu Yamazaki was allowed to succeed the head family and was given Nariwa-gou/village in 1658    Toyoharu's father was Ieharu Yamazaki who belong to  Wakazakura-han “domain” in Inaba province, Nariwa han, Tomioka-han in Higo province and Marugame-han in Sanuki province, and tenpuued to Bityuu-Matuyama-jyou/castle    When Haruyori “3rd head of Yamazaki family in Marugame domain” succeeded the family governor at the age of just three years old    Toyoharu became the guardians, but Haruyori was dead at only eight years old    Even though Marugame-Yamazaki family should have forfeited a family name because he had no child, Toyoharu Yamazaki allowed to succeed the Yamazaki family as Koutai-yoriai sankin-koutai by a retainer of a shogun”    Toyoharu completed the jinya that Katutaka Mizutani was building    Yamazaki family continued from generation to generation to the Meiji era

Nanguu-zan 南宮山岐阜県不破郡垂井町 北緯35度21分40秒東経136度31分31秒    Mouri clan set up camp in the areas centering on Nanguu-san/mountain    Some people of them battled with Asano troop near Nanguu-taisya/grreat shrine and fought with gun against Ikeda troop, but because Hiroie Yoshikawa had been secret communication to the eastern army "Tokugawa's army", Mori clan, Ekei Ankokuji , Masaie Nagatuka  and Moritika Tyousokabe did not participate in the main battle and the battle ended    And Kazutoyo Yama-no-uchi, Yosisige Hatisuka , Noriyori Arima and so on  took initially to Toyotomi's western army on Nanguu-san, but participated in the main battle by Ieyasu Tokugawa's order in this battle Nangu-taisya on the foot of Nanguu-zan was burned down in this war, but Iemitu Tokugawa  was rebuilt with the wishes of Kasuga-no-tubone and Sigekado Takenaka    As a famous word in this battle, there is an anecdote called Saisyou-dono-no-karabentou "The empty lunch of the prime minister"    Moritika Tyousokabe who take up a position at the back of Hidemoto Mouri asked  Hidemoto to take the field, but Hidemoto was completely at a loss what to do, because Motoharu Kikkawa who take up position in front of Hidemoto and there was no sign of Kikkawa-troop's moving    Hidemoto answered despairingly to Moritika that my soldiers were eating lunch now   This word "Saisyou-dono-o Kara-bentou" was born from Hidemoto's rank "Sangi 参議 Saisyou宰相 in Chinese" 

Niho-jyou 仁保城:現在の広島市南区黄金山町 北緯34度22分2秒東経132度29分27秒   During the Warring States Period, Takeda clan who was the guardian of Aki province has been fought fiercely at Hiroshima-wan/bay against Ouchi clan in Suo province    It is said that Niho-jyo/castle was one of the branch castles of Shirai clan who was one of protectors “navy” of Takeda clan Mitutane Sirai was commanded to defend by Takeda clan    After the destroying of the Takeda clan, Yositaka Oochi was avenged by Harukata Sue in Suo province Taineiji-no-hen/incident" in May 1554, and Motonari Mori left from Harukata Sue Bou-Gei-hikiwake:dissolve the alliance between Suou province and Aki province ”     Because Katatane Sirai "the lord of Niho-jyou" was belonged to Sue clan’s side at that time , Motonari Mouri who began to drive out the Suer's side troops in Aki province,  targeted Katatane Sirai and exiled him from Niho-jyou by the middle of the same month    Motonari who captured Niho-jyou, made Mitukage Kagawa who was a general of the navy and former vassal of the Takeda clan, the castle keeper    The army of Katatane Shirai attacked Niho-jyou in 1555 along with Takazane Noma who was the lord of Yano-jyou and had been left from Mohri side, but it did not lead to a retake   It is said that also, in July, Husakiyo Miura who was a Sue's vassal, led the navy with 500 soldiers to attack, but Mitukage Kagawa drove back them with 200 soldiers Niho-sima-gassen     After that, Mototada Miura who was a Mouri family’s vassal, had retained Niho-jyoue. by 1591   It is not clear how the castle was abandoned

Niwase-jyou 庭瀬城・Numa-jyou 沼城・Natukawa-jyou撫川城・Kouba-jyou 芝場城 北区庭瀬 北緯34度38分35秒東経133度50分57秒 清山神社 北緯34度38分23秒東経133度51分6秒   It is reported that Mototika Mimura built Niwase-jyou/castle to confront against the invasion by Naoie Ukita in Bizen province     When Hideyosi Hasiba besieged Bittyuu-Takamatsu-jyou by inundation tactics in 1582    Niwase-jyou played a role on one of Sakaime-7 siro7 castles for defense of the border of Mouri’s side" , and Toshimasa Inoue "the lord of Niwase-jyou" and Kagenobu katura defenced Niwase-jyou with 800 soldiers    Because Niwase-jyou was built on isolated place , Motoharu Kikkawa and Takakage Kobayakawa commanded to withdraw early,  Narimasa battled violently against Hideyoshi's army, but the castle was captured by Hideyosi, and the castle became the Naoie Ukita's possessions   The castle was left as is without the lord for a while   Tatuyasu Togawa, “a chief vassal of Ukita clan” entered the castle, established Niwase-han domain, and repaired the castle to Niwasre-jinya in 1602

Yamasiro-no-kuni-Nyoi-zan 山城国如意山:京都市左京区粟田口如意ヶ嶽町 北緯35度1分0秒東経135度49分33秒  細川澄元三好之長は 永生6年(1509年)如意ヶ嶽に 3千名の陣を張りました。細川高国大内義興連合軍は 3万兵で 如意ヶ嶽を囲み 戦闘となりました。澄元之長らは 大雨にまぎれて 阿波に退却しました。  The allied armies of Sumimoto Hosokawa “adopted son of Masamoto Hosokawa & Yoshiharu Hosokawa's own child” & Yukinaga Miyosi, were opposed to the allied forces of Takakuni Hosokawa " the foster father was Masamoto Hosokawa and real father was Masaharu Hosokawa "Yosioki Oouti in regard to the succession of Hosokawa's family and the general of the Muromachi Shogunate    Sumitomo group lost friendly army one after another and was pushed hardly by Takakuni group   To overcome this situation, Sumimoto and Yukinaga take up his position in Nnyoi-ga-take-jyou mountain with 3000 soldiers in June 1509    On the other hand, the Takakuni and Yosioki surrounded Nyoi-ga-take with 20000 or 30000 soldiers    After that, they entered a state of combat "Nyoigsatake-no-tatakai/battle" , but Sumimoto and Korenaga ran away to Awa province and the plan of  recapture of Kyoto ended in failure by Sumimoto and Yukinaga    When Kunitaka entered Kyouto, Yoshizumi Ashikaga who was deprived the position of Shogun by Yoshitane Asikaga, ran away from Kyoto so as to be replaced to Oumi-Okayama-jyou with support of Kuri clan, but because on October 2, Takakuni and Yoshioki sent the punitive armies, Hunaokayamajyou-no-tatakai was started

Iwami-Nukuyu-jyou 石見温湯城:島根県邑智郡川本町大字川本 北緯34度58分49秒東経132度30分10秒     Nukuyu-jyou/castle was built by  Nagayosi Ogasawara with the permission of Yosihiro Oouti who was Iwami-Syugo “Military Governor of Iwami province”    At the time of Nagakatu Ogasawara, Nukuyu-jyou was attacked and captured by Motonari Mouri during the scramble battle of the Iwami silver mine between Mouri clan and Amago clan in1558 or 1559

Numa-jyou 沼城・Kameyama-jyou 亀山城・Hirayama-jyou 平山城:岡山市東区 北緯34度42分24秒東経134度2分11秒 Naoie Ukita murdered Nobumasa Nakayama who was his father-in-law and was the lord of Kameyama-jyou castle, in order to command of Munekage Uragami “the master of Naoie" in 1559, and became the lord of Kameyama-jyou    For the next 15years before moving to Okayama-jyou, he was based in Kameyama-jyou, he captured Tatunokuti-jyou and fought with Mimura clan    It was abolished by Hideaki Kobayakawa, who was moved to Okayama in 1602

Numata-jyou 沼田城:赤磐市沼田 北緯34度45分19秒東経134度1分57秒 https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/okayama/?c=akaiwa

Aki-Numata-jyou 沼田城:東広島市志和町七条椛坂 北緯34度28分5秒東経132度38分15秒 The lord of Numata-jyou castle was Takakage Kobayakawa probably  Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦 https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/hiroshima/?c=higashihiroshima

Nojiyama-jyou野路山城跡:上竹陰地野路山山頂 北緯34度50分2秒東経133度40分43秒  Please refer to 野路山城

Noda-jyou 野田城:大阪市福島区玉川 北緯34度41分19秒東経135度28分42秒     When Motonaga Miyoshi and Harumoto Hosokawa opposed each other  in 1570, it is said that Kamon Uragami “Miyosi clan’s side”, took up his position on Hukusima and Noda in 1531 Miyosi-3nin-syuu “Nagayasu Miyosi 三好長逸・Soui Miyosi 三好宗渭・Tomomiti Iwanari 岩成友通 who were aiming to restore power in Kinai “the metropolitan area” ,led the army from Awa and landed, fortified the forts on Noda & Hukusima and stayed in the castles , but the castle was destroyed during the violent attack by Oda Nobunaga in 1576

Nonohira-lyou 野々平城:福沢森古土井hurudoi310番地の東の尾根 北緯34度55分41秒東経133度44分46秒 Please refer to 野々平城

Noyama-jyou 野山城・Kowada-jyou 古和田城:古和田 北緯34度48分55秒東経133度41分57秒    Please refer to 古和田城

Nagato-Hagi-jyou 長門萩城:萩市堀内 北緯34度25分3秒東経131度22分57秒    Hagi-jyou/castle was built by Terumoto Mouri in1604   Terumoto Mouri stayed in Hirosima-jyouin in Aki province as residence    He served as Go-tairou “council of five elders” in the Toyotomi administration, served as the general of the western Army during Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1600, lost the war against Ieyasu Tokugawa, Terumoto was forced reduction of his territory by the Edo-shogunate to two provinces “BouTyou:Suou and Nagato provinces”, and left from Hirosima-jyou  He built Hagi-jyou on Siduki-yama/mountain  with permission of the Shogunate     Terumoto moved to Yamaguti

