上竹 離小屋城 Hanaregoya-jyou

離小屋城は 上竹 小ヤ5718番地の南の山 標高約370m 高さ約60mの山 北緯34度49分25秒東経133度39分32秒の丘城で、有津井の佐与谷川沿いの大曲の近くにある山頂です。「離小屋城跡」には 駐屯宅跡 井戸跡を残します。城主は 庄為資 庄源内信繁(大槻源内信繁) 大槻七郎左衛等です。

備中兵乱の折り、毛利氏に落とされたとされます。三村氏 配下の竹井宗左衛門直定の下に 仕える武士 大月(作月、大槻)七郎左衛門が 城主とされ、又彼は 松山城主であったとされます。又、松山城主であった庄為資Syou-Tamesukeが 城に来てその子の 庄源内信繁(大槻源内信繁)が 跡を 継いだとされます。信繁の子に 喜兵衛信正 七右衛門正繁 弥太郎が おり 七右衛門正繁の子は 七右衛門久繁です。 The ruins of Hanarekoya-jyou/castle are located on the southern mountain of 5718 Kamitake-Koya “N34.49.25 E133.39.32”   where are the top of the mountain at Òomagari “large sharp curve” along the Sayotani-gawa/river in Aritui    The ruins of a garrison-residence named Tyuubei-buro and the mark of the well are remained in  the ruins of Hanare-goya-jyou    The lords of the castle were Tamesuke Syou, Nobusige Gennai Syou, Nobusige Hitirou-saei Ootuki and so on    The shrines are built on the center of the hill of Hanaregoya-jyou    There are some flat lands, the widest flatland is called Tyuubei-buro " house-grove"    If you go down the road from this castle , you will reach to Sayotan-ijyou    It is said that「the lord of Hanaregoya-jyou was Nobusige Hitirou-sahei Ootuki who was a subordinate of Naosada Sou-zaemon Takei who was the lord of Nojiyama-jyou in Kamitake during Bittyuu-heiran/battle started in 1574, Nobusige was the lord of Matuyama-jyou at one time or another」 it is said also that [Tamesuke Syou who was the lord of Matuyama-jyou, moved to Hanaragoya-jyou, and Sigenobu Gennnai Syou “Nobusige Gennai Ootuki"  who was a son of Tamesuke, succeeded to Hanaregoya-jyou ’s lord   Nobumasa Kihei Ootuki and Masasige Hiti-uemon Ootuki were sons of Nobusige, Hisasige Hiti-uemon Ootuki was a son of Masasige    Hanaregoya-jyou was fallen by Mimira clan」   In Bittyuu-heiran in 1575,  NaosadaTakei, Nobusige Ootuki, Rokurou-zaemon Kawara "I was wondering he was Rokurou-uemon Kawara who was a lord of Hukuyama-jyou, and betrayed Iga clan in Kokura-jyou ago"  and so on who were under an obligation of Mimura clan,  betrayed Mimura clan and took the side of  Mouri clan    Mimura clan was destroyed in this Matuyama-jyou-gassen/rbattle    上房郡史によると、天正2年(1574年)松山城合戦では 離小屋城は 三村氏の傘下に入る 国吉城を助けます。それに対抗し 毛利氏の者が 宍戸備前守を大将にして、軍を整え 備中に進軍しました。三村氏は 竹井直定を大月七郎左衛門尉信通大月源内信繁の元に送り 直ちに出向くよう 回文で 援軍要請をしたところ、庄源内信繁(大月源内信繁)は 心早い勇士であったので 手渡された文を見ると 直ちに戦闘の準備をしましたが、毛利軍の宍戸備前守は攻めて来ませんでした。こうして松山城の防備を固めると 竹井直定は 夜に松山城を 抜け出し2手に分け1手は 大手門に伏せ、もう1手は 2か所に分け 待機させました。竹井直定の策略(裏切)により 庄源内信繁 等が 辰の刻に 松山城天神丸の大手門を 破り、番者を 皆殺して 玄關Genseki(出入口)に入り、鉄砲 長柄 弓矢を 奪い 刃向う者は 討ち取りました。逃れようとする者は 見逃してやり 更に城の奥へと侵入しました。三村元親は 家来に 命じて 女子供を 城外に逃そうとし、三村元親は 裏口から 妻子を連れて 入り 本丸に 篭もりました。竹井等が 石川久式の妻子を捕えると 数回の攻防で 三村父子は 天正3年(1575年)年4月に討ち死にしました。 中国太平記によると、松山城は 食料の備蓄も多く 水は 汲めども尽きる事が無く 来年の春まで 籠城Roujyou可能な状態でしたので、城を守る者達は 心を一つに堅守する覚悟でした。