Usa-Hatiman-guu 宇佐八幡宮:大分県宇佐市南宇佐2859番地 北緯33度31分東経131度22分29秒     A plot using oracle by Usa Hachiman-gu was an incident that doukyo Yuge wished to gain the emperor's position, but his wish was prevented during the Nara period    Doukyou was appointed to Houou “Pope”  because he was in female emperor Syoutoku-tennou's favor lover  The Hatiman-sin “god of war enshrined in Hatiman-guu/shrine” of Usa-Hatiman-guu shrine in Buzen province, told to the Doukyou's brother an oracle that if Doukyou will became emperor, the peoples of the whole country can enjoy a long period of peace    Syoutoku-tennnou was asked to send Hiromusi Wake by the Hatiman-sin in her dream    Tennou sent Kiyomaro Wake "Hiromusi's younge rbrother" to Usa-Hatiman-guu instead of Hiromusi because she was weak    Kiyomaro received an oracle from Usa-Hachimanguu that because Doukyou was Haigyaku-Mudou “tyrannical and unreasonable”, Emperor must succeed  by emperor’s family always    Because Kiyomaro reported this divine message to the emperor, Doukyou was banished him to Oosumi province    The Emperor also abandoned the her plan to put Doukyou to the emperor's position and Doukyou lost his position after death of Syoutoku-tennou

Hatiman-yama 八幡山:上加茂原 北緯34度51分15秒東経133度48分28秒    Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 上加茂合戦

hatiya 蜂谷:豊野に蜂谷の地名(北緯34度51分54秒・東経133度41分50秒付近)を残します。There is Hatiya ”land name" in Toyono

Hana,i-jyou 花見城:新見市千屋花見赤坂城の事でしょう。北緯35度9分21秒東経133度25分18秒   I think that Hanami-jyou/castle is Akasaka-jyou in Tiya-Hanami, Niimi-si/city    Please refer to 新山城 and 野々平城 

Hanare-Koya-jyou 離小屋城:有津井旧上竹荘村大字有津井は大字上竹と改称の佐与谷川沿いの山頂 北緯34度49分25秒東経133度39分32秒 Please refer t 離小屋城

Koya-jyou 古屋城:広島県神石高原町小畠に 同名の山城がありますが、吉備中央町の大槻氏(大月氏)の居城は 離小屋城 及び 存在は証明されませんが 離小屋城の本城であろう 小屋城の事でしょう。吉備中央町の小屋城は 北緯34度49分48秒東経133度39分32秒であったと 想像します。

Haneda-jyou羽田城刎田城:豊野羽田 北緯34度52分28秒東経133度41分5秒付近    Please refer to 刎田城 

Bittyuu-heiran・備中兵乱・Mimura-Mototika-gassen三村元親合戦:備中松山城を 得た三村氏の勢力は 強くなり、毛利氏と 与し 備前へ進出しようと、永承10年(1567年) 三村氏は 備前藩 宇喜多直家沼城攻めましたが、明善寺崩れの憂き目を見た上に 宇喜多氏の刺客に殺され、その弔い合戦も 大敗しました。信長に追われた 足利義昭は 毛利氏を頼り 鞆幕府を開くと、義昭は 毛利氏と宇喜多氏を 同盟させ 信長を討とうと試みました。三村氏が憎む 宇喜多氏が 毛利氏と手を組んだのを知った 織田信長は 三村氏に「毛利軍の上洛を阻止したならば備中 備前の国を与える」と 書簡を以て約束しました。三村元親は 織田方に付くと 毛利氏に忠節な者達は 元親と袂を分かち、三村一党は 2分されました。元親の裏切りに怒った毛利氏は 天正2年(1574年)小早川隆景を大将に 備中松山城を取り囲むと、三村一族の 血で血を洗う半年の激戦の末、三村松山城勢の出城は 全て陥落し、松山城も 天正3年(1575年)落とされました。この戦いが中国地方の戦国時代の始まりとなりました。  Mimura clan who obtained Bittyuu-Matuysama-jyou/castle increased the influence, took Mouri clan’s side, and attempted to advance to Bizen province    Mimura clan attacked Naoie Ukita who was staying in Numa-jyou in Bizen-domain, but had a bitter experience called Myouzenji-kuzure/collapse, in addition to it, Ietika Mimura was killed by Ukita's assassins “the brothers of Endou”, and the battle of revenge by Moyotika Mimura “the 2nd son of Ieytika, became the head of Mimura clan” was also greatly defeated Yosiaki Ashikaga ”the last Shougun of Muromati shogunate”, who was chased by Nobunaga from Kyouto, established the Tomo shogunate with the help of Terumoto Mouri, Yoshiaki tried to avenge Nobunaga by allying Mouri clan and Ukitha clan  Nobunaga Oda who was reported that Naoie Ukita “who was the mortal enemy for Mototika Mimursa, allied with Mouri clan, promised Mototika Mimura in a letter, "If you can stop proceeding to the capital by Mouri clan, I will give you Bittyuu province and Bizen province"     Mototika Mimura took the side of Nobunaga Oda, but the group Tikanari Mimura:uncle o f Mototika, etc.” who was faithful to Mouri clan, broke off relations with Mototika Mimura, and accordingly, Mimura clan splited into two camps  Terumoto Mouri who get angry violently with the treacherous behavior by Mototika, made Takakage Kobayakawa as the general to surround Bityuu-Matuyama-jyou/castle in 1574    After the fierce battle with Minura clan’s own flesh and blood “In fact, the Tikanari’s group did not actively fight”, all branch castles of Matuysama-jyou was captured, and Matuyama-jyou was captured too in 1575   This battle was the beginning of the Warring states period in the Chugokuhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/三村元親」「https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/備中兵乱https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/浦上宗景」 Please refer to 伊賀久隆の戦い 明善寺合戦 and 備中兵乱

Hirosima-jyou 広島城・Ri-jyou 鯉城広島市中区基町 北緯34度24分10秒東経132度27分32秒     Hirosima-jyou/castle was built by Terumoto Mouri on the delta area of Oto-gawa river’s mouth under the guidance of Nyosui Kuroda “the military commander of Toyotomi clan” as castle on the plains    Nasanori Hukusima became the lord of Hirosima-jyou immediately when Terumoto Mouri left Hiroshima after Sekigahara-no-tatakai war in 1600 Because Masanori renovated on large scale and made the castle town, Masanori was ordered to be confined in his castle by Ieyasu Tokugawa who was angry at his selfish behavior in 1609 and because Masanori repaired the flood damage without permission of the shogunate, he was confiscate the territories “kaieki” and forced to move to Kawanaka-jima in Sinano province on charges of breaking the Buke-syo-hatto/law “laws for Samurai’s family” in 1619 and Nagaakira Asano entered in Hirosoma-jyou    After that, Hirosima-jyou became the residence of Asano clan, and it lasted for about 250 years until Meiji era    Hirosima-jyou was destroyed by the dropping of an atomic bomb by the United States army at the end of the pacific war

Hiyosi-jinjya 日吉神社・現Hiyositaisha 日吉大社:大津市坂本5丁目 北緯35度4分24東経135度51分54https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/日吉神社」「下加茂 日吉神社

Hiebiyama-jyou 比叡尾山城:広島県三次市畠敷町 北緯34度49分10秒東経132度53分9秒    Hiebiyama-jyou/castle was built by Hujiware-no-Kanenori during Kamakura era    When Fujiwara-no-Kanesada Kanenori's son” changed his family name to Miyosi, Miyosi clan extended their spheres of influence to Mitugu area by the time of Kaneie “3rd head of Miyosi clan” and Nobukane ”4th head” When Haruhisa Amago in Izumo province attacked Yosida -Kouriyama-jyou which was guarded by Motonari Mouri in Suou province    Munetaka Miyosi took Amago clan’s side , but he lost the battle in 1541    When Yoshitaka Ouchi in Suo province attacked Haruhisa Amago in Izumo province, he took Oouti clan’s side, because Oouti clan’side became inferior, local samurais who took Oouti’s side from Amago clan’s side,  became to be estranged from Oouti clan, Oouti clan’s side including Munetaka Miyosi were collapsed in 1542    Amago clan with the support of reinforcement by Mouri clan, attacked Miyoshi clan in 1544, Miyosi clan drove back  After that Miyosi clan belonged Mouri clan’s side

Hukuyama-jyou 福山城:加茂市場 東経133度46分5秒北緯34度51分49秒    Pleaserefer t 福山城 伊賀久隆の戦い 加茂川合戦

Oku-gun-Hukuoka-gassen 邑久郡 福岡の合戦・Bizen-Bunmei-no-ran 備前文明の乱: 福岡城 瀬戸内市長船町福岡 北緯34度42分16秒東経134度5分10秒    文明15年(1483年)冬の頃赤松政則の往年の敵の 山名俊豊但馬守護政豊の子)は 金川城主松田元成と与し、赤松氏の福岡城に 攻め掛かりました。山名俊豊は 備後守護代の太田垣美作入道備後の有力国衆達を従え 日幡城(岡山県倉敷市日畑 北緯34度39分39秒東経133度49分53秒)で 構えました。翌年 山名勢は 浦上則国を 福岡城から追い出しましたが、文明17年(1485年) から赤松方 は反撃し 山名方を敗退させ、長享2(1488年) 浦上宗助が 福岡城を落とし 赤松氏が 備前国領を回復しました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/浦上則景 It is said that Hukuoka-jyou/castle was built by Shirou-zaemon Hayami at the end of Kamakura period When Takauji Ashikaga retreated to Kyushuu to recruit troops and attack Kyoto again in 1336, Sirou Hayami Yosisada Nitta’s side” tried to prevent Takauji’s marching, and lost Hukuoka-jyou    Because Tadahuyu Asikaga together with Syouni clan  expelled Issiki clan  to expand their territory, Takauji Asikaka marched torward the west with soldiers to subdue Tadahuyu, and stayed for 40 days in Hukuoka-jyou guarding by Sasaki clan in1350    After Akamatu clan were brought to ruin during Kakitu-no-ran in 1441, Noriaki Yamana  became Bizen-Syugo “military commissioner of Bizen province”Yamato-no-kami Kogamo entered in Hukuoka-jyou as Syugo-dai “agent of Syugo”    Masanori Akamatu who was revived by the Ounin-no-ran/war, captured Hukuoka-jyou in 1469    Because Motonari Matuda “The lord of Kanagawa-jyou and a vassal of Akamatu clan"was continuing to invade the territory illegally, Masanori Akamatu commanded Norikuni Uragami to subdue Motonari Matuda in 1483    Motonari Matuda who asked in secret Yamana clan to send a reinforcement, surrounded Hukuoka-jyou which Norikuni Uragami was guarding, for overt 50 days and captured Hukuoka-jyou “hukuoka-gassen/battle”    Motonari Matuda who was encouraged, attacked to capture Mituisi-jyou which was guarding by Norikuni Uragami, but he lost the battle and killed himself with sward    After that, Uragami clan had been possessed it, but the castle was destroyed by the flood

Settu-Hukusima-jyou 福島城:大阪市福島区福島4丁目 北緯34度41分21秒東経135度28分57秒   古地図から推測すると野田駅(大阪市福島区海老江の近くに建っていたらしい。According to the old map, Hukusima-jyou/castle was built near Noda Station

Settu-Noda-jyou 野田城 大阪市福島区玉川 北緯34度41分19秒東経135度28分43秒 享禄4年(1531年) 三好元長細川晴元が 対立した時、三好方の浦上掃部が 野田福島に陣取ったのが 始まりとされます。元亀元年(1570年) 畿内での勢力回復を狙う 三好三人衆が 阿波から軍勢を率いて上陸し、野田福島の砦を 補強して 立て籠もりました。When Motonaga Miyoshi and Harumoto Hosokawa were conflicting, Kamon Urakami took the position in Noda and Fukushima    Miyosi-sannin-syuu led the army from Awa, and reinforced the forts of Noda and Fukushima, ǎnd barricaded themselves in the castlehttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/野田城_(摂津国)

Noda-jyou/Hukusima-jyou -no-Tatakai battle 野田城・福島城の戦い: 三好長慶の時代に 三好政権を支えてきた三好三人衆は、長慶の死後も 政権の中枢を担いますが、信長が 上洛してきた時に反発して 幾内から追い出されてしまいます。野田城福島城の戦いは 三人衆による 幾内奪回戦の一つです。合戦の途中で 本願寺勢力も 三好方に加担したことから「第一次石山合戦」とも言われ、以後 10年にも渡る 石山合戦の端緒となりました。Miyosi-sannin-syuu 三好長逸Miyosi-Nagayasu・三好宗渭 Miyosi-soui・岩成友通Iwanari-Tomomiti” had supported the Miyoshi government during  the era of Nagayosi Miyosi. had been played a important role in the administration after death of Nagayosi    When Nobunaga Oda came to Kyouto, Miyosi-sannin-syuu reacted against Nobunaga, but they was kicked out from Kinai “counties near Kyoto”    Miyosi-sannin-syuu tried to recapture Kinai Isiyama-Hongan-ji/temple's army supported Miyosi’s side in the middle of the battle “1st Isiyama-gassen/battle"    This battle became the beginning of Isiyama-gassen that continued for 10 years after that

Hukuoka-yama 船岡山:京都市北区紫野北舟岡町 北緯35度2分20秒東経135度44分30秒  https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/船岡山」   

 Hogen-no-ran 保元の乱:保元の乱は 後白河天皇崇徳上皇 が争った戦いで、後白河天皇が勝利しました。後白河天皇側に着いた源義朝は 父の為義や兄弟達と戦いました。戦いに負けた 為義達は捕えられ、船岡山で処刑されました。処刑したのが義朝でした。 Hogen-no-ran/war is the battle between Go-Shirakawa tennou/Emperor and Sutoku-jyoukou “His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus” in 1156, Go-Sirakawa-tennnou won    Minamoto-no-Yositomo who took Go-sirakawa-tennou's side, fought Tameyosi “Yositomo’s father” and his brothers   Tameyosi etc. were executed on Hunaka-yama/mountain by Yositomo 保元の乱 - Wikipedia

Ounin-no-ran 応仁の乱:応仁の乱は 応仁元年(1467年)から11年間続いた 内乱で、細川勝元山名持豊(Souzen 宗全)とが 対立し、将軍足利義政の跡継ぎ問題や 斯波畠山両管領家の相続争いが 関わり、諸国の守護大名が 細川方の東軍と山名方の西軍に 分かれて 戦いました。戦乱は 地方にも拡がり、戦国時代を 迎えました。その結果 京都は荒廃し、以後 幕府の権威は失墜ました。 船岡山周辺は 応仁の乱の戦場となりました。この辺りは 西軍の山名宗全の陣を張った事から 西陣と呼ばれています。Ounin-no-ran was the civil war that lasted for 11 years from 1467, Katumoto Hosokawa and Motitoyo Yamana "Souzen" confronted and fought each other, all guardian Daimyou “territorial lord as provincial constable” of Japan fought dividing into the Eastern Army of Hosokawa’s side and the Western Army of Yamana’s side while being involved in the problem of succeeding the general Yoshimasa Ashikaga and the problem of inheritance battle between the both Kanrei ” Shogun's deputy” -families of Siba clan and Hatakeyama clan   The war also spreads to rural areas, the age of Civil Wars arrived As a result, Kyoto was devastated, and the authority of the Shogunate has been lost. after that    Around Hunaoka-yama was called Nisijin “western camp” because Motitoyo Yamana “Western army” set a camphttps://kyotohotelsearch.com/blog/2012/09/06/funaokayamashinre/   

船岡山合戦:船岡山合戦は 永正8年(1511年)8月23日  室町幕府将軍 足利義稙を 擁立する細川高国大内義興と 前将軍足利義澄を 擁立する 細川澄元との間で起きた、幕府の政権と 細川氏の家督をめぐる戦いです。応仁の乱の際に 船岡山を巡って発生した戦いと区別するため「永正の船岡山の戦い」とも言います。 船岡山は 足利義澄側の細川澄元と 足利義稙側の大内義興細川高国との戦場となりました。この戦いで 戦死した人たちは、船岡山に積み上げられたといわれます。また、船岡山の西には 京都の3大葬送地のひとつである 蓮台野がありました。3大葬送地:Torinobe 鳥野辺清水寺 泉樋寺) Adasino 化野念仏寺) 蓮台寺大徳寺Hunayamajyou-no-tatakai in 1511 was called Eisyou-no-Huneokayama-no-tatakai to distinguish Hunaokayama-no-tatakai during Ounin-no-ran    This war was fought between Takakuni Hosokawa & Yosioki Ouchi who backed up Yositsane Asikaga “the Muromachi Shogun“ and Sumimoto Hosokawa who backed up Yosizumi Asikaga ”former Syougun” while involving the  problem of the family estate of Hosokawa clan     The peoples who were killed in this battle, piled up on Funaoka-yama/mountain   There is  Rendai-no/field “one of the 3 great Sousou-sites in Kyouto: disposal of the dead by exposure" on the west of Hunaoka-yamahttps://kyotohotelsearch.com/blog/2012/09/06/funaokayamashinre/

Hunakosi-yakata 船越館跡:小ヶ市 北緯34度48分1東経133度42分23秒 Hunakosi clan was a chief vassal of Noyama clan  Please refer to 奥樋城 and 船越様

Hunayama-jyou 舟山城:下土井大上621番地の西 北緯34度52分58秒東経133度45分45秒 Please refer to 船山城 

Hunayama-Hunayama-jyou 舟山城:岡山市北区船山 北緯34度42分45秒東経133度56分52秒   Hunayama-jyou/castle seems to have existed as the residence of Suzuki clan during the Eishyou and Ouei era (1504-1527)    Mimura clan attacked Hunayama-jyou and Susuki clan surrendered  to Mimura can, the castle was captured, and he obeyed Mimura clan in 1563, but when Naoie Ukita defeated Mimura clan in the Myouzenji-gassen/battle in 1567, Mimura clan tried to follow Ukita clan but he was refused

Huno-kuzure 布野崩れ・Hu-no-kuzure 府野崩れ:天文13年(1544年)7月28日に 尼子軍尼子晴久 尼子国久 尼子誠久が 備後国 比叡尾山城を攻め寄せた時、大内義隆 毛利元就 三吉宏隆連合軍が 迎え撃ちました。尼子国久に 毛利元就は 布野崩れを起こし負けましたが、翌日 三吉宏隆軍が 尼子軍を奇襲して、大内軍連合軍が 大勝利しました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/布野崩]れ」 Amago army attacked Hiebi-jyou/castle in Bingo province in 1544    Oouchi-Mouri -Miyoshi allied armies greeted and battled against the attacking enemy    Motonari Mouri suffered Huno-kuzure “crushing defeat” by Amago clan, but, Hirotaka Miyoshi's army made a surprise attack on the Amago army in the next day, and the Ouchi allied armies gained a great victory

Hubeyama-no-tatakai 布部山の戦い:元亀元年(1570年)に 山中幸盛 等の尼子再興軍と 毛利軍とが 安来市広瀬町布部で戦いました。始め 尼子軍が有利でしたが、毛利軍が 勝利しました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/布部山の戦い The Amago-revitalization army including Yukitaka Yamanaka and Katuhisa Amago fought against Motonari Mori’s army on around Hube “Hubeyama-no-tatakai battle”     The Amago army was advantageous in begining , but the Mouri army won   Hube-yama 布部山安来市広瀬町布部 北緯35度18分11秒東経133度8分49秒

Huruwatari-jyou 古渡城:名古屋市中区 北緯35度9分8秒東経136度54分7秒     古渡城は 織田信秀が築城しました。Huruwatari-jyou/castle  was built by Nobuhide Oda to prepare for the enemies in the southeast Nobuhide captured the Nagoya-jyou from Ujitoyo Imagawa, and gave Huruwatari-jyou to Kiti-housi Nobunaga Oda:son of Nobuhide” and made the castle a base Nobunaga Oda celebrated genpuku (celebrate one's coming of age) at the age of 13 years in Huruwatari-jyou

Hekitei-kan 碧蹄館:碧蹄は 現在の朝鮮半島の高陽市徳陽区碧蹄洞一帯  Hekirei-kan-no-Tatakai/war was one of the Bunroku-Keityou-no-eki ”campaign:war”, Nippon "Japan" armies with 20000 soldiers were led by Takakage Kobayakawa, intercepted and defeated Min "Ming" armies with 20000 soldiers was led by Nyosyou Ri- admiral who were overbearing by recapturing of Pyongyang and were marching to the south to Kanjyou-hu “Hansonbu:Seoul” on Hekiteikan in the Korean peninsula

Houki-daosen伯耆大山・Kakuban-zan 角磐山:鳥取県大山町 琴浦町 江府町等に跨る山 北緯35度22分16秒東経133度32分24秒 大山 (鳥取県) - Wikipedia」

Housyouji-ooji 法性寺大路:洛陽三十三所観音霊場 第二十一番札所 大悲山法性寺Housyou-jiは浄土宗西山禅林寺派の寺院で、本尊は 千手観音菩薩です。京都市東山区本町16丁目307番地 北緯34度58分45秒東経135度46分15秒に 建ちます。

Sigetomoyama-Houhuku-ji 重友山宝福寺:上野重友423番地 北緯34度50分50秒東経133度46分55秒   Please refer to 乗木山妙福寺 and上加茂合戦