その中に 三村家に 長く恩を受けていた 竹井宗左衛門直定 河原六郎左衛門と大月源内と言う人物は、敵方の毛利の援軍を 待っていたのです。関西一の知恵者 小早川隆景が 密かに密偵を送り、三村元親の信用を得られずにいた2人に「裏切れば 高い地位を 与える」と 斥候に囁かせると 二人は あっさりと出世の糸口に 飛び付いていたからです。天神丸の大将の石川源左衛門久武(久式)は 三村家親死後、元親の深い信頼を得ていたので、二人は 身の潔白を 元親に 助言してもらうためのようなふりをして 天神丸へ 登りました。久式は 謀略に 気が付かず「この苦しい籠城のためには 一人でも多くの兵が必要である」と 考え、従者3人を携え 三村元親の守る小松山に 二人の意向を伝えに行きました。その隙に 少しばかりの蕪菜を三宝に盛って 竹井の家来の大槻源内 小林又三郎に 持たせ、竹井は「子の法印殿に面会したいので 門を開け給え」と 告げると、陣門警護の者は 前以て受けていた 久式の命に従い 城門を開けました。大槻と小林は すかさず 奥の間に突入し、久式の妻子を 人質に 取りました。主人の妻子を 人質に取られては 家臣の者は 手を下す術も ありません。その時 土居 工藤 田中 蜂谷 肥田 神原 等 数百人が 天神丸に乱入し 占領し、勝鬨katidokiを 上げました。こうして 三村家は 滅び、大槻源内は  小屋城の城主となりました。反乱軍は 竹荘 上竹 豊野 田土の者を まとめている事を 考慮すると、竹井の外交手腕が 推し量られます。この事件を 備中兵乱と 言います「中国太平記」   The following story was written in the Jyoubou-gun-si “history of Jyoubou county”    In the Bittyuu-matuyama-jyou-gassen “battle of Matsuyama Castle” (1574), Hanaregoya-jyou supported Kuniyosi-jyou which was under the influence of Mimura clan    In response to that, Terumoto Mouri made Bizen-no-kami-Sisido a general, and  made the army marching to Bittyuu    Mototika Mimura sent Naosada Takei to Nobumiti-Hitirou-zaemon Ootuki “Nobusige Gennai Ootuki” and asked him to come to Matuyama-jyou as reinforcements against Mouri clan with a circulating of letter    Because Nobushige Genuchi Syou was a brave man of the heart who look at the sentence passed to him, Ootuki prepared for the battle right now, but the Mori army's Bizen-no-kami Sisido did not attack  In this way, when Matsuyama-jyou was protected for the war, Naosada Takei go out from Matsuyama-jyou at night, divided his friends including Gennai Ootuki into two groups, and made the one group is lying down at the main gate,  made the another group be divided into two and placed  to wait   According to NaosadaTakei's strategy (betrayal), Nobusige Gennai Syou etc. broke the main gate of Tenjin-maru/castle “one castle building of Matuyama-jyou” in the time of the Tatu-no-koku “two hours before and after 8 a.m.“, killed all the guards, entered Genseki ”entrances and exits“, took guns, long shaft-spears, and the bows & arrows by force, and killed all soldiers who interfered against their action, they left the enemies untouched who tried to escape, ant they had invaded the depths of the castle    Mototika Mimura “the lord of Matuyama-jyou" who did not trust Naosada Takei, ordered the servant to make women and children try escape outside of the castle,  Mototika Mimura entered the Honmaru “main building of castle” together his wife and the children from the back gate and barricaded themselves in the castle   After Takei and others captured the wife and children of Hisanori Isikawa ”the lord of Tenjin-maru" who went to