Iyama-Houhuku-ji 井山宝福寺:宝福寺は 雪舟の涙のネズミ伝説を残します。岡山県総社市井尻野1968番地 北緯34度41分29秒東経133度44分2秒に建つ 臨済宗東福寺派の寺院で 本尊は 虚空蔵菩薩です。 There was the tomb of Yorihisa Ueno who was the lord of Bittyuu-takamatu-jyou/castle, the grave of the Ietika Mimura who were assassinated by Naoie Ukita with gun in 1566, and the grave of Mototia Mimura who killed himself with sword in Syouren-ji/temple in 1575 after Biyyuu-heiran/war, in Raikyuu-ji    Katu-housi-maru who was a son of Mototika, was captured by Hisataka Iga, and killed at the age of 8 years old in Houhuku-ji which is famous for rat drawn with tear of Sessyuu who tied to a pole because he had been drawn only pictures and did not chant sutras    The tomb of Katu-housi-maru was transferred Raikyuu-ji from Houhuku-ji

Jyoutiyama-Houmyou-ji 法明寺・浄池山寶妙寺:岡山県高梁市有漢町有漢2667番地 北緯34度54分6秒東経133度39分19秒 平安平安初期に創立された 真言宗の寺です。 Motomiti Awaya “Yazaburou Awaya” can be confirmed as an Tosiyori-syuu “chief councilor of Daimyou:a feudal lord” in the book of  Mouri clan's rule at 1572  He also participated in the battle against Naoie Ukita "Kamigamo gassen/battle", and became a guardian of Ii-no-yama jyou/castle in Bittyuu province together with Narinobu Katura etc.    The graffiti written by them in 1580 was remained on the wall of Amida hall of Houmyou-ji/temple in the castle town

Hosi-no-oka-Hirai-jyou 星岡平井城:松山市平井町 北緯33度49分0秒東経132度47分47秒     Mitituna Tokunou, Mitimasu DoiYosinori Kutuna,  Yasutika Oohouri  etc. who received the order of Moriyosi-sinnou/imperial prince “Prince of Go-Daigo tennou/emperor” raised an army in the cause of justice as Miya-gata “Go-daigo-tennou’s side” in 1333 during Genkou-no-ran/war, that Tokinao Houjyou Nagato-Tandai:local commissioner in Nagato" landed on Isii-hama/beach leading the Shogunate's army as punitive army , but the Shogunate’s army lost the battle in February    Tokinao Houjyou landed from Mizui-tu/harbou and captured Hosi-no-oka-jyou/castle in March    It is said that Tokinao Houjyou etc. ran away from Hosi-no-oka-jyou because armies of Mitiyasu Doi etc. massed their warriors to attack the Houjyou’s fort., made a raid on the enemy lines and Houjyou’s armies suffered a crushing defeat in March

Hosoda-jyou 細田城:細田 北緯34度53分52秒東経133度47分0秒の頂上と北緯34度53分55秒東経133度47分4秒に頂上を持つ小高い山  Please refer to 細田城

Yamasina-Honganji-jyou-gassen 山科本願寺城合戦・Honganji-no-siro gassen 本願寺ノ城合戦:天文元年(1532年)細川晴元 六角定頼 京都の法華一揆の連合軍と 浄土真宗本願寺勢力一向一揆の間で 山科本願寺(北緯34度59分5秒東経135度48分45秒)で 行われた戦いです。晴元方の木沢長政に 一向一揆勢が迫ると 木沢軍は 一向宗の寺々や 堺の道場に放火しました。和泉 河内 摂津 大和国の一向一揆衆も立ち上がり 木沢軍は迎え撃ちました。山科本願寺城の四方を 包囲した 攻城軍は 諸口より乱入し、寺町周辺焼き、山科本願寺も 灰にして落城させました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/山科本願寺の戦い  When the army of Ikoi-ikki Jyoudo-Shinshyuu/sect uprising” pressed on Nagamasa Kizawa “Harumoto’s side”, Kizawa army set a fire the temples of Ikkou sect and the training hall in Sakai    Ikkou-ikki’s peoples in Izumi, Kawati, Settu and Yamato province raised armies, and Kizawa's army counterattack an attacking enemy     The attacking army who surrounded all sides of Yamashina-Honganji-jyou, broke into the castle through the gates and set fires on Hongan-ji and around the teramati “temple town”     Honganji-jyou was fallen

Honguu-zan 本宮山:神瀬 上田東 北緯34度54分13秒東経133度50分44秒    Please refer to 円城寺 提婆宮稚児行列 御所 いさざ王 山の神峠 本宮山の埋蔵金 蓮池の金の茶釜 skz-ym.sakura.ne.jp/sankaku/bhongusan.html」 

Hondou 本堂:重友山法福寺は 現在 上野重友423番地 北緯34度50分50秒東経133度46分55秒に建ちます。竹部には 法福寺の境外院の跡が 北緯34度49分46秒東経133度46分53秒にあり 荒神社が 建っています。本堂は(竹部130-132番地)北緯34度49分8秒東経133度46分22秒辺りで 鳴滝牧場になっています。Please refer to 上加茂合戦 本堂の策略

Honnou-ji/temple 大本山本能寺:京都市右京区寺町本能寺前町522番地  北緯35度東経135度46分6秒  本能寺は 妙福寺の親寺です。  Because Nobunaga Oda became a believer in Nissyou-syounin /saint ,Nobunaga had been stayed in Honnou-ji/temple as his second house when he was on the way of proceeding to the capital “kyouto”   Honnou-ji was surrounded by army led by Mituhide Aketi and was set a fire    It is said Nobunaga killed himself by cutting his abdomen in the fire, but the body has not been found yet

Makisima-jyou 槇島城:京都府宇治市槇島町 北緯34度53分51秒秒東経135度47分50秒     In the past, there was a huge pond called Ogura-ike/pond in the vicinity of Uji side of Minamiyama-siro/castle Maki-sima/island was an island floating there    Makisima-jyou was built by Makisima clan on Maki-sima    Yoshiaki Asikaga “kubou:Governor-general of the Muromati Shogunate” raised his troops against Nobunaga Odan July 3, 1573,  stayed in Makisima-jyou with depending on Akimitu Akisima ”houkou-shuu: the shogunal military guard”    Nobunaga immediately proceeded to the capital “kyouto”, surrounded the castle and forced Yosiaki to give up Makisima-jyou-no-tatakai/battle”    After that, Yoshiaki was displaced from the castle to Kawachi-Wakae-jyou,  Ashikaga Shogunate was virtually destroyed After Yoshiaki's departure, Naomasa Ban and Yoshihiro Ido etc. became jyousyous “generals to guard the castle”    Makisima-jyou was abandoned because the castle’s strategic value was decreased  after Husimi-jyou was built

Masaki-jyou 真崎城・Masaki-jyou 正木城・Mあtuzaki-jyou 松崎城・Matumae-jyou松前城:伊予郡松前町筒井 北緯33度47分37秒東経132度42分5秒   Iyo-Masaki-jyou/castle already existed in the North-South Dynasty period, the lord was Yosirou Gouda “or Aida:South dynascy's side”     Mitimune Kurii and Munenori “or Soukan” who were warriors of Kouno clan, were the lord of Masaki-jyou, they capitulated to  Takakage Kobayakawa who attacked the castle,  during Sikoku subjugation by Hideyosi Toyotomi in1585    After that, Hidemoti Awano  was enfeoffed, but the territory was confiscated because he related the trouble of Hidetugu Toyotomo   Yoshiaki Katou's territory was increased to 60,000 goku, entered in the castle from Awaji-Siti-jyou and the castle was make a large scale improvement When they were on the line for the Eastern army during Sekigahara-no-kassen/war, Mouri clan attacked the castle during their absences in the castle but the battle was not settled    The Sekigahara-no-tatakai ended in the victory of Eeastern army, and Mouri clan “a commander in chief of western army” withdrew

Maji 真地:吉備中央町豊岡下に真地の地名はあります。高梁市の真地については 未調査

Bittyuu-Matusima-jyou 松島城:倉敷市松島 北緯34度37分52秒東経133度48分39秒   Matusima-jyou/castle which was guarded by Takaaki Nasiba, played a lore of one of Bittyuu-sakaime-nana-siro ”the seven castles on the Bittyu province’s border to defend against Bizen province” during Takamatu-no-eki/battle “water torture"    Mouri clan and Hasiba clan comforted each other    There is Hutago-jinjya/shrine on the area

Bittyuu-Msatuyama-jyou 備中松山城・Taksahasi-jyou 高梁城: 岡山県高梁市内山下1番地 太鼓丸跡・北緯34度48分26秒東経133度37分20秒 小松山北城跡・北緯34度48分33秒東経133度37分19秒 天神丸跡・北緯34度48分45秒東経133度37分25秒 大松山城跡・北緯34度48分50秒東経133度37分23秒 臥牛山頂上・北緯34度48分56秒東経133度37分34秒  Shigenobu Saburo Akiba became Jitou “manager and lord of manor” of Bittyuu-Ukan-gou/villsage “now The Ukan-tyou/town, Takahasi-si/city, Okayama prefecture” and built Matuyama-jyou/castle as the first castle building on  Oomatu-yama/mountain    Muneyasu Takahashi extended the castle to Komatu-yama n 1331    The lord of the castle changed with the times , in  the order of Ueno clanSyou clan and Mimura clan    During the Warring States period Motochika Mimura’s time, it became a great citadel that ranged from Oomatsu-yama to Komatsu-yama    When Mototika Mimura took the field to confront the approaching Naoie ukita’s army who invaded into Bittyuu province,  Matuyama-jyou was occupied by Takasuke Syou and Katusuke Syou “the father and the son” in 1570    Mototika Mimura attacked Takasuke Syou and recaptured Matuyama-jyou under assistance of Motokiyo Hoida in 1571 Mototika Mimura left from Mouri clan's side and went over to Nobunaga Oda in 1574 and Bityuu-heiran/war started    The castle was captured by Takakage Kobayakawa “Mouri clan’s side”, and Mototika Mimura killed himself    The castle became Mourii clan's possessions    Because Mouri clan went to the front as the supreme commander of the western army "Toyotomi & Isida's side"  and was defeated during Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1600, Mouri clan was exiled from Aki, Bingo, Bittyuu, including Matuyama-jyou to Boutyou, and Masatugu Kobori and Masakazu Kobori were entered in Matuyama-jyou by Tokugawa Shogunate    One-goya was built at this time on the foot of Gagyuu-zan/mountain    Nagayuki Ikeda entered in the castle in1671 and established Matuyama-han/domain, but Ikeda family was abolished with no heirs for Nagatune “son of Nagayuki” in 1641, and a vassal of Katunari Mizuno “the lord of Hukuyama-han in Bingo province” became the castle keeper    Katutaka Mizutani became the lord of the castle in 1642, Katumune Mizuno “the 2nd lord” made major renovations to turn it into a now structure over 3 years "from 1681 to 1683"    Because Katuyosi Mizutani “the 3rd lord” had no child at his death,  Katuharu was adopted, but because Katuharu was dead at 13 years old, Mizutani family was wiped out    Naganori Asano  “the lord of Akou domain” received the castle and Yosio Kura-no-suke Oois “a chief retainer of Asano family” became the castle keeper after the Mizutani family’s extinction    Sigehiro Andou  entered in the castle in 1695, but he was forced the relocation by the Edo-shogunate in 1711 Husayosi Isikawa  entered in the castle in 1711 but he was relocated in 1744     Katuzumi Itakura entered in the castle in 1868, the castle had been kept by Itakura clan to Meiji era for 8 generations    Matuyama domain was considered to the Emperor's enemy during Bosin-sensou/war, Houkoku Yamada “administrator of Matuyama-han and Yomei-gaku scholar” determined bloodless surrender of Matuyama-jyou

Mayasan-jyou 摩耶山城:神戸市灘区摩耶山 北緯34度43分39秒東経135度12分31秒    Mayasan-jyou castle was built on Mayan-san/mountain by Norimura Ensin Akamatsu 1333 and battled against army of Rokuhara’s side during Genkou-no-ran/war as Southern Dynasty’s side emperor-Go-Daigo's side"

Bittyuu-maruyama-jyou 丸山城:吉川小茂田の館城で 吉川丸山の墓4936番地の西 北緯34度49分54秒東経133度45分1秒付近  Please refer to 丸山城

丸山城:真庭市下呰部Simo*Azae 北緯34度58分47秒東経133度37分60秒 https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bicchu/?c=okayama-maniwa

Nyoizan-Mio-ji/temple如意山三尾寺:新見市豊永赤馬 北緯34度59分37秒東経133度36分5秒 真言密教の道場    Nyoizan-Mio-ji/temople's buildings was destroyed at the fires of war during Ounin-no-ran/war  "Bunmei-no ran" in 1467    The present main hall was been rebuilt by Katusuke Hyoubu-daihu Syou who was the lord of Maruyama-jyou in Azae-no-syou Aga-gun “present Simo-Azae Maniwa-si/city 北緯34度58分47秒東経133度・37分60秒” in 1559

Miki-jyou 三木城:兵庫県三木市上の丸町 北緯34度48分0秒秒東経134度59分16秒 上月城の戦いの項目を参照ください。  Masanori Akamatsu “Harima-syugo” was defeated by Masatoyo Yamana in 1483 Noriharu Bessyo asked Yosimasa Asikaga “the grand person of shogunate” with Masanori Akamatu to revive the family governor of Akamatu clan    So Bessyo clan became a powerful vassal in Akamatu clan next to Uragami clan    When Nariharu bessyo “grand son of Noriharu” became a state of internal strife with Uragami clan, Takakuni Hosokawa and Muramune Uragami-allied army attacked and captured Miki-jou/castle, Gotyyaku-jyou, and Arita-jyou    Because Muramune Uragami was killed and Takakuni Hosokawa killed himself during Nakazima-no-tatakai/battle “Oomono-kuzure/crushing defeat”, Nariharu Bessyo returned to Miki-jyou in 1531   Akihisa Amago Haruhisa later” attacked Miki-jyou twice in 1538 and1539    Because Harumasa Akamatu reduced the power as province-guardian, Bessyo clan left Akamatu clan's side and took Harumoto Hosokawa's group    Nagayosi Miyosi who expelled Harumoto Hosokawa from Kyouto, started to attack Miki-jyou    Nagayasu Miyosi  “a vassal of Nagayosi" captured the seven branch castles of miki-jyou in 1554 Because he sent Jikkyuu Miyosi as reinforcements, Nariharu Bessyo couldn't support it and formed a peace with them. Nariharu was incorporated in Miyosi-Sannin-syuu and participated in Toudai-ji Daibutsu-den-no-tatakai/battle    When the head of Bessyo clan was changed to Yasuharu Bessyo, Bessyo clan took Oda clan’s side in 1567    When the head of Bessyo clan was changed to Nagaharu Bessyo, Yasuharu destroyed  Arita clan  in northern area of Harima province and became a sengoku-daimyou “foidal lord in the Warring States Period” gradually   Nagaharu made a promise with Nobunag Oda that 「I will lead the van for attacking Mouri army」, but because this promise was not kept, Bessyo stayed in Miki-jyu suddenly, rose the standard of revolt against Hideyosi Hasiba “a important vassal of Nobunaga Oda” and drove Hideyosi into corner, then Oda army abandoned to save Kouduki-jyou which had been became the encumbrance and concentrated their efforts against Miki-jyou https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/上月城の戦い Oda army set a fire on the castle town, and attacked and captured the castles belonged Magaharu Bessyo one by one and surrounded Miki-jyou and cut off their supplies https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/三木の干殺し    Bessyo army has been fighting in February and and September, but both battle defeated    They recommended Nagaharu Bessyo the surrender of a castle, Nagaharu responded to this too, and Nagaharu and all his family killed themselves    The attacking on Miki-jyou was settled in half a monthhttps://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/三木合戦   When as a result of Sekigahara-no-tatakai ,Terumasa Ikeda became the Daimyou of Harima province and the lord of Himeji-jyou, Miki-jyou became one of six blanchs of Himeji-jyou, Tadatugu Igi  “a chief vassal” became the lord of Miki-jyou and the castle was abolished by the Ikkoku ichijo rei ”law of one castle per province”

Mitani-jyou 三谷城:三谷陰地「恩地」70番地の北の山 北緯34度54分51秒東経133度47分48秒    Please refer to 三谷城 and 小森城

Minoutani-jyou 三納谷城:三納谷  北緯34度52分54秒東経133度46分56秒    Please refer to 三納谷城 妙見山城 細田城 and 化生狸キュウモウ   

Miyao-jyou 宮尾城:広島県廿日市市宮島町 北緯34度18分2秒東経132度19分20 厳島の戦いを参照ください。 It is said that Miyao-jyou castle was built by Motonari Mouri in preparation or for Itukusima-no-tatakai/war, but it had existed before that in fact   Motonari Mouri  who occupied Itukusima by Bou-Gei-hikiwake “Break the relationship of the allies between Yosinaga Oouti & Harikata Suein Suou‘周防:bou防’ province and Motonari mouri in Aki ‘安芸:gei芸’province” in 1554, set the castle keeper in the castle and repaired it    Harukata Sue’s army attacked the castle from the sea, but the castle keeper blocked the enemy’s landing    Itukushima-no-tatakai started in September 21, 1555, and Mouri clan’s side won    After that, the treatment of Miyao-jyou is unclear

Myoukyou-ji/temple 妙教寺:岨谷大倉 3022番地 北緯34度46分38秒東経133度41分56秒付近に建ち、宗派は日蓮宗で、本尊は三宝諸尊です。Please refer to 妙教寺 くらみ坂 and 高賎平等一致  

Myoukenzan-jyou 妙見城跡上田西 北緯34度53分39度東経133度47分7秒  Please refer to 妙見山城 久保田神社 火雷神社 and 化生狸キュウモウ

Ryuuge-Daihonzan-Myouken-ji 龍華大本山妙顕寺上京区妙顕寺前町514番地 北緯35度2分4秒東経135度45分17秒    Nitizou built Myouken-ji/temple in1321    Myouken-ji changed the name to Tyokugan-ji by Rinji “an order document issued by Kuroud-dokoro ‘emperor's secretary‘ at the will of the emperor” of Go-daigo-tennou/emperor in 1334 and was moved to Sijyou-Kusige by inzen “official documents issued by Representatives of In-no-tyou in order to the will of  joukou ’the emperor retired’ or the emperor''” of Kougen-in in 1341    The believers of Hiei-zan "the militant clergy of Mt. Hiei" destroyed the buildings of Tyokugan-ji and the temple evacuated to Wakasa-Kohama in1387   Tyokugan-ji-buildings was reconstructed on Sanjyou-boumon-Horikawa by the mediation of Yosimitu Ashikaga in 1393 and the name was renewed Myouhon-ji “temple names were exchanged Myouhonji in Kita Bittyuu probvince and Myouken-ji in Kyouto” the new Myouhon-ji became Yosimoti Asikaga's prayer-temple in 1411    The temple was destroyed again by the Hiei-zan-believers in 1413, and the temple rebuilt on Nijyou-nisi-no-Touin under the orders of Yoshitane Asikaga in 1521    After that, the temple name of Myouhon-ji was returned to Myoken-ji of original name    Myouken-ji was burned during Tenbun-Hokke-no-ran in 1536, the temple evacuated to Sakai in 15365   Because Go-Nara tennou/emperor issued an Rinji of Hokke-syuu-Kiraku “Hokke sect followers are permitted to return to Kyoto” in 1542, the temples belonged Hokke sect which were evacuated to Sakai, returned back to kyouto one another after    Myouken-ji was rebuilt on Nijyou-nisi-no-Touin, but Moved to present location ”京都市上京区寺之内通新町西入妙顯寺前町514番地” under command by Hideyosi Toyotomi and Hideyosi built Nijyou-dai Myoukenji-jyou on the ruins of Myouken-ji    The temple was burned down during Tenmei-no-taika  “the fire in 1788”, and Myouken-ji rebuilt after that

Kouno-Myouken-guu/shrine 大阪交野の妙見宮・Hosida-Myouken-guu 星田妙見宮:大阪府交野市星田9-60-1番地 北緯34度45分34秒東経135度40分43秒   天御中主命を祀ります。Ame-no-minakanusi-no-mikoto is enshrined in Myoukan-guu/shrine  or Myouken-jinjya/shrine genarally   The another name of Komatu-Jinjya/shrine is Kouno-Myouken-guu/shrine   The main enshrined deity is Ame-no-minakanusi-no-ookami, and Takami-musubi-no-ooksami and Kami-musubi-no-ookami are enshrined    The shrined deity was Hokusin-Myouken-daibosatu in Buddhism, and Tajyousinsen-Tintakureihu-sin in On-myou-dou “the principle of yin and yang" According to the tradition when Koubou-daisi “saint Koubou” came to Kouno in kounin era “810 – 823”,  at the time of Saga-tennou/emperor during Heian period, enter the Sisi-nokutu “cave of lion” in Kitijyou-in/building of the temple of Sisikutu-ji/temple, and chanted his secret sutra, and then The  Sitiyousei "七曜星 the seven stars of the Big Dipper” fell from the sky and dropped on three please including Kouno    It is said that「 Koubou-daishi came here, he told with his own mouth that 三光清岩正身の妙見 Sankou-seigan-no-Myouken The three pure shining stones are truly Myoukren-bosatu/bodhisattva: the ability of to make sure all things of the whole world while he is looking from the polar star & distinguish them good or bad", and  北辰妙見大悲菩薩独秀の霊岳 Hokusin-Myouken-daihi-bosatu-no-reigaku “The only sacred mountain to enshrine Hokusin (the polar star)-Myouken(the polar star watch the world accurately from the center of the sky)-Daii(vast mercy)-Bosatu " and 神仏の宝宅諸天善神影向来会の名山 Sinbutu-no-Houtaku-Syo-Tenjin Kouraikai no meizan: miraculous mountain where the precious residence for deities and Buddhas and we can look always the figures of the syo-tenjin (Buddhas who live in the heavenly realm and support those who tries to live right)