send his idea to Mototika Mimura that we abandon the doubt against NaosadaTakei, and treat him our alliences just like before, and attacked the castles    Mimura father and son died in April 1575 after several battles   The following story was written for reference Tyuugoku-Taihei-ki    Because Matsuyama-jyou/ castle had a lot of food stockpiles, the well were inexhaustible spring and it was in a possible condition to be able to withstand the holding the castle during a siege, the soldiers who was guarding the castle expected to defend firmly the castle with a single purpose    Because Takakage Kobayakawa who the most resourceful person in Kansai, secretly sent a spy to Naosada Takei and Gennai Ootuki who were unable to get the trust of Mototika Mimura  ”the lord of Matuyama-jyou”, made his scouting soldiers whispereing that 「if you betrayed, we will gives you high positions」, and they leaped simply at the chance of the clue for their future success, Naosada Sou-zaemon Takei, Rokurou-zaemon Kawara and Gennai  Ootuki who had been indebted to the Mototika Mimura for a long time, nevertheless, they were waiting for the enemy's Mouri clan’s reinforcements   The two persons climbed to Tenjin-maru to ask Hisanori Gen-zaemon Isikawa who was the lord of Tenjin-maru and had the deep trust of Mototika Mimur after the death of the Ietika Mimura, pretending to advice to Mototika Mimura for their innocents   Hisanori who did not notice the plot and thought that 「We need as many soldiers as possible for the castle-siege」, went to tell express their intentions to Komatuyama-jyou where Mototika Mimura was guarding, accompanying three attendants   In the mean time, Naosada Takei made Gennai Ootuki and Mata-saburou Kobayasi who were his vassals, hold a Sanpou-dai “altar” which was served a little bit of turnips, told to the castle-gatekeepers that 「I want to see 'Housi-dono/Esq "Hisanori's child", open the gate」   Then the guards of the castle-gate opened the gate according to the pre-received order by Hisanori    Ootuki and Kobayashi quickly rushed into the back room and captured Hisanori’s wife and children as hostage    Because the lord’s wife and children was captured as hostage, there is no way for the vassals to do anything    At that time, few hundreds of soldiers including Doi, Kudo, Tanaka, Hachiya, Hida, etc. rushed into Tenjin Maru, occupied the castle and gave a shout of triumph   Thus, the Mimura clan was destroyed    Gennai Ootuki became the castle owner of the Koya-jyou    Considering that there are few people of Takesyou in the rebels, Takei's surpassing excellence of diplomatic skills can be estimated  This incident is called Bittyuu-heiran ”Bittyuu military rebellion”