Komagatayama-Myoukouji 曹洞宗駒形山妙高寺:新潟県小千谷市川井114番地 北緯37度15分2415分24秒東経138度49分15秒 直江兼続の崇拝していた愛染明王が奉られている―【駒形山妙高寺】妙高寺[こまがたさんみょうこうじ]について (myoukouji.com)

Myoukenzan-jyou 妙見山城:三野公園 北緯34度41分46秒東経133度56分17秒    The another name is Nojiyama-jyou    Please refer to 野路山城 田中屋敷 離小屋城 勝山城 and 竹井直定 in 伊賀久隆の戦い 備中兵乱 & 上加茂合戦

Myousen-ji 妙仙寺:新屋乢 1785番地 北緯34度48分54秒東経133度42分4秒   The memorial tower stand in the Myousen-ji's ground which was made for 2 or 3 believes of Huse-Hujyu group of Nitiren sect in Hujita Yosikawa who were executed by Mitumasa Ikeda in despite of a plea by the Numoto-village's headman of Siinoki in Nisikario and so forth   They were the leaders of HujuHuse group who were lectured in temporary hall from Myouse-ji/temple while being act as the parishioner of Myousen-ji to act up to the principles of HuseHujyu under the violent oppressions against HuseHujyu group of Nitiren sect by Edo Shogunate and Okayama domain during Anei era and during the Edo period  I hear that the memorial tower was buried in the ground during the time of the oppression against HuseHujyu group by Mitumasa Ikeda   Please referto 妙仙寺

Myouzenji-jyou 明善寺城:岡山市中区沢田 北緯34度39分53秒東経133度57分37秒   It is said that Myouzenji-jyou/castle built by Naoie Ukita in 1566 This castle was the stage of the Myouzenji-gassen/war between Ukita clan and Mimura clan in the next year    Ietika Mimura expanded his power throughout the Bittyuu province area in connection with Motonari Mouri, invaded Mimasaka province and Bizen province to expand his territory    In contrast, Naoie Ukita ordered the brothers of Hidekiyo Endou and Tosimiti to assassinate Ietika Mimura who had stayed in Kouzen-ji/temple   The Enfdou-brothers succeeded to assassinate Ietika with a pistol of fire rope type gun    The Ietika's family governor was succeeded by Mototika Mimura “the second son of Ietika”    Mototika Mimura invaded Bizen province and attacked Myouzenji-jyou as a battle to avenge his father's death, and captured Myouzenji-jyou   Naoie's army surrounded Myouzenji-jyou to regain it, and won the battle against Myouzenji-jyou's army and Mototika Mimura's army who rushed as the reinforcements for Myouzenji-jyou, in the twinkling of an eye  

Norikiyama-Myouhuku-ji/temple 乗木山妙福寺:竹部乗木山1009番地 北緯34度50分7秒東経133度47分37秒にある日蓮宗の寺です。応永2年(1395年)頃 加持氏山崎城主)が出家し 尊覚入道と名乗り 開祖となりました。禅宗を重視してこの妙福寺を築きました。尊覚入道の末の子孫の 尊祐が 元亀元年(1570年) 日蓮日蓮宗に改め、上人の消息文等を 納めました。江戸中期宝暦の頃に 荒れ果てたこの寺を 日寿上人が再建しました。京都 本能寺の末寺で 本門法華八品派に属します。他に本門法華宗八品派の寺は 上野の重友山法福寺です。神原日祐聖人が 得度した寺です。神原日祐聖人は 本門法華宗の官庁でした。現在は 妙福寺が管理しています。「上房郡史」 Please refer to 山崎城 妙福寺 and 本堂の策略 Myouhuku-ji/temple is a temple of Nitiren sect    Kaji clan who was the lord of Yamazaki-jyou/castle, became a priest and named himself as Sonkaku-nyuudou/monk, and built Myohuku-jie with an emphasis on Zen Buddhism as the founder around 1395    

Myouhon-ji 妙本寺:常入道1501番地 北緯34度48分34秒東経133度42分16秒付近 西の身延の 異称を持ちます。備中兵乱の折り 毛利輝元小早川隆景が 備中松山城三村元親に対峙して 妙本寺に本陣を敷きましたが、三村氏配下の野山宮内少輔古和田城城主)は 積極的に抵抗しなかったので、敗戦後 領土を取り上げられませんでした。上加茂合戦では、毛利輝元や小早川隆景は 竹荘に集結したとされますが、大軍勢が 駐屯するにふさわしい地が 竹荘内に無いので、恐らく野山北の妙本寺に陣を構えたと考えています。 Please refer to 妙本寺 古和田城 野山宮内少輔 備中兵乱 and 上加茂合戦 Myouhon-ji/temple is located on 1501 Kita-Jyou-nyuudou   Myouhon-ji also call western Minobu “Minobusan-Kuon-ji”   During of Bittyuu-heiran/disturbance Terumoto Mouri and Takakage Kobayakawa confronted Mototika Mimura who was the lord of Bittyuu-Matuyama-jyou/castle, and they put their stronghold on Myouhon-ji “place where Noyama clan prayed and it was in Noyama clan’s territory”, but because Kunai-syouyuu-Noyama who was the lord of Kowada-jyou/castle and a subordinate of Mimura clan, did not resist aggressively against Mouri’s army, did not take up the territory after the complete defeat of Mimura’s side    It is said that in Kamigamo-gassen/battle, Terumoto Mouri and Takakage Kobayakawa had gathered in Takesyou, because there is no suitable place for a large army to be stationed in Takesyou, I think that they set up a camp in Myouhon-ji in Noyama Kita just like during the Bittyuu-heiran

Men-jiro 面城:大木目取1129番地近く 北緯34度54分51秒東経133度47分9秒   Please refer t 面城

Mouzako-jyou・Mozako-jyou 百坂城:小森城山東平893番地の北 北緯34度55分36秒 Please refer to 百坂城 and 上加茂合戦

Motobuto-jyou-gassen 本太城合戦:岡山県倉敷市児島塩生 北緯34度29分34秒東経133度45分43秒  The age when Motobuto-jyou/castle was built, is not clear    Minamoto-no-Masatuna and Masayoshi's brothers lived in the castle, they attacked Honjyou-Hatiman-guu/shrine in 1482   When Kousai clan who was supported by Miyoshi clan,   started counterattack, because   Murakami clan was in a difficult situation, Murakami clan made peace between Kouzai clan in the intermediation of Ootomo clan   Yositosi sima who was rendering the service as a messenger, became the lord of Motobuto-jyou    Takeyoshi Murakami took Munekage Urahami's side and was separated from Mouri family    Takakage Kobayakawa immediately raised the troops to subjugate Motobuto-jyou in 1571 Feb. and captured Motobuto-jyou   The allied armies of Uragami clan & Ukita clan “who were a reinforcement of Hidesuke Ueki 'the son of Hidenaga'” had become a military conflict against the allied army of Terumoto Mouri & Mimura clan at Bittyuu-Saida-jyou in 1571, Uragami and Ukita's armies won. and Motobuto-jyou was given to Yoriyosi Nose “a vassal of Ukita clan”    Ukita clan fought against Mori clan in Hatihama Kojima-gun/country Bizen Province in 1582,  Motoie Ukita was killed in the war, and Ukita army was defeated, but Hatihama-Hitihonyari "seven spearmen in Hatihama" including Yoriyosi Nose acted to be successful and could stop the action of Mouri clan’s sarmy, after that they were besieged in Hatihama-jyou Yahama-gassen/battle”    Motobuto-jyou had been existed until 1580.  The time when the castle was abandoned is unknown.

Yakake-gassen 矢掛合戦:矢掛合戦は 天文21年(1552年)に起こった 三村毛利連合軍  庄為資 等 反毛利勢力の戦いで、為資方が 戦況逆転され、猿掛城穂井田実近の養子に 荘元祐(三村家親長男・猿掛城主)が収まり、松山城は 庄為資の物のままとしましたが、三村家親が 入城して、尼子戦に備え 庄一族を監視しました。草壁庄氏 等の庄一族は 元祐傘下に入り  庄一族の力は衰退しました。www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bicchu/sarukake-jyo/」   Yakake-gassen/war was the battle what the allied army of Mimura clan & Mouri clan fought against anti Mouri clan armies including Tamesuke Syou in 1562, the situation of battle of Tamasuke syou’s side was reversed and  Tamesuke  "the 1st son of Ietika Mimura“ entered Sanetika Hoida’s family “who was the lord of Sarukake-jyou /castle” as a adopted son    Matuyama-jyou was left as Tamesuke Shou's belonging as it was    But Ietika Mimura stayed in the castle and monitored the Syou clan in preparation for the match against Amago clan    Because Shou families including Kusakabe-Shyou family became a direct subordinate of Motosuke Shou “Motosuke Hoida”     Syou family’s power had faded

Yagura-jyou 矢倉城・矢倉畦城:納地矢倉 北緯34度50分38秒東経133度41分37秒付近 土塁 郭 井戸を残します。初代の城主は 竹井氏であったが、元弘の乱の頃は  田中氏が 奪取し居城としたらしい。  Please refer to 矢倉城 太平記 備中兵乱 and 立の七人御崎    In the ruins of Yagursa-jyou/castle, there is the remains of earthworks, enclosures and a well     It seem that the first lord was Takei clan, but Tanaka clan captured Yagura-jyou and made it his residence castles at the time of Genkou-no-ran/war

old Yagura-jinjya ato 旧矢倉神社跡:矢倉城跡の隣地 北緯34度50分42秒東経133度41分49秒

Ysagura-jinjya 矢倉神社:納地室納 北緯34度50分2.秒東経133度41分31秒  Please refer tor 矢倉神社 and 矢倉城

Yamazaki-jyou 山崎城:竹部中寄 北緯34度49分54秒東経133度47分23秒 Plaese refer to 山崎城 坂元城 and 乗木山妙福寺

Yababuki-jyou 山吹城・Yougaizan-jyou 要害山城:島根県大田氏大森町 北緯35度6分15秒東経132度25分51秒 Iwami-gin-zan “Iwami silver mine“ was discovered in around 1309    It is said that HIroyuki Oouti “the head of Oouti clan in Suou・Nagato province” built Yamabuki-you/castle in defense of Iwami-gin-zan  or was built by Yosioki Oouti or Yositakaa son of Yosioki” in around 1530    Nagataka Ogasawara “local lords in Iwami province” snatch the silver mine from Yositaka Oouti in 1530, but Oouti clan recaptured the castle in1533, and Oouti clan had strengthened Yamabuku-jyou’s defenses   Tunehisa Amago “daimyo in Izumo province during the Warring States Period ” invaded Iwami province and occupied the silver mine in 1537    Oouti clan recaptured the silver mine    Amago clan recaptured in alliance with Nagakatu Ogasawara “in Iwami province” the silver mine in 1541   After Yositaka Oouti wae killed himself during Taineiji-no-hen/incident  and Motonari Mouri who defeated Harukata Sue at the time of  Itukusima-no-tatakai/battle    Yamabuki-jyou was kept by Naganobu Sasuga “a uncle of Nagakatu Ogasawara”, but served as a vassal of Mouri clan who was proceeding with Boutyou-Keiryaku “the strategy of invasion to Suou・nagato province where was the territories of Oouti clan”, the castle and the silver mine became under the influence of Mouri clan    Motonari Mouri instead of Oouti clan joined the struggle for Iwami silver mine     Haruhisa Amago attacked Yamabuki-jyou and defeat the Mouri army, and forced Naganobu Sasuga to kill himself, and get Iwami silver mine Sinobihara-kuzure/crushing defeat” in 1558    Amago clan made Tunemitu Honjyou who was credited for the victory, the lord of Yamabuki-jyou    Mouri army tried to recapture Yamabuki-jyu, but Tunemitu Honjyou drove back them in Kourozaka-no-tatakai in 1559    But Mouri clan invaded Iwami province by utilizing Un-gei-wagi “peace negotiations between Amago clan and Mouri clan”   Tumemitu Honjyou surrendered but Motonari assassinated him    Motonari Mouri who got Iwami silver mine and Yamabuki-jyou, set Itirou-zaemon Moriwaki “a vassal of Motoharu KIkkawa who was 2nd son of Motonari” in Yamabuk-ijyou    Iwami silver mine became a terittory of Tokugawa-Shogunate after Sekigahara-no-tatakai, Nagayasu Ookubo entered in Yamabuki-jyou    Nagayasu renovated Yamabuki-jyou to Hukiya “Silver refinery”    Because Nagayasu moved his base to Oomori-daikansyo/magistrate's office, the castle was abandoned

Yuzuriha-jyou 楪城・Yuzuriha-jyou 杠城・Yuzuriha-jyou 弓絵葉城・Niimi-jyou 新見城:新見市上市 北緯35度1分48秒東経133度25分54秒 南北朝時代初期に新見氏が築城し、城主は新見氏 三村元範 今田経高 天野勝元です。 It is said that Yuzuriha-jyou/castle was built by Yuzuiha clan “syugo:guardian feudal lord” but Yuzuriha clan stayed a lot of time in Kamakura, Niimi clan had been managed Niimi-no-shou during Kamakura period    It had been  thought that Yuzuriha-jyou was built by Niimi clan for the reasons mentioned above    It was thought that Niimi clan put under control this area and this castle for about 350 years until when Niimi clan “good relationship with Amago clan came into a fight Mimura clan “a strong cooperative relationship with Mouri clan”    When the brothers of Mototika & Motonori Mimura “the lord of Kakusyu-jyou attacked and was defeated Niimi-no-syou, Sadatune Niimi abandoned the castle and run away Mototika Mimura took Nobunaga Oda’s side in 1674 “spreading his power to Harima” and turned the flag against Mouri clan who had allied with Naoie Ukita who killed Ietika mimura “the father of Mototika Mimura” with a gun in 1566    Motoharu Kikkawa “one of Mouri-ryou-Sen:The person in charge of Sanin-dou insisted Mototika Mimura to remain to Mouri clan’s side,  but Takakage Kobayakawa “one of Mouri-ryou-Sen:The person in charge of Sannyou-dou advocated to kill Mototika imadiately, and Mouri clan attacked Bittyuu province with a large army "Bittyu-heiran/war"    Yuzuriha-jyou “as if the castle is hanging lower from sky geographically, so solid castle that there is no way for a person to climb” was surrounded by Takakage Kobayakawa with 20000 soldiers, fought violently each other and finally was fallen by Mouri clan    It is transmitted that Motonori Mimura ”27 years old” and his vassals continued to fight against the enemy until the end and died an honorable death   After that, the castle became under the direct control of Mori clan, and Tunetaka Imada, Katumoto Amano etc. became the lord of Yuzuriha-jyou   Mouri clan and Kikkawa clan moved to Bou-tyou “suou and Nagato provinces” after Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1660 and Yuzuriha-jyou which the role as a solid mountain castle was ended, and abandoned

Yuduki-jyou 湯築城・Yuduki-jyou 湯月城:松山市道後町 北緯33度50分53秒東経132度47分12秒  Although the age when Yuduki-jyou castle was built is not clear, it is said that it was built by Mitimori Kouno during the Kenmu period (1334-1338)     He received a position of the same treatment as Iyo-syugo in view of the distinguished services during Gen-Pei-gassen/war ”1180-1185”    Because Kouno clan supported the Jyoukou “retired emperor” during Syoukyuu-no-ran/war “Go-toba-jyoukou vs Yositoki Houjyou who was the regent of Kamakura Shogunate” in 1221,  and defeated  by the Shogunate´s side, the many families of Kouno clan faded    Because Mitiari Kouno “the mother was from Houjyou can” belonged Syhougunate’s side, and he was active during Genkou “The Mongol invasions in japan”, Mitiari kouno was could avoid from the crisis of decline It is said that Mitinao Danjyoudai Kouno built the outer moat in 1535    Because Mototika Tyousokabe “in Tosa province” who was aiming the Suppression of Sikoku, invaded Iyo province,  Mitinao Usihuku-maru Kouno fought with Mototika in 1581   Takakage Kobayakawa invaded under the command of Hideyosi Hasiba who was aiming the expedition of Sikoku, attacked and captured Motoie Kaneko “the lord of Kaneko-jyou and Kouno clan surrendered during a siege for about a month    Mitinao who was staying in the castle, was saved, but he died by illness two years later    The castle was given to Takakage Kobayakawa, but he was moved to Tuikuzen province    Masanori Hukusima became the lord of the castle in 1587    Because he moved to Kokubuyama-jyou shortly there after, the castle was abolished

 Yosikiyama-jyou 吉城山城:高谷木の実745番地の裏山 北緯34度51分50秒東経133度46分21秒   Please refer to 吉城山城 

 Yosida-Kouriyama-jyou 吉田郡山城:安芸高田市吉田町吉田 北緯34度40分27秒東経132度42分35秒 吉田郡山攻め:天文九年(1540年)九月、尼子晴久の三万の軍が来攻しましたが、小勢の毛利勢が 翌年一月尼子軍を破りました吉田郡山城の戦いThe time of the construction of Yoshida-Koriyama-jyou/castle is unknown Tokitika Mouri came here as Jitou-siku of Yosida-no-syou in 1336 and lived in Yosida-Kouriyama-jyou    Motoharu Mouri had been stayed in the castle named Yosida-jyou from 1352    The destination of the letter from Tikahira Mouri was Kouriyama-dono “Mr. Kouriyama : Motoharu”    The castle had been a small castle until Motonari Mouri “the 12th head of Mouri clan” entered in 1523  Motonari expanded the castle area to the whole of Kouriyama, and became a Sengoku-Daimyou “Daimyou in the Warring States Period”   When Yosida-Kouriyamajyou-no-tatakai/war started in1540, Yosida-Kouriyama-jyou was before the expansion, but it was able to stay about 8000 soldiers and women including farmers, and they repelled against the great army of Akihisa Amago with 30000 soldiers    During Aduti-Momoyama period, the castle turned into a modern character which was integrated to use in peace-time and in war-time from the traditional mountain castle which used only in the war-time    During Terumoto Mouri “grand son of Motonari Mouri”, Yosida-Kouriyama-jyou turned into a three‐layer & three-story modern castle with stone walls etc.   Terumoto Mouri ordered to reconstruction of the castle and the maintenance of the castle town in 1584    When Mouri clan subordinated to Toyotomi Hideyoshi, gold foil tiles were used for the reconstruction   When Hiroshima-jyou was almost completed in1591, Yoshida-Koriyama-jyou finished the role as Mouri clan’s base because it was not convenient for transportation    Just after Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in1600 , the scale was greatly reduced. but Terumoto who had been persisted in Yamaziro "mountain castle", continued to preserve Yoshida-Koriyama-jyou, because Hirosina-jyou which was built by the advisory of Kanbei Kuroda “strategist of Hideyosi Toyotomi” and was vulnerable to inundation tactics    Yoshida-Koriyama-jyou was also demolished according to the law of one country and one castle issued by the Edo-Shogunate in 1615    When Shimabara-no-ran/rebellion occurred in 1637, the stone walls and moats were also destroyed and removed by Edo-Shogunate who feared the increasing of action by the Christians    At the end of the Edo period, Hiroshima-Nitta-han/domain was established a branch han "Hiroshima-han" A Jinya “encampment” was built at the foot of Yoshida-Koriyama-jyou Yosida-Jinya    The Han was abandoned in 1869, and the building of Jinya was destroyed or It was relocated