高梁御津線(31号線)から 賀陽総合スポーツ公園の入口の変則的な5叉路の内、東に向かう2本の道の南側の道を下り、次いで南に登ると 上竹小ヤ5718番地に出るので 山道を登り、分岐を左(南々東)に進むと 離城小屋城跡に出ます。丘の中央近くに 社が 建っています。社の地から 南東に向かうと 3~4枚の平坦地があり、一番大きい平坦地を 忠兵衛杜Tyuubei-buroと 呼 びます。忠兵衛杜から 佐与谷街道に 直角に下る道が かつては 有ったと言われます。街道を 下ると佐与谷城跡に 向かいます。

上竹小ヤ5718番地の庭隅に 家形墓と 石柱の誰の者か不明の墓が祀られ、家形墓の中に丸い自然石が納められています。宅地を整備する時、集めた物で 丸い石は もっと沢山あったそうです。無名の戦士の霊を悼んで 祀ってあった物と推察します。上竹小ヤ5718番地から 北西の裏山裾の最初の谷に 水が浸み出していて 今も水源と されています。以前は もっと手前に 冷水の湧く泉が あったそうです。水に 不便の無い立地です。 Go down the south side of the two roads heading east from irregular five-road junction “Route 31” where are near the entrance to Kayo sports park, and then climb to the south, you will reach 5718 Kamitake-Koya    Climb along the mountain path from there, and go left "South east" from the next branch, you will reach the ruins of Hanaregojya-jyou/castle    There are shrines near the center of the hill   If you go to southeast from the shrine's land there are three or four flat lands  The largest flat land of there is called Tyuubei.-buro “an area with windbreak-trees around the large building as shrine”    It is said that there was a way down at right angles to Sayotani-kaidou/street from Tyuubei-buro    If you go down Sayotani-kaidou, you will reach the ruins of Sayotani-jyou    The a house-shaped tomb and a stone pillar are enshrined in the corner of the garden of 5718 Kamitake-Koya    When the housing land is maintained, those were collected, many round natural stones are dedicated in the house shape tomb    The house owner tell me that 「there were a lot more round stones on the garden before the garden-maintenance   We guess this were things that was enshrined for memory of the spirits of unknown warriors    Clear water rose at the valley where is the north eastern back mountain-foot from 5718, It is using as a source of water even now」    The house master tell me that 「There was a spring springing cold water at the more nearby his house before    The largest flat land of there is called Tyuubei.-buro」

小屋城(仮称) Koyaj-you castle

離小屋城があるならば、母屋である小屋城があってしかるべきと考えました。大村浄水場の北に 東へ進む山道があります。この山道を進むと 北緯34度49分48秒東経133度39分32秒に円形の広大な平坦地に出ます。周囲は 険しい山肌です。かつて 町営公園(野球場)が 造られていたそうで、猪垣Inogakiや ベンチ等が 壊れたまま放置されています。

元公園が 離小屋城の親城跡であるとすれば、出城として目立つ位置に 離小屋城を備え、佐与谷街道の警戒や 佐与谷城(大離城)への 情報中継場(狼煙場)の役割を持たせたのかも知れません。そうであれば 離小屋城を 目がけて駈け登った敵兵を 背後から 挟み撃ちできます。ここが 運動場 整備前から 同じような地形であったのか 昔の地勢図を見たくなります。しかし この場所が 城跡とする資料は ありません。  If there was Hanare-goya-jyou, I think that there should be a Koya-jyoue which was the main castle    There is a mountain path to the east on the north of Òmura water purification plant    If you go along this mountain path to the east, you will reach a vast circular flat land at 34 degrees 49 minutes 48 seconds north latitude and 133 degrees 39 minutes 32 seconds east longitude    The surroundings of the flat land are steep mountain slopes    In the past, the town park “baseball field” was built    The broken fences for wild boar and broken benches are was leaving    If the former park is the castle ruins of the parent castle of the Hanare-goya-jyou, maybe Hanare-goya-jyou was given the role of monitoring Sayotani-kaidou and the role of an information relay station “signal fire place” by building Hanare-goya-jyou in a prominent position as a branch castle    if I guess right, Koya-jyou and Hanare-goya-jyou could be attack the enemy soldiers who climbed up to the Hanare-goya-jyou, on both sides   I want to see the terrain map before the playground is maintained    上竹5718番地の南の池:北緯34度49分26秒東経133度39分35秒 上竹5718番地の北西の水源:北緯34度49分28秒東経133度39分30秒 馬場道ノ下:上竹5570・5571番地 コヤガ鼻:上竹5648番地 小ヤ:上竹5718(北緯34度49分29秒東経133度39分35秒)・ 5742(北緯34度49分40秒東経133度39分40秒)・5744・ 5746(北緯34度49分49秒東経133度39分47秒)・5752番地等  平成24年(2012年)4月3日