Yosida-Kouriyamajyou-no-tatakai 吉田郡山の戦い: The head of the Mouri family was succeeded by Okimoto mouri “the elder brother of Motonari He was dead at age of 25 years old    After that, Koumatu-maru “a son of Okimoto” succeeded the Mouri family’s estate “Motonari served as a guardian” but Koumatu-maru was dead at the age of 9 years old, Motonari Mouri became the head   Tunehisa Amago admitted to inherit the family by Motonari because Tunehisa also valuated the Motonari's achievements during Ginzanjyou-no-tatakai/war in 1523   Tunehisa was feeling a threat also that Motonari will replace the Amago’s position   Because there was a movement to abolish Motorari who became the head, Motonari was distrustful against Amago clan    Motonari thought that he had been dissatisfied with the prize “50 kanmon :5 million yen in today” for the Ginzanjyou-no-tatakai    He tried to get out of Amago's subordinate immediately after, but he was quiet for a while because he was taken as hostage by Amago clan   But Motonari Mouri began negotiations to return to Ouchi clan’s side around 1525    As the result of that, Oouti clan offered to give him 1370 kanmon as his territory which was exceptional for Motonari    Ouchi clan and Amago clan had were in a good relationship for about 10 years ostensibly    When Haruhisa Amago “a grandson of Tunehisa Amago inherited the governor of the Amago family in 1537, he decided to subdue the Motonari Mouri in 1540    Haruhisa Amago gave more than 3000 soldiers to Kunihisa Amago "his uncle" etc. in June 1540    The troops marched toward Yosida-Kouriyama, they was revolted  by Takaie Shishido who was the husband of Goryuu “the 2nd. daughter of Motonari”, and Takaie returned to home   Haruhisa Amago who gave up to go along the Bingo road, went to Yoshida-Kouriyama-jyout via Iwami and Tajihi with 3000 soldiers including Hisayuki Amago as the commander “a great uncle” of Haruhisa, Kunihisa“ the uncle” and Sanehisa “a son of Kunihisa”, and arranged his armies's battle-formation at Kazakosi-yama/mountain in Tajihi where they could overlook Yoshida -Koriyama-jyou    In contrast, Motonari Mouri’s army was just 8000 including farmers and 2800 soldiers    The battle began in September 15th., Amago army first set fire to the castle town    After the skirmish continued for a while endure in the battle to hold the castle, Motonari Mouri asked Yositaka Oouti for help and waited for the reinforcements in September 23,  Amago army moved the main base between Aoyama and Mitui-yama in the south of Yoshida-Koriyama-jyou and shorten the siege network further in October 11th, Sanehisa Amago  and others would try to attack Kouriyama-jyou once on the contrary, the Motonari Mouri attacks them conversely, and the team of Sanehisa’s troop was defeated by the ambush    Motonari Mouri’s army chased the army of the Amago troop, and invaded to Tutitoriba at the foot of Ao-yama where was the Sanehisa's main-base "stronghold", and killed a dozen soldiers including Tameyuki Misawa “Aoyama-Tutitoribsa-no-tatakai/battle  In December 3rd, Takahusa Sue “Harukata Sue later:a vassal of Yoshitaka Oouchi” arrived at last   Hisayuki Amago made an all-out attack in the Jan.13th  1541 by impatience, because they were sandwiched between the Ouchi army from the outside, and the Mouri army from the inside, the troops lacked food and supplies from Sanin, and it was becoming a cold winter    Because Hisayuki “Amago army’s comander“ died in the war   Amago’s soldiers lost their will to fight and were forced to withdraw   The Amago army’s soldiers were scattered and runs away, but many soldiers were killed by The Mouri and Ouchi sarmies who driven up relentlessly    As the result, Motonari Mouri was given the area of the Setouti coast “the former terittory of Aki-Takeda clan”    From this time ,Mouri clan got the navy

Yottuaze-gassen 四ッ畦合戦・四ッ畦騒動:伊賀家久が地下人(在地の農民である名主・百姓達)を 煽って 四ッ畦城を乗っ取ろうとした戦争です。 Yottuaze-gassen was the battle which Iehisa Iga "son of IHisataka Iga tried to encourage Jigenin  “the master who does not have the official position and the common people, etc.” to do capture Yottuaze-jyou/castle by exciting their feelings    I don't know about this time of year, but I think it was when the Mouri army began invading Iga clan’s territoryi n 1580 Kamigamo-gassen” Please refor to 四ツ畦城

Yottuaze-Sinobuyama-jyou 四畦忍山城・Osi-no-jyou 忍ノ城・Sinobuyama-jyou 信夫山城:岡山市北区高田 北緯34度47分18秒東経133度50分6秒    Please refer to Sinobuyama-jyou 忍山城 upper item and 備中-忍山城 (城郭放浪記)

Yottuaze-jyou 四ッ畦城:溝部 恩木ダムの北奥 北緯34度56分43秒東経133度44分43秒 Please refer to 四ッ畔城 野々平城 清水城 and 新山城

Tentyuuzan-Raikyuu-ji/temple 天柱山頼久寺:高梁市頼久寺町 北緯34度47分51秒東経133度37分8秒にある 臨済宗永源寺派の寺院で、本尊は 聖観世音菩薩 ”Avalokiteshvara”       In the grounds, there are the tomb of Yorihisa Ueno who was the ancestor who rejuvenated Raikyuu-ji/temple, the tomb of Ietika Mimura “the lord of Bittyuu-Matuyama-jou/castle” who was assassinated by Naoie Ukita with a pistol in Kouzen-ji in 1566, the tomb of Mototika Mimura “the lord of Matuyama-jyou, a son of Ietika” who Killed himself in Syouren-ji in1575 dismally just after Bittyuu-heiran/war and the tomb of Katu-housi-maru “a son of Mototika” who captured by Hisataka Iga and Killed by Takaksage Kobayakawa in Houhukuji in 1574

Rajyou-mon 羅城門:条坊都市を 南北に中央を 貫いた朱雀大路の南の端の大門で、事実上の都の正門です。平安京 羅城門跡は 南区唐橋羅城門町花園児童公園内 北緯34度58分45秒東経135度44分36秒 Rajyou-mon/gate is a large gate at the southern end of Suzaku-ouji/road which has passed through the center of the Jyoubou-tosi/city from north to south, and is the effective main gate of the capital    The ruins of Rajyou-mon in Kyouto is in Hanazono-Children's Park, Rajyou-mon-tyou/town, Minami-ku/ward

Bingo-Ryuuou-Iwayama-jyou 備後龍王石山城:広島県福山市神辺町 北緯34度34分25秒東経133度24分14秒    https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bingo/kojyoyama-jyo/

Bingo-Ryuuouzan-jyou 龍王山砦:福山市神辺町字西中条 北緯34度34分26秒東経133度22分22秒 「https://www.hb.pei.jp/shiro/bingo/nagata-ryuozan-jyo/」

Bingo-Ryuuouzan-jyou 龍王山城:福山市神辺町大字下竹田 北緯34度33分27秒東経133度24分38秒 http://www.bes.ne.jp/forum/bingoohrai/taguti_teacher/094/index.html

Rokuhara 六波羅:京都の鴨川東岸五条大路から七條大路辺りを 六原と呼び、後に 六波羅と呼ばれました。承久の乱の戦の後 後鳥羽上皇方に 加担した公家や武士等の所領が 没収され、御家人に 恩賞として与えられました。これらの所領は 鎌倉幕府の影響が及ばなかった荘園で 西国に多く分布していたため、地頭を配し 統治しました。また 幕府は 朝廷の反乱の再発を恐れ、朝廷の動静を察知するため 白河南の六波羅の旧平清盛邸を改築して 北条泰時 北条時房が 六波羅の北と南に 駐留させ、西国の御家人の組織の改正 京都の警備 朝廷の監視 軍事行動等を行いました。この職を 六波羅探題と言い、執権 連署に次ぐ重職でした。下部組織に 引付頭人 評定衆 引付衆 奉行人等が 置かれました。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/六波羅 The area where from Gojyou-ooji/roud to Nanajyou-ooji on the eastern bank of Kamo-gawa/river was called Rokuhara “六原”, was called Rokuhara “六波羅” later    After Syoukyuu-no-ran/war, the territories of Kuges “court nobles” and Busis “warrior” who took Go-toba-jyoukou’s side, were confiscated by Yositoki Houjyou who was the Sikken ”regent” of Kamakura-shogunate, and were given Gokenins ”lower-ranking vassal of the Shogunate” as a favor prize    Because these almost territories were Syouen “manor” where were widely distributed in the western country, and the Kamakura-Shogunate had not been influenced on the area , the Shogunate sent JItou “estate stewards” and made Jitou rule the each territory    The Shogunate was also afraid of a repeat of the imperial revolt, renovated the former Taira-no-Kiyomori residence in Rokuhara on the south of Hirakawa, made Yasutoki Houjyou and Tokihusa Houjyou  the office keeper to research on the movements of the Imperial court, in the north and south of Rokuhara, and  monitored Imperial court surveillance and act military exercise This position is called Rokuhara-tandai, it was a heavy position next to Sikken “regent”  And Rensyou “assistant of regent” Hikituke-tounin “the leader of the whole lawsuit”Hyoujyou-syuu “the few officials who manage Administration, justice and legislation”, Hikituke-syuu “the officials who assisted Hyoujyou-syuu with a lawsuit and general affairs”, Bugyou-nin “the group of legal bureaucracies” etc. were established

Wakasa-On-iga-jyou 若桜鬼ヶ城:鳥取県八頭郡若桜町若桜 北緯35度20分12秒東経134度23分54秒    Wakasa-oniga-jyou was built in 1200 by Akitane Yabe who was nyuuhuu-ed “was given the territory and was located by Shogunate” from Mikawa province   The castle had been Yabe clan’s residence during Kamakura period, Muromati period and until the end of the Warring States Period    Yukimori Yamanaka captured the castle owner by stratagem in1575、the castle became the possession of Amago-revival army in the same year, when the attacking by Motoharu Kikkawa, Yukimori Yamanaka etc. abandoned the castle and ran away in next year    When Oda clan's army who led by Hideyoshi Hasiba, invaded Inaba province, the castle became the base, after attacking against Tottori-jyou in 1581, Sigekata Kinosita entered the Wakasa-Oni-ga-juou with the territory of 20000-goku    Because Sigekata Kinosita belonged to Western army “Toyotomi’s side, was defeated” during Sekigahara-no-tatakai/war in 1600 was confiscated his territories “Kaieki”  by Tokugawa clan    Iemori Yamazaki was nyuuhuu-ed " took over the domain from the Shinano" with territory of 30000-goku and lived in the castle    Ieharu Yamazaki “a son of Iemori” was relocated to Nariwa Bittyuu province with 30000-goku in 1617,  Inaba province became Ikeda clan's territory    The castle was abolished with Ikkoku-Itijyou-rei “the law of one castle per one province”

Wakura-jyou 羽倉城:三原市久井町羽倉 北緯34度30分7秒東経133度0分30秒    Nobuyosi Setika built Wakura-jyou/castle on Wakura Bingo province in 1570 and became the lord of the castle    He dedicated himself in the management of the province, including the channel excavations and the developments of new fields    Hideyoshi Hasiba “a vassal of Nobunaga Oda , attacked Bittyuu-Takamatsu-jyou which was protecting by Muneharu Shimizu during Bittyuu-takamatujyou-no-tatakai/war in 1582,  Nobuyosi Setika led the reinforcements sent from Takakage Kobayakawa "a uncle of Terumoto Mouri" and entered Takamatu-jyou as a military superintendent    Because Muneharu Shimizu rejected the recommendation of the surrender by Hideyosi Hasiba, Hideyosi carried out the inundation-tactics what Yositaka Kuroda made the suggestion    Hideyosi who was reported that Nobunaga Oda killed himself during Honnouji-no-hen/incidentHideyosi sent a message for peace to Muneharu Simizu that we save soldiers  in the castle in exchange for Muneharu’s life    Mohri clan was accepted the offer reluctantly because they had no hope for saving Bityuu-Takamatu-jyou    On June 4, Nobuyosi Setika killed himself with his sword by  cutting open his abdomen together with Muneharu Simizu, Munetomo Simizu “the elder brother of Muneharu" and Munetada Nanba “the younger brother of Muneharu” in the boat on the water    The family governor of Setika clan was inherited by Mitsuhisa